On a Indian summers evening with the sun setting behind the hill it was time for the 'PAIN IS GOOD' RUBBISH 5K Handicap.
After the words of my coach still ringing in my ears I was out to prove that I could run a well paced race. I set off with Steve McLean and Ben Johnson some 9 mins after the first runners, Steve had read my blog and was out to test me by shouting off with a powerful surge that surprised me for sure, but I wasn't tempted to chase and got into my own steady rhythm, Ben pulled passed and so now I was 3rd in line!
Just before the first mile I overtook Ben and then just after crossing over the new bridge I latched onto Steve, I quickly passed him then set about forcing the pace going into the second lap. I was red lining now but it felt good and I was running in that beautiful RUNNERS place 'THE ZONE'. I was working on a fast and powerful knee drive [
Technique drills and hill reps (long and short) both focus on knee lift - and on strengthening and conditioning the muscles used in knee lift. When trained, it's an incredibly efficient motion that I like to describe as having your knees just "pop" - rise effortlessly without any "drive" on your part at all! Good knee lift leads to good stride length. And well conditioned knee lift leads to an ability to maintain that lift through the latter part of a race.
Remember that knee lift is the most important component of stride length - and also remember that the upper leg is like a hinge. It swings up and down. Good runners have always known that effective running is something that takes place in front of your torso.
It seemed to work as I was now running my fastest trail 5k of the year. with 400 m to go I turned the last bend and kicked for home up the hill, I could hear heavy breathing behind me so with 200 m to go I kicked again now reaching in excess of 12 mph. Just before the line Ben comes flying past for 14th place on the handicap time, steve comes in just behind.I finish with 18.03 my fastest time of the series!
Young Mathew Tobin was the first to cross the line knocking almost 2 mins off his best time, he will be one to look out for in the coming X/C season! Well done Mathew, the 'PAIN IS GOOD' Rubbish 5k handicap trophy with be wheeling its way to you, once I've bought it!!!
Sheila Marshall won the overall Womens series [ 4 races to count] and Steve McLean wins the Mens overall, 42 different runners have taken part in the series and the feed back I got was that you all enjoyed the event, so God willing The Rubbish 5 will be back next May and look out for a special 'Winter Warmer 'the pain is good 5k' this winter [ keep checking this blog for details].
Special thanks go out to Sarah and Rob who I volunteered for special duties! And thanks to all you guys who turned up and ran or helped out, CHEERS!
Well done Rick
certainly not "rubbish" time on that kind of course. Knee lift you say...I'll try a bit of that.
I think Barry would be happy with that race Rick - maybe his hair won't go grey after all.
Sub-18 next time!
Thanks for the knee-popping tip - I'm going to work on that.
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