3 laps, 9.8k in 37.38, Very muddy but some fast stretches.
After my disasters of last seasons X/C 's I had what felt like my best race in many years, thanks to Pete Magill's advice [ only one hard session during race weeks].
Despite a sore throat since Wed I had really good legs, holding back at the start I started pushing the pace after a couple of mins, turning the race into a progression run, pushing harder and harder as the race went on, I don't think I've ever passed so many people before, it was awesome fun!
last season i had heavy legs from the start of each X/c and ran out of energy by half way, i hated each and every moment of those races, this time was so much better, at last I'm no longer over trained, still not at my best but making very good progress and most important of all I'm having fun again, so 2 good races [ 1.20 half marathon, best time in 5 years] and this X/C show Pete's training is working :]
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
16 miles on the roads , Running Naked!
Run Naked, check out this video :]

I can now run for 16 miles on the roads in my Nike Free's[modified] without any problems, this inc 10k steady down to meet up with the club at Ainsdale, followed by 11 hard efforts over 300 - 400m with ben, Simon,Neil and Brian. Once again conditions were extremely windy but we managed a very good work out. after arranging a lift for Saturdays X/C i said my good byes and headed for home the long way.
I ran the last 15 mins at a fast tempo pace finishing with 2 laps of a half mile loop, really pushing the gas peddle to the floor over the final 5 mins.felt much stronger this week :]
No more hard runs now until sat X/C.
16.00 m, 8 mph av, max speed 14mph =2.00
I can now run for 16 miles on the roads in my Nike Free's[modified] without any problems, this inc 10k steady down to meet up with the club at Ainsdale, followed by 11 hard efforts over 300 - 400m with ben, Simon,Neil and Brian. Once again conditions were extremely windy but we managed a very good work out. after arranging a lift for Saturdays X/C i said my good byes and headed for home the long way.
I ran the last 15 mins at a fast tempo pace finishing with 2 laps of a half mile loop, really pushing the gas peddle to the floor over the final 5 mins.felt much stronger this week :]
No more hard runs now until sat X/C.
16.00 m, 8 mph av, max speed 14mph =2.00
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Ryan Hall, 'SPEED'@
Wind and Rain, but hey lets look on the bright side at least it was warm :]
Sat 21st
Run with Paul around Parbold and Ashurst Beacon, lots of hills amd plenty of off rd running and mud -AWESOME!!! = 2.03
Fri 20th
Short run with Tess, felt 'good' = 24 min
Thur 19th
Long easy run with Tess over the big sandhills 'Lovin it' = 1.33
Wed 18th
run over sanddunes with tess plus Drills = 1.13
Club run, Hills plus finished off with 3 mile tempo run, hammered the last mile and 1/2 with wind behind me, 10-11 then 11.5 mph = 1.12
Tue 17th
Sandhills with Tess, easy = 1.04
Mon 16th
Club Session Fartlek, plus run down and back = 1.50
Friday, 20 November 2009
I love this advert

It reminds me about the bald guy who had rabbits tattooed onto his head, when asked why" He said " from a distance they look like hares!" :]
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Poor running form at Southport 10k and why you should do the club runs!
sadly there is still a belief that your natural style is best. The guy who ran like a gorilla is living proof that its not and a video of the race would prove what I'm saying, how many runners are getting injured, how many of them will still be running in 5 years. most runners rely on over padded shoes to cover up their sins, put them in a pair of Nike Free's and heavy heel striking would soon come to an end. Maybe there is a need for a Running school after all most running shops [ often the first contact for new runners] are only interested im selling you a pair of shoes!
I got a copy of Explosive running on Monday, I'd only been waiting 3 months for the book to be delivered by amazon.
This book goes into great detail on how to run correctly as well as showing common faults and how to correct them. there is also a good section on improving muscle strength so you can run with a better range of motion and faster leg turn over. think about this; over 90% of the time your legs are in the air with only there own weight as resistance, even hill running won't improve your muscles strength in this range!
The book is quite technical and not always a easy read but its worth the effort because this book gives the best advice I've come across in all the many books i've read, a must for all runners wanting to run faster and still be in the sport 5 years from now without major injury, on the other hand you might like running like a monkey:]
If you still train on your own you really should think about joining in on some of the club runs, not only will you run faster, your have loads more fun and even make some new Friends, Kenyan runners would never do there hard runs on their own so why should you?
Southport Club Runs
on a monday you have a choice of two runs;
Mon 6.30pm from Ainsdale station [by the spar] 5-6 miles with 8 -12 hard efforts, coach; Brian Davey, this is a great session, recommended!
mon 7.00pm christ the king school, easy steady run, 5-7 miles { remember not to run off and leave Carole behind!]
Wed 6.30pm fron Dunes fitness centre, speed session for all levels, great session, very popular, don't miss out!
8 and 9am, ainsdale pinewoods 7-14 miles, steady.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Saturday, 14 November 2009
I found this video of great interest, for a long time I've had sciatic and lower back problems, but I didn't realize that the position of my head could effect the rest of my posture.
I have a bad habit of looking down when I run, looking in a full length mirror, straight away I could see that by lifting my head into a neutral position my whole posture improved, now my head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles were in alignment!
I set off today on a long steady run over the big sand dunes then through the pinewoods, returning along the white post route back over the sandhills. I kept my head up and felt a big difference, before I was running with my head looking down and my butt was back [ like sitting in a bucket] now with everything in alignment I felt smoother and faster, I was landing more under my centre of gravity and I seemed to be almost floating over the soft sand instead of sinking into it, this was good!
after an hour and fifty minutes i came off the sandhills and headed for home, as I got to Selworthy rd I found the road blocked off by the police, after a shooting and hand grenade attack earlier this year it seems there was another attack with a bomb last night! READ REPORT

I took a longer route home but still finished 10 minutes faster then when i did this route a couple of weeks ago!
sun 15th
easy run with Tess on the sandhill 6, felt light on my feet and really enjoyed myself = 1.12
Sat 14th
Long steady run over the sand dunes and pinewoods = 2.06
Fri 13th
Had to take my bike for an MOT, so only had time to run back from the garage, then later run back to pick my bike up [ it passed, hurray!]
= 14 mins
Thur 12th
Long easy run, big sandhills with Tess, enjoyed the run = 1.45
Wed 11th
Two runs today, afternoon ran over the velvet trail inc Peter Magill's running drills = 45 mins
Evening, club run from Dunes fitness centre, 8 x 600m at 5.10-5.15 pace
= 53 mins
Tue 10th
Two runs, 54 mins easy sandhills plus evening run on the rd 34 mins
Mon 9th
Club session 10 x hill sprints plus run down and back = 1.37
Total = 9 hours 55 mins running
For an elite runner this 'time on feet' would add up to almost 100 miles per week, next year I might increase up to 12 hours or so as I build for London.
Following Pete Magill's plan of 1 hard, 1 less hard session plus a long run, the
rest of my training is at a easy aerobic pace.
Feeling much better and enjoying my running again.
Read the incredible story of Gilbert Tuhabonye
I have a bad habit of looking down when I run, looking in a full length mirror, straight away I could see that by lifting my head into a neutral position my whole posture improved, now my head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles were in alignment!
I set off today on a long steady run over the big sand dunes then through the pinewoods, returning along the white post route back over the sandhills. I kept my head up and felt a big difference, before I was running with my head looking down and my butt was back [ like sitting in a bucket] now with everything in alignment I felt smoother and faster, I was landing more under my centre of gravity and I seemed to be almost floating over the soft sand instead of sinking into it, this was good!
after an hour and fifty minutes i came off the sandhills and headed for home, as I got to Selworthy rd I found the road blocked off by the police, after a shooting and hand grenade attack earlier this year it seems there was another attack with a bomb last night! READ REPORT
I took a longer route home but still finished 10 minutes faster then when i did this route a couple of weeks ago!
sun 15th
easy run with Tess on the sandhill 6, felt light on my feet and really enjoyed myself = 1.12
Sat 14th
Long steady run over the sand dunes and pinewoods = 2.06
Fri 13th
Had to take my bike for an MOT, so only had time to run back from the garage, then later run back to pick my bike up [ it passed, hurray!]
= 14 mins
Thur 12th
Long easy run, big sandhills with Tess, enjoyed the run = 1.45
Wed 11th
Two runs today, afternoon ran over the velvet trail inc Peter Magill's running drills = 45 mins
Evening, club run from Dunes fitness centre, 8 x 600m at 5.10-5.15 pace
= 53 mins
Tue 10th
Two runs, 54 mins easy sandhills plus evening run on the rd 34 mins
Mon 9th
Club session 10 x hill sprints plus run down and back = 1.37
Total = 9 hours 55 mins running
For an elite runner this 'time on feet' would add up to almost 100 miles per week, next year I might increase up to 12 hours or so as I build for London.
Following Pete Magill's plan of 1 hard, 1 less hard session plus a long run, the
Feeling much better and enjoying my running again.
Read the incredible story of Gilbert Tuhabonye
Friday, 13 November 2009
Human Hunter - Attenborough - Life of Mammals
In this compelling clip, we see a tribesman runner persue his prey through the most harsh conditions in a gruelling eight hour chase. Thought provoking content from the BBC's Life of Mammals documentary series.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Training with Gilbert and the Gazelles.
Sing when you run!Found these cool video's, which go into more detail on how and how not to do your running drills.
check the 2nd video 1st [sorry they got in the wrong order].
by the way i still think it's better to think of driving the knee forward and not up which makes me bounce up to much!
Monday, 9 November 2009
I went with team mates Paul and Ben to the Lancaster 1/2, the rain stopped just in time for the race, but we were given a warning that a week of very heavy rain had left a lot of flooding out on the course.
Ben had a plan to break 1.20 [at just 21 he's made rapid progress this year] and Paul was looking for sub 1.30, after reading this I decided not to go for a time but to go out and race it, attacking the second half and overtaking as many runners as possible!
We started on a cycle track that follows the Lune river, I managed to get near the front with Ben, the first mile went by in 5.48, we soon moved off the tarmac path onto a dirt trail, 2 miles 11.38, 4 miles 23.54 and 5miles 30.02, I was getting carried along following Ben but decided to ease back a little and covered 6 miles in 36.12 at which point we turned off the cycle track and out onto the road, it was here we encountered the first of the flooding, the whole side of our carriageway was under water!
It was goodbye light weight running shoes as I splashed through ankle deep flood water, soon the road started climbing up the only real! hill on the course, up ahead Ben was stringing out a group and I focused on the first of the guys dropping of the back. Like a big cat predator I zoomed in on my prey looking for weakness, his shoulders were rolling and head tilted to the side in the strain to hold the pace, I surged and passed him then went in search of my next victim.
I passed two more guys on the 1 1/2 mile hill, I seemed to gain strength from there weakness, I was the 'hunter' out for the kill!
Once over the top the route took a left turn and I plunged downhill along a narrow lane then back onto a cycle track, at first it was muddy then all of a sudden it turned into a river! Flooded right across the track the only option was to splash through the freezing shin deep water, after 200m I got to the other side and tried to pick up my pace but my legs protested feeling heavy and numb from the shock of wadding through the icy water!
I shortened my stride and picked up my leg turn over in the hope of getting warm again, the next 2 miles were difficult, I was running in no man's land with the next runner about 30 sec ahead of me.
10 miles went by in 1.01.25, I was now on a wide empty road into a head wind, I surged to pick up speed and looked into the distance to check on my next victim!
by 11 miles I'd pulled my prey back to about 20 seconds, at 12 I was closing in ready for the kill, he heard my footsteps and accelerated away again, but all of a sudden his legs buckled under him, like a tiger taking out an antelope I charged passed on his right hand side just as we entered the running track for the last 400m.
I kicked hard and kept accelerating all the way to the line, covering the last 400m in about 80 sec. I took 10 sec out of the guy I passed [in only 400m] and it turned out I beat him for the first V 45 prize!
Ben ran 1.19.32 [new p.b.] and Paul 1.30.12.
Its been a frustrating summer running below my expectations but Pete Magill's advice has made me see I'd been over training and this race shows what I can do when I don't over do it!
Pete's right you need to train differently as you get older!
I'll leave what he told me below, its very good advice.
"3 hard workouts a week is absolutely insane for someone our age (I'm 48 too). I wouldn't last a month doing that. And I doubt you'd see any improvement, even in the first weeks. One hard workout, one long easy-paced run, and one less-hard workout combined with as much volume as your legs can comfortably handle is the best plan for our age. Also, we don't respond well to the excessively long tempo or the tempo runs tagged onto the end (or in the middle of) our long runs the way some younger athletes do.
One of my masters athletes who I'm currently training for the marathon called me before his half-Marathon 2 weeks ago. He was panicked because his friends told him I hadn't been training him hard enough - not enough distance and not enough long tempo, etc. I calmed him down. And he ended up running his half-marathon PR ... by 11 minutes.
Be smart. Be sensible. And good luck!!! Pete".
Ben had a plan to break 1.20 [at just 21 he's made rapid progress this year] and Paul was looking for sub 1.30, after reading this I decided not to go for a time but to go out and race it, attacking the second half and overtaking as many runners as possible!
We started on a cycle track that follows the Lune river, I managed to get near the front with Ben, the first mile went by in 5.48, we soon moved off the tarmac path onto a dirt trail, 2 miles 11.38, 4 miles 23.54 and 5miles 30.02, I was getting carried along following Ben but decided to ease back a little and covered 6 miles in 36.12 at which point we turned off the cycle track and out onto the road, it was here we encountered the first of the flooding, the whole side of our carriageway was under water!
It was goodbye light weight running shoes as I splashed through ankle deep flood water, soon the road started climbing up the only real! hill on the course, up ahead Ben was stringing out a group and I focused on the first of the guys dropping of the back. Like a big cat predator I zoomed in on my prey looking for weakness, his shoulders were rolling and head tilted to the side in the strain to hold the pace, I surged and passed him then went in search of my next victim.
I passed two more guys on the 1 1/2 mile hill, I seemed to gain strength from there weakness, I was the 'hunter' out for the kill!
Once over the top the route took a left turn and I plunged downhill along a narrow lane then back onto a cycle track, at first it was muddy then all of a sudden it turned into a river! Flooded right across the track the only option was to splash through the freezing shin deep water, after 200m I got to the other side and tried to pick up my pace but my legs protested feeling heavy and numb from the shock of wadding through the icy water!
I shortened my stride and picked up my leg turn over in the hope of getting warm again, the next 2 miles were difficult, I was running in no man's land with the next runner about 30 sec ahead of me.
10 miles went by in 1.01.25, I was now on a wide empty road into a head wind, I surged to pick up speed and looked into the distance to check on my next victim!
by 11 miles I'd pulled my prey back to about 20 seconds, at 12 I was closing in ready for the kill, he heard my footsteps and accelerated away again, but all of a sudden his legs buckled under him, like a tiger taking out an antelope I charged passed on his right hand side just as we entered the running track for the last 400m.
I kicked hard and kept accelerating all the way to the line, covering the last 400m in about 80 sec. I took 10 sec out of the guy I passed [in only 400m] and it turned out I beat him for the first V 45 prize!
Ben ran 1.19.32 [new p.b.] and Paul 1.30.12.
Its been a frustrating summer running below my expectations but Pete Magill's advice has made me see I'd been over training and this race shows what I can do when I don't over do it!
Pete's right you need to train differently as you get older!
I'll leave what he told me below, its very good advice.
"3 hard workouts a week is absolutely insane for someone our age (I'm 48 too). I wouldn't last a month doing that. And I doubt you'd see any improvement, even in the first weeks. One hard workout, one long easy-paced run, and one less-hard workout combined with as much volume as your legs can comfortably handle is the best plan for our age. Also, we don't respond well to the excessively long tempo or the tempo runs tagged onto the end (or in the middle of) our long runs the way some younger athletes do.
One of my masters athletes who I'm currently training for the marathon called me before his half-Marathon 2 weeks ago. He was panicked because his friends told him I hadn't been training him hard enough - not enough distance and not enough long tempo, etc. I calmed him down. And he ended up running his half-marathon PR ... by 11 minutes.
Be smart. Be sensible. And good luck!!! Pete".
Sunday, 8 November 2009
1 hour 20 at Lancaster 1/2 Marathon, my fastest time in 5 years!
Flooded cycle tracks and roads made this 1/2 seem more like a X/C race, but I powered round to finish in 1.20.30 and first V45, THANKS GO OUT TO PETER MAGILL FOR TRAINING ADVICE.
Report to follow.
Report to follow.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Dr. Gabriele Rosa's Marathon Training
Dr Gabriele Rosa is arguably the world’s greatest marathon coach. His athletes, mostly Kenyan, have won every major marathon on Earth.
Rosa-coached athletes have won world cross country titles, world track titles, Olympic medals and set numerous world and marathon course records.READ MORE
How the Kenyans Take On New York
Rosa-coached athletes have won world cross country titles, world track titles, Olympic medals and set numerous world and marathon course records.READ MORE
How the Kenyans Take On New York
Paul Tergat: Running to the Limit; His Life and His Training Secrets
READ THE BOOK HERERUNNING IN THE ZONE, a book of inspiration for the seasoned athlete!
Yes it's cold, wet and windy outside, so put on your reading cap, stock up the wood fire and snuggle up with a hot mug of tea and READ THIS BOOK
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Physical Benefits of Backward Running
CLICK HEREWorld Records for Backwards Running
Thanks to JON for links
Monday, 2 November 2009
Oops!...I Did It Again
After saying I'd stick to Pete Magill's advise and run only two hard sessions per week I went and ran two interval sessions and a race on Sunday! RACE REPORT
My legs didn't really thank me for it, oh well there is always a half marathon on Sunday to get it right,right!!!
My legs didn't really thank me for it, oh well there is always a half marathon on Sunday to get it right,right!!!
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