Saturday 1 December 2012

Are you left brain or right brian dominate?

To demonstrate how your brain works TRY THIS:

Say the COLOUR of the word
left brain right brain thinking
Your right brain tries to say the colour, BUT your left brain insists on reading the word. This shows us once more how our left brain is dominant.

Left Brain Right Brain Functions

left brain vs right brain There is a widespread discussion about the validity of brain lateralization, and research into the subject is ongoing.
But let me tell you what we do know:
Our left brain is the reasonable and logic side. That is where we control time, or try to have an objective overview in a given situation.
The ability to move to a rhythm is often dominated by the left side of the brain, melody is dominatly in the right side.
While we chose the words with the left brain, we chose the tone of voice with our right brain.
We process our emotions with the right side. The right brain keeps us in the present, while the left analyzes the past and plans for the future. The right side talks subjectivly about events and rather feels into a situation.
  Binaural Beats; synchronise your brain  CLICK HERE


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