I will soon be consulting with Barry Magee on when to start my Marathon build up after getting my London Marathon acceptance. Exciting times ahead!
Sat 3rd
Long steady run with Tess over the big sandhills and through the pinewoods, very windy! =2.16
Fri 2nd
Easy run with Niz along the velvet trail
= 33.30
Thur 1st
5k tempo run [road] 3.11 miles at 10.0 mph av, 6.00 min per mile pace, this was 8 sec per mile slower than my best time just before the London marathon in April. 18.39, total with warm up/cooldown
=50 mins.
Wed 30th
Long easy run over the big sand dunes , inc running drills, felt very tired, =1.38
Tue 29th
6 mile tempo run on the Clieves hill circuit, 1min 6 sec faster than last month [ felt quite strong] 6.17 p, 9.5 mph av, 37.44, total time = 1.17
Mon 28th
Easy fartlek session on the sandhill 6 course.
30 sec-1 min-2 min-3 min-3 min - 2 min - 1 min - 30 sec with = recovery
= 1.07
Congratulations. You're just about the only runner I "know" who got in. All the Irish lads and lasses here got rejection letters.
Yes my wife and some of my friends got rejection letters today.
I was lucky having a good for age place.
But one has to ask how many places go to charities and big businesses!!!
Congrats and good luck with the training. :)
Sounds harded to get into than Ewen's wallet! Happy days Rick! All the best with the build up to it.
You're right about that Scott! That's why I say a H U G E congrats Rick.
Now Barry can get to work!
Thats very funny about EWEN'S WALLET!
BUT I'M SURE HE COULD NOT BEAT A GUY i KNOW WHO WENT TO THE BAR AND SAID HE'D BY EVERYONE A DRINK [all 10 of us] problem was he only had £5.00 on him, so cunningly he had to borrow the money from the rest of us!!!
Sorry to hear about Niz getting a rejection letter. That would have been fun, if you could have both run it.
Steady Ed.
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