Wednesday, 28 September 2011
London Marathon 2012
This will be my 9th London, this time I'm 100% determined to get it right and break 2.45.
In the past I've said I want to be a 2.45 runner and now I've learned that is a mistake!
You see to say that means I want to be a 2.45 runner some time in the future, but what I really should say to myself is " I am a 2.45 runner"!
I need to dream, act and behave like a 2.45 runner NOW!
Only believing 100% 'Now' will bring my desire true!
For 'Now' is the only time we live in!
I came across a good article by Steve Magness looking into the training of some all time great runners; Steve Cram, Steve Ovett, John Walker and many more, one thing they all did was building a massive base of aerobic training first before moving on to harder training.
As I said in my last post I think this base training is the key to me achieving my best possible potential.
Cutting out sugary cereals from my diet has made an amazing difference to my body weight in a very short time, since the summer I have dropped from 11st 10lb to only 11st my lightest weight for a long time!
FACT; we all know excess body weight will slow us down due to having to lift that weight on each stride but one think we often forget is that extra body fat acts like an insulator stopping the heat we build up while running hard escaping, causing over heating and even heat stroke in extreme conditions.
We all train our bodies when we run BUT training your mind will bring even greater achievements.
Remember your mind controls your what body will do and sets the limits.
Learn how to free your mind and push your limits sky high and beyond!
Until the next time, Rick
Back To Lydiard Training!
I will then move into Marius Bakkens Marathon plan at the start of next year with the aim of once and for all smashing the 2.45 barrier!
Why The Lydiard base?
Well I had very good results off his base training in 2007 when I ran an amazing sub 6 pace in a very hilly 8.5 mile race and followed that up with a 58.28 10 mile race in sub zero temps in the middle of Nov, I also remember doing a 10K trail race run on mostly dirt trails and sand at close to 6 min mile pace to finish 4th.
Marius Bakken's training programme has worked very well for me over the last two years with a Marathon P.B. last year and 1/2 Marathon P.B.s both last year and this year where I ran an amazing 77 mins for first M 50 at the Liverpool Half.
But I think starting his programme with a better base will lift my fitness to new heights, I will consult Marius first before going ahead with my plan, but I do think it's a good one!
The Lydiard programme I've used before is based on his original and I think best plan, I think later Lydiard programmes where watered down to much for the average Joe public!
I like his hard core early 1960's programme :0]
My modified version looks something like this;
Mon fartlek session. 1.30 hours
Tue easy 1 hour
wed alternating over 3 weeks- 3miles, 6 miles or 10 mile tempo run at up to MP pace.
Thur easy with 6 x strides at end. 1 hour
Sat 1.30-2 hours easy-steady
Sun 1-1.30 hours easy.
Every 4th week will be a reduced mileage week to make sure I stay fresh.
This worked very well for me before, so think it will again.
What do you think?
Interested to hear your answers, cheers Rick
Scott Overall blogs about his amazing 5th place at Berlin
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Success Through Failure!
Thanks to Scott for his comments;
Hope you're over the mountain half you did recently. No such thing as a smooth ride and a never ending steady progression of good to better races in the sport. Bound to have a few shockers along the way!
But you of all people know that it's the bad races that make the good ones so good. Don't give up! Ewen and I promise to tell you when we think you've had enough ;)
Yes thanks Scott,
In 30 years of cycle racing and Running I've had more than a few failures along the way but by not giving up gone on to have some pretty sweet success as a result.
I was reading this book today that sums it up;
Through failure, you get to know success and how to get there. How else would you know what success tastes like if you did not know what it does not taste like? And how would you get there without knowing how to? Think about that. Failure is an integral part of success. Failure is actually a successive moment that leads to ultimate success. Failure is not the opposite of success, a separate entity from success.
Failure is success, it is the same thing but they are on different ends of that spectrum, the spectrum of achievement. It is just like hot and cold are different ends of the spectrum of temperature, or a thermometer. Failure and success are both different vibrations of the same thing.
Failure is not failure as such. It is only truly failure when you accept it as the end. But if you accept it as a blessed part of the process, a part that helps you succeed further, and know what this further success tastes like, then you can never ever possibly fail, ever. Failure is an illusion. Stop fearing it; love it for the gifts it brings you.
By David Cameron Gikandi
Monday, 26 September 2011
SCOTT OVERALL Britains New Amazing Marathon Runner!
SCOTT OVERALL admitted he couldn't believe his time after finishing fifth in a world-class field on his marathon debut.
Overall — who was an usher at Mo Farah's wedding last year having known the newly crowned world champion since they were teenagers — clocked 2:10.55 in the Berlin Marathon, more than a minute within the qualifying time for London 2012.
He was the first non-African over the line in Berlin READ MORE
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Great Langdale Mountain Marathon Winner 2011
Steve makes his dream come true!
Steve if you see this please let me know about your training leading up to your great win, I'm sure many of us here would be very interested in you training build up for this amazing WIN :0]
contact me at
Great Langdale Mountain Marathon And Half Marathon

Steve use to train with Southport Waterloo A/C a few years ago before moving to Scotland, so it was good to see him get a well earned victory,
Steve's progress has been impressive running 3.23 in 2009, 3.15 in 2010 and a very impressive 3.04 this year for the win!
Bear in mind this is the 'Hardest road marathon in the UK!' Quote from Ron Hill no less.
In the Half Marathon Rob McGrath had an amazing comeback with 1.32 [after a serious knee operation last year].
I had my worst run ever [ I blame a heavy night shift and no sleep, thoughts of retiring from the sport many times crossed my mind as I suffered my way round the many climbs on dead legs for 1.34!
Paul Cain had a good run for 1.39, also running was Andy Hudson, Vicky, Paul and Rachel.
Photo's link here tomorrow.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Results - Rubbish 5k Handicap - 21/9/11o
Name Time Taken Position Handicap Total
1 M Lavender 27:27 20 00:00 27:27 1
2 M Nelson 19:17 4 09:30 28:47 2
3 P Cain 19:55 8 09:00 28:55 3
3 P Ashby 19:55 8 09:00 28:55 3
5 S Lewis 18:27 1 10:30 28:57 5
6 R Bowker 18:28 2 10:30 28:58 6
7 H Rigg 25:30 18 03:30 29:00 7
8 P Talbot 19:31 6 09:30 29:01 8
8 C Cutner 25:01 17 04:00 29:01 8
10 S Reynolds 29:10 21 00:00 29:10 10
12 A Hudson 19:19 5 10:00 29:19 12
11 A Holt 20:17 10 09:00 29:17 11
13 S Marshall 29:20 22 00:00 29:20 13
14 T Peters 20:26 11 09:00 29:26 14
15 N Silcock 20:32 13 09:00 29:32 15
16 S Stewart 26:04 19 03:30 29:34 16
17 R McGrath 19:06 3 10:30 29:36 17
18 R Johnson 19:51 7 10:00 29:51 18
19 M Tobin 21:55 15 08:00 29:55 19
20 S Tobin 20:30 12 09:30 30:00 20
21 K Lunt 21:17 14 09:30 30:47 21
22 R Cosgrove 23:08 16 08:00 31:08 22
23 L Rigg 33:34 23 00:00 33:34 23
dnf B Grice dnf dnfa-e061-ec1057
Note Jon Singleton was left off the results but ran 27.40
Position Name Time
1 S Lewis 00:18:27
2 R Bowker 00:18:28
3 R McGrath 00:19:06
4 M Nelson 00:19:17
5 A Hudson 00:19:19
6 P Talbot 00:19:31
7 R Johnson 00:19:51
8 P Cain 00:19:55
9 P Ashby 00:19:55
10 A Holt 00:20:17
11 T Peters 00:20:26
12 S Tobin 00:20:30
13 N Silcock 00:20:32
14 K Lunt 00:21:17
15 M Tobin 00:21:55
16 R Cosgrove 00:23:08
17 C Cutner 00:25:01
18 H Rigg 00:25:30
19 S Stewart 00:26:04
20 M Lavender 00:27:27
21 Jon Singleton 00:27:40
22 S Reynolds 00:29:10
23 S Marshall 00:29:20
24 L Rigg 00:33:34
dnf B GriceC%
Evolution Of A Runner And The Power Of The Mind!
I've trained my body to it;s very limits since the age of 24 but maybe not my mind!
Since becoming interested in the work of Bruce Lipton I've decided to re-train my mind so I can push back the limits and remove the boundaries of what is possible, it's going to be an interesting journey for sure!
More details later.
Sandhills 6
I guess we all have our favourite routes we use for tempo runs or time trials, I've been using the sandhill 6 route since 2003 with a best time of 33.54 set back in 2005.
On Thur I ran my fastest time of the year with 35.03.
Quite pleased with that as I had done an interval session with the club on Wed and a mega session of 20 x 400 M on Monday, starting at 10K pace [5.40] and gradually building up to 5K plus pace [5.18] at the end!
Felt strong :0]
RUBBISH 5K 21st Sep at 7pm
We will now have chip timing at this event thanks to Steve McLean
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
The Real Truth About The Bible, Egypt And The Masons, Amazing Stuff!
Friday, 9 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Sunday, 4 September 2011
The route to good health and happiness!
A must listen!