Back in 2004 we went to CLUB LASANTA and on one of the days we went to their RUNNING SCHOOL, a very attractive sexy Irish girl checked out our running styles and showed me how to lean forward to improve running efficiency!
By leaning your whole body forward from the ankles not only do you take advantage of the pull of gravity but you also land under your center of gravity, if you run upright your landing foot will land in front of your center of gravity causing a breaking affect and also you have to use your leg muscles to pull your body weight forward until you are directly over your landing foot, very wasteful!
i used the forward lean to smash my p.b.s for both 5k and the 1/2 marathon in 2004. I also won the CLUB LASANTA 10k and 1/2 marathon.
Thur 18th
Arthur Lydiard leg speed session
With Rob, Steady Eddie and Tracey, 6 x 160m
Wed 17th
Easy in the sandhills = 36mins
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