Friday, 8 July 2011

How Running Off Road Can Help You Overcome Injury Problems!

Since switching to running off road [ grass -sand] I've been able to run four days in a row and felt my calf muscle get stronger with each run.

Amazingly running on the very springy grass oval at the side of Victoria park I've found I can run really fast without any problems, getting down to 5.13 pace for a 400m loop!
I've been starting my runs with a 3/4 mile warm up walk down to the park, followed by an easy run round the velvet trail. finishing off with some strides [30 sec run-30 walk] on the grass oval and also gradually adding some 400m loops at a good pace.
On my run home on the road I've followed Sarah Halls advice and run really slowly with a shortened stride to avoid the impact from the road.
As soon I finish my runs I make sure to stretch out the calf muscles which should help the new muscle fibers from shortening and becoming injured again!
1/2 mile walk followed by run to Busters lagoon and back, then 4 x 400m and strides [max 14.2 mph] on grass oval = 1 hour 16 mins
3/4 mile walk followed by run round the Velvet Trail then 3x 400m and strides on grass
=45 mins
Visit to Sarah Hall for treatment on calf.
3/4 mile walk followed by very easy run round the Velvet Trail then strides on grass oval
= 40 mins
Ran to park but calf started to lock up after only 3/4 mile on road!
Walked for a bit then did some easy strides on grass oval.
Calf very sore after run :0[
Bike ride with 5 x 1 mile hill loops pushed very hard.
= 42 mins

Is barefoot running on Tarmac Natural for the body?
If you look at Kenyan runners who ran barefoot from an early age you will find that they did this on soft dirt roads and not unforgiving hard surfaces such as Tarmac or concrete!
Based on my own findings using the Saucony Hattori I think I'll keep them for fast sessions on the grass only, I think my body needs more padding when road running!
Wish List



bricey said...

It's good to see that things are coming along. Injuries can be frustrating but patience is always the solution .. I know :)


Thanks Bricey,
I follow in your footsteps , I will be back :0]