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Pete Magill Stats
Born: June 19, 1961
Lives: South Pasadena, CA
Masters PRs: 1500m: 3:55.42, 3,000m: 8:31.08, 5k: 14:34.27, 10k: 31:27.30
Masters' Log
Typical two weeks of training for Magill (pace of training runs varies from 6:00 to 8:00/mile depending on how his body feels):
Sunday: Medium run (approximately 10–11 miles)
Monday: a.m. --- Short run (approximately 5–6 miles) p.m. -- Medium run
Tuesday: a.m. -- Short run p.m. --- 3-mile warm-up, 20 x 400m @ 5K effort (approximately 70 seconds) with 100m jog recoveries; 3-mile warm-down
Wednesday: Medium run
Thursday: a.m. -- Short run; p.m. -- Medium run
Friday: a.m. -- Short run; p.m. -- Technique drills; short run afterward
Saturday: Long run (approximately 14-15 miles)
Second week:
Same, except Tuesday p.m. speed work, which he exchanges for 3 x set of 1 mile at 15K pace, 1200m at 5K pace, 800m at 3K pace, 400m at mile pace; all with 400m jog recoveries; 3-mile warm-up and 2-mile warm-down. If race on Saturday, he does only one workout on Thursday (medium run) and Friday (20 minutes of jogging and stretching).
Training philosophy
"Put away your watch, stop counting miles and start listening to the body. Our bodies will tell us more accurately how fast and far to run than a watch or training log ever can. And our bodies will warn us when we're courting disaster - injury or overtraining - long before our minds are willing to accept the premise. More importantly, when we learn to listen to our bodies, we learn how to race."