Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
UPDATED: 2011 Western States 100 Final Mile with Kilian Jornet
Kilian Jornet Post-2011 Western States 100 Interview
Ellie Greenwood Post-2011 Western States 100 Interview
Oh what a babe, I'd heard podcasts with Ellie and had this impression of her as a short, slightly stumpy gal with cropped bleached blonde hair!How wrong can a guy be!
I should have known better!
Because I have women drooling at the mouth on the phone with my sexy voice, only to have them run a 100m faster than a drug crazed Ben Johnson when they see me in real life :0[
Still no running, being patient, plan to start with run-walks on Wed then every other day with cycling sessions in-between for the first week back.
Marius Bakken sent me a personnel email giving his recommendations on how to recover from the calf muscle tear.
He recommends some deep massage every other day and starting back with the run walks, also recommends changing shoes!
Cycle hill sprints and weight and core training.
Sprinted up Selworthy Rd hill until my legs couldn't take any more.
= 46 mins
Sunday, 26 June 2011
To Stretch Or Not To Stretch That Is The Question?
"Running Stretches, Are They Effective And Injury Preventing...And What Is The Best Way"
BY Marius BakkenStretching for running is a much discussed topic. You are in from a run and ready for a shower. But before that, some light running stretches.
Because you have always done so and because it is suppose to be injury preventing and at the same time increase general running economy.
A common question from runners is : should I be stretching after a run ?
I want to tell you a story about this : a few years ago I was in Kenya on one of my regular altitude trainings.
High up in the Rift Valley where most of the great Kenyans do their training.
Right beforehand I had a discussion with one of the experts on stretching in the Olympic team. We disagreed on whether or not I should do stretching in my training or not.
RicksRunning Says:
Just got some really good advise on how to treat my calf injury from Marius Bakken, will report back soon.
It does seem doing static stretching made my injury worse!
sweatscience Alex Hutchinson
KiIian conquers all!
Here on RicksRunning we have featured Kilian's videos for at least two years, so I'm really pleased that he has hit the big time with an amazing achievement at the Western States 100
Saturday, 25 June 2011
I've Got A Bike!
Had to dig my old racing bike out of the spare room and find my cycling shoes which were stored up in the loft [an exercise in it's self!] , the calf muscle is no better!
After 18 years it was time to start some cycle training again!
Now I remember reading in Peak Performance magazine how they got a group of runners to replace 3 of their runs a week with cycle hill sprinting [out of the saddle], seems they all improved there 5K times [not how sure how fit they were to start with?].
Anyway, I did have a really good year running in the summer of 2003, was it by any coincidence that I use to cycle to work and back [2 miles each way] Riding a very big gear out of the saddle all the way?
The idea I guess is to really work on the muscles you use for running, so I did 10 miles which included many efforts up the short hills of Selworthy Rd and surrounding area.
Well first was the shock and realization that I'm just not as powerful on the bike as my prime days!
Oh well I still got a bloody good workout and I was grovelling by the end!
The cycling gave my calf muscle no problems which is a good deal as the muscle is getting increased circulation as well as making it stronger which hopefully should speed up the recovery process!
Well that;s it for now!
Not sure why but I really like the cover song By Danny and his Daughter doing Sid Barrett's BIKE , pretty sure it would put a smile on Sid's face if he was still around!
OK and here's Danny and Jasmine doing a real classic!
Friday, 24 June 2011
It seem he's saying everything he wrote on running form in the book Brain Training For Runners is incorrect!
I have to say I didn't find the section on running form in his old book very helpful and infact later found out that some of what he was saying was to be honest pure rubbish!
Have you read his latest articles and what do you think?
Good Running Form Is A Matter Of Not Being Lazy
Incredible Running Technique Breakthroughs
Anyway I was reading his latest books preview on google books and read a really good article on the great Geb, I recommend you read it and check out page 3
Renato Canova Takes on American Marathoners
Nine aspiring Americans will be tutored towards the Olympic trials by the master coach
Get Serious: A 12-Week Renato Canova Marathon Training Plan
Do the speedwork first and build endurance later? Is that any way to train for a marathon? Yes, say some of the world's best runners. This 12-week plan turns the typical training program upside down--with incredible results. By Scott DouglasREAD HERE
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
Hungry Trees

Bark n' bite: The hungry trees that devour everyday objects
Strength and Stability Training for Distance Runners
UPDATED; Mass Disqualifications at Freckleton Half Marathon And Amazing Mountain Running Video!
Beautifully produced video and one truly amazing Athlete!
Southport Waterloo Athletes move up the rankings after mass disqualifications at Freckleton Half Marathon.
Photo; Fellow blogger Marty, Matt and Stevie

Stevie Lewis left this comment concerning the disqualifications;
Stevie L said...
Brian Porter (Frecleton Race director) over on RW forums says:
Looks a bit on the harsh side to me.
There were a lot of runners who had folded their numbers so the sponsors names weren't visible. Check the UKA rules filks. We were all running under them. Numbers must not be folded, altered or mutilated.
But they probably weren't disqualified for folding the number.
My guess (and it's only a guess) is that after being warned by the referee they were then abusive to him. Abuse of a race official will result in a disqualification.
In my experience as a referee if people have accepted the warning I've let it go but if they have then been abusive I've DQ'd them.
Hope this helps
On a more positive note I thoroughly enjoyed the race
I've been speaking to a few people today about these disqualifications.
On reflection I'm inclined now to agree with the decision of the race referee for the following reasons:
It states in the pre race instructions that everyone received with their number that numbers must be worn on the front and must not be folded.
"Numbers must not be folded or altered in any way. The sponsors pay for their name to be on the number. Please make sure their name can be seen."
This information is also on the race web site along with a copy of the UKA rules for road running.
That said, it seems people were warned about folding numbers initially. They were disqualified for the abuse they gave the referee in response to the warning.
Stevie now moves up to 28th overall.
Pos | Num | Forename | Surname | Category | Club | ChipTime | GunTime |
1 | 1 | Ben | FISH | M21 to 34 | Blackburn Harriers | 01:11:02 | 01:11:03 |
2 | 6 | John | MASON | M21 to 34 | 01:11:26 | 01:11:26 | |
3 | 612 | Stuart | ROBINSON | M21 to 34 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:12:19 | 01:12:19 |
4 | 748 | Gary | PENNINGTON | M40 to 44 | Preston Harriers | 01:14:43 | 01:14:44 |
5 | 722 | Justin | MITCHELL | M35 to 39 | Woking AC | 01:15:55 | 01:15:56 |
6 | 734 | Steve | HALLAS | M35 to 39 | Preston Harriers | 01:17:41 | 01:17:41 |
7 | 356 | Darren | WASHINGTON | M40 to 44 | City Of Stoke | 01:19:23 | 01:19:24 |
8 | 110 | Stuart | CARROLL | M40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:19:34 | 01:19:35 |
9 | 457 | Andrew | DRAPER | M21 to 34 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:19:48 | 01:19:49 |
10 | 705 | Greg | CALLAGHAN | M45 to 49 | Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton H | 01:19:54 | 01:19:55 |
11 | 642 | Nigel | THOMPSON | M45 to 49 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:20:23 | 01:20:25 |
12 | 293 | Anthony | BARBAT | M50 to 54 | Wallasey A.C. | 01:20:54 | 01:20:55 |
13 | 583 | Karl | LEE | M21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:21:33 | 01:21:34 |
14 | 512 | Leslie | CORNWALL | M21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:21:48 | 01:21:48 |
15 | 23 | Jason | BARLOW | M40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:22:13 | 01:22:15 |
16 | 40 | Darren | SPENCER | M40 to 44 | Mablethorpe Running Club | 01:22:25 | 01:22:26 |
17 | 746 | Aaron | LOWERY | M21 to 34 | Leeds City AC | 01:22:32 | 01:22:33 |
18 | 743 | Steve | MARKLEW | M45 to 49 | Royal Sutton Coldfield AC | 01:22:56 | 01:22:56 |
19 | 205 | David | McBRIDE | M35 to 39 | Royton Road Runners | 01:23:38 | 01:23:40 |
20 | 711 | Jamie | ANDERSON | M21 to 34 | Telford Harriers | 01:23:53 | 01:23:56 |
21 | 162 | Ian | BISHOP | M40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:24:25 | 01:24:27 |
22 | 14 | Robert Anthony | DANSON | M20 and under | 01:24:28 | 01:24:30 | |
23 | 723 | Caroline | BETMEAD | F35 to 39 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:24:49 | 01:24:50 |
24 | 232 | Jonny | McKENNA | M21 to 34 | 01:25:08 | 01:25:11 | |
25 | 603 | Christopher | TULLY | M21 to 34 | Preston Harriers | 01:25:11 | 01:25:14 |
26 | 545 | Lee | BARLOW | M35 to 39 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:25:18 | 01:25:20 |
27 | 662 | Richard | JONES | M21 to 34 | Garstang Running Club | 01:24:37 | 01:25:26 |
28 | 695 | Steve | LEWIS | M35 to 39 | Southport Waterloo AC | 01:25:32 | 01:25:35 |
29 | 715 | David | WILLIAMS | M35 to 39 | Les Croupiers | 01:25:48 | 01:25:49 |
30 | 738 | Peter | GILLESPIE | M45 to 49 | Redhill Road Runners | 01:26:00 | 01:26:04 |
31 | 313 | Gema | ADAMS | F21 to 34 | Preston Harriers | 01:26:10 | 01:26:13 |
32 | 437 | Colin | GREEN | M40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:26:42 | 01:26:49 |
33 | 283 | John | COLLIER | M55 to 59 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:27:01 | 01:27:03 |
34 | 507 | Steve | COLEMAN | M45 to 49 | Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners | 01:27:27 | 01:27:31 |
35 | 648 | Jamie | COOK | M21 to 34 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:27:33 | 01:27:37 |
36 | 229 | Bill | BALMER | M40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:27:33 | 01:27:42 |
37 | 567 | John | McMANNIMAN | M35 to 39 | Liverpool Running Club | 01:27:55 | 01:27:56 |
38 | 736 | Martin | BATES | M50 to 54 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:27:55 | 01:28:00 |
39 | 737 | Luke | SAXTON | M21 to 34 | 01:28:00 | 01:28:04 | |
40 | 741 | Ian | MASON | M45 to 49 | Askern DRC | 01:28:15 | 01:28:19 |
41 | 558 | Russ | CORSINI | M50 to 54 | Darwen Dashers | 01:28:36 | 01:28:38 |
42 | 156 | David | EMANUEL | M45 to 49 | Royton Road Runners | 01:28:40 | 01:28:46 |
43 | 508 | Joanna | GOORNEY | F40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:28:44 | 01:28:46 |
44 | 580 | Chris | GRAYSON | M40 to 44 | Blackburn Road Runners | 01:28:47 | 01:28:51 |
45 | 619 | Nathan | WALSH | M21 to 34 | 01:28:50 | 01:28:53 | |
46 | 717 | Ian | WRIGHT | M45 to 49 | 01:28:55 | 01:29:09 | |
47 | 613 | Alan | MARSHALL | M50 to 54 | Eden Runners | 01:29:26 | 01:29:41 |
48 | 73 | Alison | SEDMAN | F45 to 49 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:29:49 | 01:29:51 |
49 | 686 | Simon | DENYE | M35 to 39 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:29:53 | 01:29:54 |
50 | 25 | Peter | GIBSON | M21 to 34 | 01:29:56 | 01:29:58 | |
51 | 434 | Robert Graham | MOFFAT | M21 to 34 | Howgill Harriers | 01:29:47 | 01:30:03 |
52 | 747 | Matthew | NELSON | M50 to 54 | Southport Waterloo AC | 01:30:22 | 01:30:25 |
53 | 238 | Robert | McGRATH | M45 to 49 | Southport Waterloo AC | 01:30:28 | 01:30:32 |
54 | 462 | David | MELLOR | M55 to 59 | Stockport Harriers | 01:30:37 | 01:30:40 |
55 | 272 | Dave | SHACKLEY | M40 to 44 | Manchester Triathlon Club | 01:30:40 | 01:30:41 |
56 | 354 | Tony | PRITCHARD | M55 to 59 | Garstang Running Club | 01:30:34 | 01:30:41 |
57 | 98 | JOHN | OLIVER | M35 to 39 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:30:51 | 01:30:53 |
58 | 332 | Neil | PHILLIPS | M50 to 54 | 01:30:54 | 01:30:57 | |
59 | 510 | Andrew | TONGUE | M21 to 34 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:30:56 | 01:31:00 |
60 | 195 | Matthew | WRIGLEY | M21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:31:07 | 01:31:09 |
61 | 560 | David | TODD | M40 to 44 | Quakers Running Club | 01:31:04 | 01:31:14 |
62 | 220 | Dave | HALL | M50 to 54 | Royton Road Runners | 01:31:16 | 01:31:22 |
63 | 696 | Daniel | HUGHES | M21 to 34 | 01:31:21 | 01:31:26 | |
64 | 731 | Liza | BARRY | F21 to 34 | CLC Striders | 01:31:24 | 01:31:29 |
65 | 104 | Eric | GREEN | M50 to 54 | Valley Striders | 01:31:37 | 01:31:40 |
66 | 730 | Bev | WRIGHT | F50 to 54 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:31:42 | 01:31:45 |
67 | 116 | Andrew | MOSLEY | M40 to 44 | Swinton Running Club | 01:31:23 | 01:31:45 |
68 | 727 | Robert | CRANGLE | M45 to 49 | Serpentine RC | 01:31:33 | 01:31:52 |
69 | 105 | Martin | LEVER | M45 to 49 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:31:57 | 01:32:01 |
70 | 371 | Gail | BEATON | F40 to 44 | Garscube Harriers | 01:31:59 | 01:32:04 |
71 | 114 | Tunde | BURAIMO | M40 to 44 | Preston Harriers | 01:32:05 | 01:32:20 |
72 | 24 | Jen | LEWIS | F21 to 34 | 01:32:23 | 01:32:28 | |
73 | 435 | Kevin | NEWALL | M35 to 39 | Horwich RMI Harriers | 01:32:35 | 01:32:37 |
74 | 245 | Robert | KELLETT | M40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:32:30 | 01:32:42 |
75 | 335 | Emma Joanne | LUND | F21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:32:49 | 01:32:53 |
76 | 569 | Timothy | McCAUGHEY | M21 to 34 | Pudsey Pacers | 01:33:19 | 01:33:22 |
77 | 672 | Jonathan | SARGEANT | M45 to 49 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:33:19 | 01:33:27 |
78 | 740 | Louise | TRAINOR | F40 to 44 | Quakers Running Club | 01:33:41 | 01:33:53 |
79 | 269 | Tobin | RAYNER | M45 to 49 | Bungay Black Dog RC | 01:33:57 | 01:34:06 |
80 | 599 | Michael | HARRISON | M21 to 34 | Royton Road Runners | 01:34:04 | 01:34:14 |
81 | 150 | Carole | MADDEN | F50 to 54 | Royton Road Runners | 01:34:10 | 01:34:16 |
82 | 525 | Robert | PHILLIPS | M21 to 34 | 01:34:20 | 01:34:32 | |
83 | 249 | Derek | IVENS | M45 to 49 | Stockport Harriers | 01:34:24 | 01:34:34 |
84 | 349 | Michael | JOHNSON | M21 to 34 | 01:34:26 | 01:34:35 | |
85 | 9 | Brandon | WILLOUGHBY | M50 to 54 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:34:32 | 01:34:37 |
86 | 41 | Helen | LAWRENSON | F40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:34:40 | 01:34:44 |
87 | 661 | Marc | POTTER | M35 to 39 | Riversway Road Runners | 01:34:38 | 01:34:48 |
88 | 403 | Chris | HIBBERT | M40 to 44 | Manchester Harriers | 01:34:43 | 01:34:49 |
89 | 237 | Mark | WILLETT | M35 to 39 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:34:51 | 01:34:53 |
90 | 669 | James | DARKIN | M40 to 44 | 01:34:47 | 01:34:54 | |
91 | 424 | Simon | O'LEARY | M21 to 34 | 01:35:04 | 01:35:17 | |
92 | 576 | Simon | HEATH | M21 to 34 | 01:35:00 | 01:35:27 | |
93 | 336 | Ian | PICKETT | M21 to 34 | 01:35:32 | 01:35:38 | |
94 | 563 | Sarah | GRAVES | F40 to 44 | Wolds Vets | 01:35:39 | 01:35:45 |
95 | 430 | Andrew | STELL | M40 to 44 | Preston Harriers | 01:35:37 | 01:35:46 |
96 | 145 | Martyn | COYNE | M21 to 34 | 01:35:49 | 01:35:51 | |
97 | 74 | Nigel | SEDMAN | M45 to 49 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:35:54 | 01:36:02 |
98 | 456 | Kevin | SCOTT | M45 to 49 | Eden Runners | 01:35:54 | 01:36:03 |
99 | 709 | Colin | LAIDLAW | M55 to 59 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:36:01 | 01:36:04 |
100 | 574 | Paul | CAIN | M40 to 44 | Southport Waterloo AC | 01:36:17 | 01:36:21 |
101 | 370 | Kathryn | SCOTT | F45 to 49 | Clydesdale Harriers | 01:37:04 | 01:37:09 |
102 | 174 | David | HESLOP | M50 to 54 | Garstang Running Club | 01:37:07 | 01:37:20 |
103 | 422 | Craig | GOULDTHORPE | M35 to 39 | 01:36:44 | 01:37:27 | |
104 | 252 | Charles | COLBY | M40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:37:25 | 01:37:31 |
105 | 97 | SIMON | HALLAS | M35 to 39 | 01:37:26 | 01:37:36 | |
106 | 718 | Oli | SHARP | M21 to 34 | 01:37:24 | 01:37:39 | |
107 | 203 | Robert | GARTH | M21 to 34 | 01:37:30 | 01:37:41 | |
108 | 146 | Bob | JACKSON | M60 to 64 | Valley Striders | 01:37:53 | 01:38:00 |
109 | 33 | Mark | WILDE | M21 to 34 | 01:37:41 | 01:38:04 | |
110 | 518 | Andrew | MARTINDALE | M40 to 44 | Wigton Road Runners | 01:37:54 | 01:38:06 |
111 | 591 | Andrew | NELSON | M21 to 34 | 01:37:56 | 01:38:11 | |
112 | 189 | Philip | MORTON | M35 to 39 | Accrington Road Runners | 01:38:22 | 01:38:26 |
113 | 147 | Robert | WALSH | M35 to 39 | 01:38:19 | 01:38:31 | |
114 | 178 | Mark | NEWTON | M40 to 44 | 01:38:57 | 01:39:02 | |
115 | 227 | Ian | FRANCE | M45 to 49 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:38:54 | 01:39:05 |
116 | 514 | Michael | BRENNAND | M45 to 49 | Red Rose Road Runners | 01:38:59 | 01:39:05 |
117 | 211 | Paul | DUNGAN | M45 to 49 | 01:38:57 | 01:39:14 | |
118 | 438 | Peitr | CUTLER | M35 to 39 | 01:39:20 | 01:39:23 | |
119 | 534 | Tim | DERBYSHIRE | M35 to 39 | Boalloy Running Club | 01:39:16 | 01:39:24 |
120 | 584 | Robert | JONES | M21 to 34 | 01:39:18 | 01:39:27 | |
121 | 414 | Neil | WILSON | M45 to 49 | 01:39:14 | 01:39:38 | |
122 | 291 | Stephen | LAMB | M35 to 39 | 01:39:37 | 01:39:43 | |
123 | 194 | Philip | D'NETTO | M40 to 44 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:39:29 | 01:39:45 |
124 | 5 | Danielle | BEARD | F21 to 34 | Rochdale Harriers & AC | 01:39:35 | 01:39:46 |
125 | 8 | Maryte | MOORE | F50 to 54 | Stockport Harriers | 01:39:51 | 01:39:58 |
126 | 564 | Glenn | SHELLEY | M21 to 34 | 01:39:25 | 01:40:03 | |
127 | 626 | Antony | HELME | M21 to 34 | 01:39:59 | 01:40:13 | |
128 | 113 | Tom | WHALLEY | M45 to 49 | 01:40:01 | 01:40:14 | |
129 | 159 | Ian | OATRIDGE | M35 to 39 | 01:40:06 | 01:40:16 | |
130 | 592 | Ian | BEST | M40 to 44 | 01:40:10 | 01:40:18 | |
131 | 256 | Helen | YOUNG | F21 to 34 | Carlisle Tri Club | 01:40:12 | 01:40:23 |
132 | 493 | Catherine | CARRDUS | F35 to 39 | 01:40:11 | 01:40:27 | |
133 | 598 | Steve | CARTMELL | M40 to 44 | 01:39:56 | 01:40:32 | |
134 | 472 | David | BARROWCLOUGH | M45 to 49 | 01:40:14 | 01:40:38 | |
135 | 459 | Stephen | HOLLIS | M55 to 59 | Liverpool Road Runners | 01:40:35 | 01:40:40 |
136 | 204 | David | ATKINSON | M50 to 54 | Northern Veterans AC | 01:40:35 | 01:40:42 |
137 | 724 | Anthony | DICKENS | M50 to 54 | 01:40:33 | 01:40:44 | |
138 | 690 | Duncan | WORTH | M50 to 54 | Salford Metropolitan AC | 01:40:37 | 01:40:46 |
139 | 559 | Susan | CORSINI | F45 to 49 | Darwen Dashers | 01:40:37 | 01:40:47 |
140 | 735 | Andy | SEAL | M45 to 49 | Telford Harriers | 01:40:46 | 01:40:49 |
141 | 326 | Robin | LONG | M45 to 49 | Chorley Harriers | 01:40:45 | 01:40:53 |
142 | 65 | Terence | ROBINSON | M65 to 69 | Northern Veterans AC | 01:40:45 | 01:40:54 |
143 | 364 | Peter | KELLY | M40 to 44 | 01:40:31 | 01:40:56 | |
144 | 284 | Damien | LATHAM | M21 to 34 | 01:40:53 | 01:41:00 | |
145 | 115 | Phil | CRAY | M45 to 49 | Garstang Running Club | 01:40:57 | 01:41:05 |
146 | 618 | Alastair | WALKER | M35 to 39 | 01:41:08 | 01:41:11 | |
147 | 383 | Eunan | KEALEY | M21 to 34 | 01:41:06 | 01:41:21 | |
148 | 557 | Stephen | GLOVER | M40 to 44 | 01:41:02 | 01:41:23 | |
149 | 315 | Andrew | OATES | M45 to 49 | 01:41:15 | 01:41:23 | |
150 | 173 | Kevin | WATERHOUSE | M21 to 34 | 01:41:23 | 01:41:30 | |
151 | 135 | Dave | HOGG | M40 to 44 | 01:41:29 | 01:41:35 | |
152 | 325 | Jamie | HIRST | M35 to 39 | 01:41:13 | 01:41:37 | |
153 | 685 | Micheal | GOODE | M45 to 49 | 01:41:28 | 01:41:39 | |
154 | 53 | Nigel | SHEPHERD | M50 to 54 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:41:34 | 01:41:39 |
155 | 726 | Tanya | ASHWORTH | F35 to 39 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:41:42 | 01:41:46 |
156 | 531 | David | KENNEY | M21 to 34 | 01:41:58 | 01:42:13 | |
157 | 345 | David | SMITH | M55 to 59 | Royton Road Runners | 01:42:11 | 01:42:20 |
158 | 606 | Mark | SCULLION | M35 to 39 | 01:42:20 | 01:42:29 | |
159 | 710 | Hideo | TAKANO | M45 to 49 | Dorking & Mole Valley AC | 01:42:10 | 01:42:30 |
160 | 556 | Paul | RUSHTON | M45 to 49 | Radcliffe AC | 01:42:15 | 01:42:35 |
161 | 402 | Chris | PRICE | M40 to 44 | 01:42:22 | 01:42:44 | |
162 | 491 | David | DEACON | M35 to 39 | 01:42:24 | 01:42:44 | |
163 | 239 | Laura Marie | LAWLER | F40 to 44 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:42:16 | 01:42:55 |
164 | 76 | Mark | RIGBY | M40 to 44 | 01:42:49 | 01:42:58 | |
165 | 684 | Catherine | BUTLER | F21 to 34 | 01:43:05 | 01:43:16 | |
166 | 675 | Mark | HUNT | M40 to 44 | 01:43:18 | 01:43:21 | |
167 | 338 | Darren | HALES | M35 to 39 | Stockport Harriers | 01:43:10 | 01:43:27 |
168 | 46 | Christopher | MOSS | M45 to 49 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:43:31 | 01:43:37 |
169 | 261 | Toni | CHAPLIN-ARMER | F45 to 49 | Border Harriers | 01:43:21 | 01:43:42 |
170 | 505 | Russell | INGHAM | M35 to 39 | Royton Road Runners | 01:43:33 | 01:43:43 |
171 | 627 | Shaun | GRAHAM | M45 to 49 | Eden Runners | 01:43:37 | 01:43:45 |
172 | 251 | Angela | COLBY | F40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:43:44 | 01:43:50 |
173 | 451 | Steve | LAFFERTY | M50 to 54 | 01:43:48 | 01:43:54 | |
174 | 530 | Steven | STANDRING | M21 to 34 | 01:43:47 | 01:44:02 | |
175 | 656 | Andrew | THOMPSON | M45 to 49 | 01:43:46 | 01:44:03 | |
176 | 732 | Michele | MORAN | F45 to 49 | North Eastern Veterans | 01:44:03 | 01:44:06 |
177 | 190 | Stephen | ELDRIDGE | M45 to 49 | 01:43:57 | 01:44:11 | |
178 | 39 | David | BROOKS | M35 to 39 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:44:14 | 01:44:21 |
179 | 529 | Ian | EGGLESTONE | M40 to 44 | 01:44:14 | 01:44:26 | |
180 | 586 | Nicola | UNSWORTH | F40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:44:13 | 01:44:27 |
181 | 660 | Steve | HAMER | M50 to 54 | Radcliffe AC | 01:44:08 | 01:44:31 |
182 | 280 | Derrick | WAREING | M45 to 49 | 01:43:59 | 01:44:32 | |
183 | 561 | Ian | PIKE | M40 to 44 | Lymm Runners | 01:44:25 | 01:44:43 |
184 | 708 | Robert | WHITE | M35 to 39 | Buxton & District AC | 01:44:55 | 01:44:56 |
185 | 262 | David | HARRISON | M50 to 54 | Keswick AC | 01:44:36 | 01:44:57 |
186 | 666 | James | HEWELL | M35 to 39 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:44:43 | 01:44:57 |
187 | 594 | Carol | BUTTERWORTH-COWELL | F40 to 44 | Darwen Dashers | 01:44:47 | 01:44:57 |
188 | 526 | Laura | KIRKHAM | F21 to 34 | Riversway Road Runners | 01:44:47 | 01:44:58 |
189 | 219 | Paul | VEEVERS | M21 to 34 | 01:44:52 | 01:45:05 | |
190 | 375 | Stephen | PEARSON | M45 to 49 | 01:44:52 | 01:45:18 | |
191 | 234 | Stephen | MARLOW | M21 to 34 | 01:45:02 | 01:45:27 | |
192 | 744 | Cat | LAWSON | F21 to 34 | 01:45:26 | 01:45:33 | |
193 | 246 | David | BYRNE | M21 to 34 | 01:45:18 | 01:45:36 | |
194 | 44 | Simon | EATON | M40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:45:44 | 01:45:47 |
195 | 728 | Dave | DYSON | M55 to 59 | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:45:50 | 01:45:58 |
196 | 16 | SHAUNA | MURPHY | F21 to 34 | 01:45:52 | 01:46:02 | |
197 | 427 | Stephen | BONSU | M21 to 34 | 01:46:08 | 01:46:10 | |
198 | 703 | Anthony | McGALE | M40 to 44 | Springburn Harriers | 01:46:00 | 01:46:11 |
199 | 202 | Mike | SCOTT | M45 to 49 | 01:45:42 | 01:46:17 | |
200 | 148 | John | WAIN | M40 to 44 | 01:46:17 | 01:46:29 | |
201 | 58 | Stephen | DE NOBREGA | M21 to 34 | 01:46:34 | 01:46:39 | |
202 | 524 | Sean | SWEENEY | M40 to 44 | 01:46:28 | 01:46:40 | |
203 | 393 | Daniel | CUTHBERTSON | M35 to 39 | 01:46:44 | 01:46:54 | |
204 | 300 | Adrian | STOTT | M35 to 39 | 01:46:45 | 01:46:59 | |
205 | 255 | Paul | HODGE | M40 to 44 | 01:46:43 | 01:47:03 | |
206 | 129 | Keith | LUNT | M40 to 44 | Southport Waterloo AC | 01:47:05 | 01:47:09 |
207 | 463 | Sarah | DAVIES | F21 to 34 | 01:47:04 | 01:47:10 | |
208 | 668 | Tom | JORDAN | M21 to 34 | Riversway Road Runners | 01:47:08 | 01:47:18 |
209 | 102 | Peter | COWLING | M45 to 49 | Preston Harriers | 01:46:53 | 01:47:21 |
210 | 350 | Richard | THOMPSON | M21 to 34 | Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social | 01:47:14 | 01:47:28 |
211 | 725 | Barbara | RUSLING | F50 to 54 | Maltby Running Club | 01:47:17 | 01:47:28 |
212 | 213 | David | McGOWAN | M21 to 34 | Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social | 01:47:14 | 01:47:32 |
213 | 645 | Daniel James | MORRIS | M21 to 34 | 01:47:32 | 01:47:35 | |
214 | 689 | Laura | JONES | F21 to 34 | 01:47:24 | 01:47:36 | |
215 | 21 | Jenni | BOOCOCK | F21 to 34 | Chorley Harriers | 01:47:24 | 01:47:45 |
216 | 168 | Jenny | SALT | F35 to 39 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:47:32 | 01:47:47 |
217 | 172 | Kevin | LIGHTFOOT | M35 to 39 | 01:47:39 | 01:47:51 | |
218 | 359 | George | CRITCHLEY | M50 to 54 | Radcliffe AC | 01:47:30 | 01:47:52 |
219 | 270 | Tony | LOWERY | M40 to 44 | Eden Runners | 01:47:35 | 01:47:53 |
220 | 366 | Neil | HAIGHTON | M21 to 34 | 01:47:41 | 01:47:54 | |
221 | 365 | Kate | HAIGHTON | F21 to 34 | 01:47:42 | 01:47:54 | |
222 | 499 | Philip | CHAMBERLAIN | M35 to 39 | 01:47:12 | 01:47:57 | |
223 | 68 | Stephen | BAILEY | M35 to 39 | 01:47:42 | 01:47:58 | |
224 | 496 | Chris | RHOADES | M21 to 34 | 01:47:55 | 01:48:04 | |
225 | 665 | Michael | RAYWORTH | M21 to 34 | Riversway Road Runners | 01:47:55 | 01:48:05 |
226 | 285 | Darren | DERBYSHIRE | M35 to 39 | 01:48:05 | 01:48:13 | |
227 | 327 | Neil | ADAMS | M45 to 49 | 01:48:13 | 01:48:19 | |
228 | 62 | Peter | BARTLETT | M60 to 64 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:48:05 | 01:48:19 |
229 | 692 | Craig Lee | GILLIBRAND | M35 to 39 | 01:47:50 | 01:48:22 | |
230 | 340 | Martin Andrew | BOTTOMLEY | M40 to 44 | 01:48:01 | 01:48:29 | |
231 | 119 | John | SWEENEY | M35 to 39 | Royton Road Runners | 01:48:15 | 01:48:34 |
232 | 384 | Sara | WARD | F45 to 49 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:48:26 | 01:48:40 |
233 | 636 | Joe | GREENWOOD | M21 to 34 | 01:48:18 | 01:48:55 | |
234 | 136 | Gavin | PARISH | M35 to 39 | 01:48:53 | 01:49:12 | |
235 | 431 | Paula | STELL | F35 to 39 | Preston Harriers | 01:48:49 | 01:49:18 |
236 | 554 | Guy | ROBERTS | M21 to 34 | Mossley Hill Athletics Club | 01:49:11 | 01:49:18 |
237 | 257 | Anne | JEYNES | F21 to 34 | Mossley Hill Athletics Club | 01:49:11 | 01:49:18 |
238 | 646 | Stephen | WEBB | M35 to 39 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:49:03 | 01:49:19 |
239 | 187 | Craig | STEPHENS | M40 to 44 | 01:49:06 | 01:49:20 | |
240 | 215 | Russell | CLIFFORD | M40 to 44 | 01:49:08 | 01:49:22 | |
241 | 523 | Steven | KIRKHAM | M35 to 39 | 01:49:27 | 01:49:39 | |
242 | 347 | Peter | BRINDLE | M21 to 34 | 01:49:46 | 01:49:55 | |
243 | 678 | Mark | KOLODZIEJCZAK | M21 to 34 | 01:49:25 | 01:49:55 | |
244 | 183 | April | CHAMBERLAIN | F35 to 39 | 01:49:39 | 01:49:56 | |
245 | 13 | Craig | HOLMES | M20 and under | 01:49:22 | 01:50:03 | |
246 | 125 | Gregory | LAMBERT | M55 to 59 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 01:49:50 | 01:50:05 |
247 | 513 | John | SOUTHWORTH | M45 to 49 | 01:49:44 | 01:50:06 | |
248 | 511 | Chris | LEAK | M35 to 39 | 01:49:33 | 01:50:15 | |
249 | 442 | Robina | OSBOURNE | F21 to 34 | 01:50:01 | 01:50:16 | |
250 | 426 | David | BUTLER | M45 to 49 | 01:49:52 | 01:50:17 | |
251 | 539 | James | AMIN | M21 to 34 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:50:14 | 01:50:31 |
252 | 158 | Graham | WILSON | M40 to 44 | 01:50:23 | 01:50:42 | |
253 | 475 | David | MANGNALL | M45 to 49 | 01:50:05 | 01:50:42 | |
254 | 555 | Valerie | KILBURN | F40 to 44 | Royton Road Runners | 01:50:42 | 01:50:57 |
255 | 30 | Dorothy | CAPSTICK | F21 to 34 | Preston Harriers | 01:50:43 | 01:51:08 |
256 | 420 | Graeme | CAIRNS | M21 to 34 | 01:51:03 | 01:51:28 | |
257 | 63 | Brian | MASON | M60 to 64 | Winston Runners | 01:51:14 | 01:51:30 |
258 | 729 | Jacqueline | REID | F45 to 49 | Metropolitan Police AC | 01:51:28 | 01:51:32 |
259 | 310 | Sue | LLOYD | F21 to 34 | 01:51:23 | 01:51:39 | |
260 | 515 | Deborah | ELLISON | F21 to 34 | 01:51:30 | 01:51:42 | |
261 | 184 | Mark | PRESTON | M40 to 44 | 01:51:22 | 01:51:44 | |
262 | 64 | Paul | EVANS | M60 to 64 | 01:51:16 | 01:51:49 | |
263 | 535 | David | CULSHAW | M55 to 59 | Wigan Phoenix | 01:51:32 | 01:51:50 |
264 | 482 | Huw | OWEN | M21 to 34 | 01:51:23 | 01:51:50 | |
265 | 570 | Paul | JACKSON | M35 to 39 | 01:51:45 | 01:52:00 | |
266 | 75 | John | WINTERS | M75 and over | Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC | 01:52:12 | 01:52:12 |
267 | 337 | Alan | ROGERS | M40 to 44 | 01:52:10 | 01:52:27 | |
268 | 643 | Katherine | ROSS | F35 to 39 | Womens Running Network | 01:52:06 | 01:52:30 |
269 | 654 | Anthony | PRESTON | M21 to 34 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:52:11 | 01:52:35 |
270 | 322 | Simon | ELLWOOD | M50 to 54 | 01:52:33 | 01:52:40 | |
271 | 133 | Mags | BRETHERTON | F35 to 39 | 01:52:30 | 01:52:40 | |
272 | 527 | Ted | SMITH | M45 to 49 | 01:52:27 | 01:52:42 | |
273 | 528 | Rick | SMITH | M45 to 49 | 01:52:27 | 01:52:42 | |
274 | 177 | Julia | POSSENER | F40 to 44 | 01:52:08 | 01:52:49 | |
275 | 36 | John | PICKUP | M50 to 54 | Swinton Running Club | 01:52:46 | 01:53:12 |
276 | 307 | Sarah | WAREING | F35 to 39 | 01:52:29 | 01:53:15 | |
277 | 77 | Helen | WEBSTER | F21 to 34 | 01:52:57 | 01:53:16 | |
278 | 86 | MARGARET | DALY | F50 to 54 | 01:52:50 | 01:53:17 | |
279 | 380 | Alan | CLAREY | M55 to 59 | Mossley Hill Athletics Club | 01:52:56 | 01:53:18 |
280 | 334 | Frank | ROGERS | M35 to 39 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:53:10 | 01:53:22 |
281 | 611 | James | CORRIGAN | M35 to 39 | Belle Vue Racers | 01:53:10 | 01:53:22 |
282 | 391 | David | ELLIS | M21 to 34 | Royton Road Runners | 01:53:20 | 01:53:38 |
283 | 373 | Bernard | BROWN | M45 to 49 | 01:53:22 | 01:53:38 | |
284 | 163 | Simon | WILSDON | M21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:53:35 | 01:53:54 |
285 | 436 | Steph | TOWNSON | F21 to 34 | 01:53:30 | 01:53:56 | |
286 | 406 | Mike | ROXBURGH | M40 to 44 | Penny Lane Striders | 01:53:54 | 01:54:02 |
287 | 70 | Robert | RILEY | M70 to 74 | 01:53:21 | 01:54:04 | |
288 | 404 | John | HOUGHTON | M50 to 54 | 01:53:59 | 01:54:06 | |
289 | 538 | Ed | DYSON | M35 to 39 | Glossopdale Harriers | 01:54:01 | 01:54:10 |
290 | 623 | Mark | EMMETT | M50 to 54 | Radcliffe AC | 01:53:52 | 01:54:15 |
291 | 294 | Beth | TREADDELL | F40 to 44 | 01:54:02 | 01:54:16 | |
292 | 318 | Theresa | SHAW | F40 to 44 | 01:53:38 | 01:54:18 | |
293 | 59 | James | SKIPPER | M55 to 59 | 01:53:58 | 01:54:21 | |
294 | 200 | Robert | MILLER | M60 to 64 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:54:07 | 01:54:28 |
295 | 302 | Ben | HOPES | M21 to 34 | 01:54:09 | 01:54:34 | |
296 | 32 | John | BLACKBURN | M21 to 34 | 01:54:06 | 01:54:34 | |
297 | 552 | Paul | BOUSFIELD | M40 to 44 | 01:53:55 | 01:54:36 | |
298 | 610 | Jenna | HOOD | F21 to 34 | Howgill Harriers | 01:54:33 | 01:54:51 |
299 | 52 | Pamela | HARDMAN | F50 to 54 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 01:54:46 | 01:55:01 |
300 | 57 | Ian | McKENZIE | M55 to 59 | 01:54:44 | 01:55:02 | |
301 | 578 | Stephen | HOLDEN | M40 to 44 | 01:54:45 | 01:55:04 | |
302 | 268 | Keith | WATERHOUSE | M21 to 34 | 01:55:04 | 01:55:17 | |
303 | 693 | Anthony John | GILLIBRAND | M35 to 39 | 01:54:49 | 01:55:21 | |
304 | 415 | Howard | LITTLE | M45 to 49 | 01:55:04 | 01:55:29 | |
305 | 275 | Peter | BOLTON | M35 to 39 | 01:55:16 | 01:55:35 | |
306 | 674 | David | BOOTH | M35 to 39 | Royton Road Runners | 01:55:26 | 01:55:41 |
307 | 85 | ROB | HOSKER | M35 to 39 | 01:54:59 | 01:55:42 | |
308 | 140 | Benjamin | ARMSTRONG | M21 to 34 | 01:55:19 | 01:55:55 | |
309 | 471 | Warren | DEVINE | M40 to 44 | 01:55:56 | 01:56:09 | |
310 | 659 | David | MARSH | M50 to 54 | New York Road Runners | 01:56:07 | 01:56:12 |
311 | 549 | Alan | BROWN | M50 to 54 | Riversway Road Runners | 01:56:10 | 01:56:22 |
312 | 537 | Paul | MORGAN | M35 to 39 | 01:56:05 | 01:56:32 | |
313 | 719 | Joe | GARROOD | M21 to 34 | 01:56:14 | 01:56:35 | |
314 | 413 | Gail | WILSON | F45 to 49 | 01:56:11 | 01:56:35 | |
315 | 411 | Graham | TURNER | M21 to 34 | Chester Tri | 01:56:27 | 01:56:38 |
316 | 440 | David | UNWIN | M50 to 54 | 01:56:41 | 01:56:49 | |
317 | 126 | Nicola | COPLEY | F35 to 39 | 01:56:44 | 01:56:54 | |
318 | 216 | Paul | MOSS | M50 to 54 | 01:56:40 | 01:57:03 | |
319 | 691 | Dave | REID | M50 to 54 | Chester Tri | 01:56:56 | 01:57:12 |
320 | 445 | Mark | DUFFY | M40 to 44 | Low Fell RC | 01:56:44 | 01:57:15 |
321 | 504 | Lisa | EVANS | F40 to 44 | South Ribble Runners | 01:56:58 | 01:57:18 |
322 | 127 | Philip | WATERHOUSE | M21 to 34 | Swinton Running Club | 01:57:04 | 01:57:30 |
323 | 12 | Thomas | SMITH | M21 to 34 | 01:56:58 | 01:57:38 | |
324 | 67 | Adam | TURNER | M21 to 34 | 01:57:25 | 01:57:53 | |
325 | 93 | Mark | FENTON | M21 to 34 | 01:57:44 | 01:57:54 | |
326 | 355 | Gary | GASTON | M35 to 39 | 01:57:21 | 01:57:57 | |
327 | 428 | Paul | IRWIN | M40 to 44 | 01:57:29 | 01:57:57 | |
328 | 218 | Nicolas | HORNE | M40 to 44 | 01:58:19 | 01:58:20 | |
329 | 103 | Gerry | O'DONNELL | M50 to 54 | 01:57:42 | 01:58:22 | |
330 | 651 | Hayley | CHESTER | F21 to 34 | 01:58:05 | 01:58:22 | |
331 | 653 | Gordon | RICHMOND | M21 to 34 | 01:58:05 | 01:58:23 | |
332 | 657 | Gabriella | CONWAY | F21 to 34 | 01:57:52 | 01:58:26 | |
333 | 235 | Ian | FLOWERS | M50 to 54 | 01:57:45 | 01:58:27 | |
334 | 509 | Ruth | PORT | F40 to 44 | Razzer's Runners | 01:58:10 | 01:58:30 |
335 | 108 | Philip | McCULLAGH | M50 to 54 | Chorley AC | 01:58:27 | 01:58:40 |
336 | 161 | Jeremy | HORTON | M50 to 54 | 01:58:10 | 01:58:41 | |
337 | 49 | Karen | ATHERTON | F45 to 49 | Darwen Dashers | 01:58:21 | 01:58:47 |
338 | 544 | Stephen | WILKINSON | M55 to 59 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:58:40 | 01:58:52 |
339 | 329 | Peter | SWIFT | M35 to 39 | 01:58:39 | 01:58:54 | |
340 | 199 | Malcolm | RICKERS | M45 to 49 | 01:58:26 | 01:58:56 | |
341 | 50 | Nick | HALSTEAD | M50 to 54 | 01:58:27 | 01:59:12 | |
342 | 157 | Peter | HAYLER | M55 to 59 | 01:59:01 | 01:59:19 | |
343 | 243 | Sheila | JONES | F55 to 59 | Radcliffe AC | 01:58:46 | 01:59:20 |
344 | 542 | Adele | BOOTHAM | F35 to 39 | 01:58:50 | 01:59:21 | |
345 | 61 | Don | BEAL | M60 to 64 | 01:59:03 | 01:59:27 | |
346 | 376 | Elizabeth | DOYLE | F40 to 44 | 01:59:01 | 01:59:27 | |
347 | 608 | Ben | SHAW | M50 to 54 | 01:59:14 | 01:59:32 | |
348 | 465 | Debbie | SHARKEY | F35 to 39 | 01:59:24 | 01:59:43 | |
349 | 488 | Dave | TILLERAY | M50 to 54 | 01:59:27 | 01:59:46 | |
350 | 47 | Brian | PORTER | M45 to 49 | Wesham Road Runners | 01:59:45 | 01:59:46 |
351 | 589 | Dawn | GREEN | F50 to 54 | Swinton Running Club | 01:59:20 | 01:59:48 |
352 | 31 | Katy | THURSBY | F21 to 34 | 01:59:27 | 01:59:56 | |
353 | 607 | John | HILL | M35 to 39 | 01:59:25 | 01:59:57 | |
354 | 333 | Sue | FIDDES | F45 to 49 | Andems Runners | 01:59:09 | 02:00:01 |
355 | 10 | William T | KNOX | M55 to 59 | Rochdale Harriers & AC | 01:59:12 | 02:00:02 |
356 | 301 | Chris | PRESTON | M40 to 44 | 01:59:40 | 02:00:02 | |
357 | 444 | Carol | HART | F50 to 54 | Swinton Running Club | 01:59:45 | 02:00:13 |
358 | 274 | Janette | STUDHOLME | F40 to 44 | 01:59:58 | 02:00:28 | |
359 | 677 | Alan | CROSS | M40 to 44 | 02:00:16 | 02:00:30 | |
360 | 588 | Matthew | LAFFERTY | M21 to 34 | 02:00:36 | 02:00:45 | |
361 | 453 | Stephen | HART | M50 to 54 | Swinton Running Club | 02:00:24 | 02:00:51 |
362 | 381 | Nicola | JOHNSON | F21 to 34 | Parbold Pink Panthers | 02:00:29 | 02:00:54 |
363 | 519 | Chris | CONNORS | M21 to 34 | 02:00:47 | 02:00:56 | |
364 | 575 | Caroline | BOYLE | F21 to 34 | 02:00:46 | 02:01:16 | |
365 | 633 | Dawn | DAVIES | F45 to 49 | 02:00:49 | 02:01:19 | |
366 | 139 | Paul | ROGERS-THOMAS | M21 to 34 | 02:00:52 | 02:01:26 | |
367 | 11 | Jill | GREENWOOD | F45 to 49 | Womens Running Network | 02:01:03 | 02:01:34 |
368 | 351 | Phil | O'REILLY | M21 to 34 | 02:01:29 | 02:01:36 | |
369 | 750 | Angela | KIKUGAWA | F45 to 49 | Hercules Wimbledon | 02:01:26 | 02:01:38 |
370 | 503 | Carl | DAINTREE | M40 to 44 | 02:01:25 | 02:01:54 | |
371 | 697 | Jonathan | KAY | M21 to 34 | 02:01:39 | 02:02:05 | |
372 | 461 | Jonathan | PRESTON | M35 to 39 | 02:01:54 | 02:02:16 | |
373 | 233 | John | BUTCHER | M40 to 44 | 02:01:36 | 02:02:16 | |
374 | 339 | Dan | EYRE | M21 to 34 | 02:02:11 | 02:02:18 | |
375 | 342 | Roger | MAYOR | M21 to 34 | 02:02:11 | 02:02:18 | |
376 | 236 | Rob | BENNION | M40 to 44 | 02:01:52 | 02:02:22 | |
377 | 210 | Jayne | DUNGAN | F40 to 44 | 02:02:06 | 02:02:23 | |
378 | 386 | Cara | ANDERSON | F21 to 34 | Swinton Running Club | 02:01:59 | 02:02:24 |
379 | 265 | Leon | BERGUS | M21 to 34 | 02:02:11 | 02:02:31 | |
380 | 484 | James | CLARK | M21 to 34 | 02:02:20 | 02:02:44 | |
381 | 532 | Jeremy | WELCH | M40 to 44 | 02:02:33 | 02:02:56 | |
382 | 652 | Anne | WEBSTER | F50 to 54 | Belle Vue Racers | 02:02:38 | 02:02:58 |
383 | 548 | Kieran | GOODE | M35 to 39 | 02:02:23 | 02:03:05 | |
384 | 297 | Rebecca | SIMPSON | F21 to 34 | 02:02:29 | 02:03:14 | |
385 | 497 | Chris | COX | M35 to 39 | 02:03:01 | 02:03:15 | |
386 | 358 | Carole | CRITCHLEY | F50 to 54 | 02:02:49 | 02:03:23 | |
387 | 19 | James | OWEN | M20 and under | 02:03:09 | 02:03:24 | |
388 | 425 | Sally | TWISLETON | F21 to 34 | 02:03:12 | 02:03:33 | |
389 | 581 | Grace | ARTHUR | F35 to 39 | Swinton Running Club | 02:03:04 | 02:03:33 |
390 | 395 | Chris | FITTON | M21 to 34 | 02:03:09 | 02:03:37 | |
391 | 673 | Jennie | COX | F21 to 34 | Riversway Road Runners | 02:03:29 | 02:03:40 |
392 | 458 | David | THORNTON | M21 to 34 | 02:03:37 | 02:04:01 | |
393 | 111 | Neil | KITCHEN | M45 to 49 | Wesham Road Runners | 02:03:46 | 02:04:07 |
394 | 566 | Claire | LAYTON | F21 to 34 | 02:03:44 | 02:04:23 | |
395 | 647 | Helen | SIMPSON | F40 to 44 | 02:03:38 | 02:04:26 | |
396 | 450 | David | BERKLEY | M55 to 59 | 02:04:16 | 02:04:38 | |
397 | 621 | Gary | BURGESS | M35 to 39 | 02:04:29 | 02:05:02 | |
398 | 432 | Fiona | McNEILL | F40 to 44 | 02:04:30 | 02:05:04 | |
399 | 609 | Aimee | RUSSEL | F21 to 34 | 02:04:45 | 02:05:11 | |
400 | 418 | Paul | MARSLAND | M40 to 44 | 02:04:49 | 02:05:12 | |
401 | 7 | Thomas | GREENWOOD | M45 to 49 | 02:04:25 | 02:05:13 | |
402 | 28 | Laura | WILSDON | F21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 02:04:45 | 02:05:25 |
403 | 521 | Sally | HART | F45 to 49 | 02:05:07 | 02:05:37 | |
404 | 228 | Trevor | FISHWICK | M35 to 39 | Horwich RMI Harriers | 02:05:25 | 02:05:47 |
405 | 144 | Sally | IRWIN | F35 to 39 | 02:05:14 | 02:05:49 | |
406 | 143 | Karen | WATSON | F40 to 44 | 02:05:15 | 02:05:50 | |
407 | 379 | Helen | WITTER | F50 to 54 | 02:05:38 | 02:05:51 | |
408 | 206 | David | ROBINSON | M40 to 44 | 02:05:06 | 02:05:54 | |
409 | 500 | Mark | PHILBIN | M40 to 44 | Chorley Harriers | 02:05:20 | 02:06:06 |
410 | 42 | David | GORDON | M40 to 44 | 02:05:21 | 02:06:06 | |
411 | 95 | TONY | SMITH | M50 to 54 | 02:05:44 | 02:06:17 | |
412 | 392 | Karl | GASTON | M21 to 34 | 02:05:44 | 02:06:20 | |
413 | 22 | Jennifer | MOSS | F21 to 34 | 02:06:07 | 02:06:21 | |
414 | 72 | Malcolm | TOWLER | M70 to 74 | Northern Veterans AC | 02:06:20 | 02:06:25 |
415 | 550 | Claire | GREENWOOD | F21 to 34 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:06:11 | 02:06:51 |
416 | 303 | Helen | WATKINS | F21 to 34 | Manchester Frontrunners | 02:06:36 | 02:07:01 |
417 | 99 | GRAHAM | YOUNG | M45 to 49 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 02:06:47 | 02:07:08 |
418 | 688 | Ian | DEARDEN | M40 to 44 | 02:07:10 | 02:07:42 | |
419 | 258 | Barry | LAMB | M45 to 49 | 02:07:03 | 02:07:47 | |
420 | 464 | Suzanne | CRAMPTON | F45 to 49 | Liverpool Running Club | 02:07:34 | 02:08:15 |
421 | 478 | Rachael | WATSON | F40 to 44 | 02:07:43 | 02:08:17 | |
422 | 368 | Paul | SHAW | M21 to 34 | 02:08:01 | 02:08:19 | |
423 | 223 | Louise | CHARNOCK | F21 to 34 | Lytham St Annes Road Runners | 02:08:21 | 02:08:37 |
424 | 60 | Bob | CLOUGH | M60 to 64 | 02:08:02 | 02:08:40 | |
425 | 520 | David | WATSON | M40 to 44 | 02:08:23 | 02:08:56 | |
426 | 273 | Alison | KITCHING | F35 to 39 | 02:08:29 | 02:08:59 | |
427 | 124 | Jenny | BARROW | F40 to 44 | 02:08:34 | 02:09:03 | |
428 | 55 | Deborah | CARDWELL | F45 to 49 | Thornton Cleveleys Running Club | 02:08:58 | 02:09:10 |
429 | 590 | Kathryn | ROBERTS | F50 to 54 | Swinton Running Club | 02:08:48 | 02:09:16 |
430 | 71 | Dave | ONION | M70 to 74 | Redhill Road Runners | 02:09:16 | 02:09:27 |
431 | 287 | Paul | CARTER | M40 to 44 | Wesham Road Runners | 02:09:20 | 02:09:37 |
432 | 69 | Robin | OATRIDGE | M65 to 69 | 02:09:20 | 02:09:41 | |
433 | 625 | Sean | O'HAGAN | M45 to 49 | 02:09:30 | 02:10:05 | |
434 | 632 | Denise | KAY | F45 to 49 | Radcliffe AC | 02:09:49 | 02:10:22 |
435 | 155 | Petra | GUENTHER | F35 to 39 | 02:10:03 | 02:10:23 | |
436 | 543 | Lisa | PRESTON | F40 to 44 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:09:58 | 02:10:38 |
437 | 197 | Rosey | PRINCE | F50 to 54 | 02:10:22 | 02:10:39 | |
438 | 628 | Siobhan | DAVIS | F40 to 44 | 02:10:23 | 02:11:04 | |
439 | 176 | Reanne | MAY | F21 to 34 | 02:10:51 | 02:11:34 | |
440 | 242 | Jon | HAMILTON | M21 to 34 | 02:10:51 | 02:11:34 | |
441 | 601 | Ashley | TOMS | M60 to 64 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:11:10 | 02:11:49 |
442 | 4 | Chris | DILLON | M21 to 34 | 02:11:48 | 02:12:04 | |
443 | 181 | Neil | BARKER | M45 to 49 | Royton Road Runners | 02:11:43 | 02:12:19 |
444 | 634 | Janice | COPELAND | F60 to 64 | Wesham Road Runners | 02:12:25 | 02:12:55 |
445 | 193 | Simon | WHITESIDE | M21 to 34 | 02:12:39 | 02:13:01 | |
446 | 378 | Pauline | MILLS | F60 to 64 | 02:12:35 | 02:13:05 | |
447 | 374 | Dorothy Ann | HODGETTS | F50 to 54 | 02:12:35 | 02:13:05 | |
448 | 396 | Andrew | MEEK | M21 to 34 | 02:12:36 | 02:13:22 | |
449 | 27 | Tony | DEMPSTER | M21 to 34 | 02:12:48 | 02:13:25 | |
450 | 597 | Stephen | TOTH | M50 to 54 | 02:12:55 | 02:13:36 | |
451 | 502 | Caroline | DAINTREE | F35 to 39 | 02:13:13 | 02:13:42 | |
452 | 387 | Paul | SHIER | M21 to 34 | Swinton Running Club | 02:13:36 | 02:14:03 |
453 | 481 | Gill | HOPE | F21 to 34 | 02:14:00 | 02:14:07 | |
454 | 506 | Phil | WHITFIELD | M35 to 39 | 02:13:46 | 02:14:29 | |
455 | 165 | Jackie | FAIRWEATHER | F40 to 44 | 02:14:11 | 02:14:30 | |
456 | 164 | Lee | DAVIES | M35 to 39 | 02:14:11 | 02:14:30 | |
457 | 312 | Jac | MARTIN | F40 to 44 | 02:13:54 | 02:14:32 | |
458 | 323 | Kath | MOSSOP | F45 to 49 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:14:10 | 02:14:49 |
459 | 175 | Colette | CONROY | F35 to 39 | 02:14:09 | 02:14:56 | |
460 | 94 | LORRAINE | SMITH | F55 to 59 | 02:14:40 | 02:15:15 | |
461 | 602 | Geoff | CARRINGTON | M45 to 49 | 02:15:24 | 02:15:51 | |
462 | 253 | Gareth | RICKERBY | M21 to 34 | 02:15:41 | 02:16:05 | |
463 | 616 | Janice | JOHNSTONE | F50 to 54 | Red Rose Road Runners | 02:15:35 | 02:16:06 |
464 | 263 | Steve | THROUP | M45 to 49 | 02:15:42 | 02:16:07 | |
465 | 546 | Chris | CASH | M50 to 54 | Darwen Dashers | 02:15:45 | 02:16:12 |
466 | 486 | Paul | DURNIAN | M40 to 44 | 02:15:29 | 02:16:13 | |
467 | 107 | Natasha | JOHNSON | F21 to 34 | 02:15:51 | 02:16:14 | |
468 | 106 | Glenn | JOHNSON | M45 to 49 | 02:15:53 | 02:16:16 | |
469 | 230 | Angela | KIRKHAM | F40 to 44 | 02:15:34 | 02:16:21 | |
470 | 328 | Tracy | MORVINSON | F40 to 44 | 02:16:19 | 02:16:37 | |
471 | 352 | Phil | ATHERTON | M45 to 49 | 02:16:31 | 02:17:03 | |
472 | 192 | Jane | MELOY | F21 to 34 | 02:16:47 | 02:17:08 | |
473 | 341 | Philip | SKELTON | M40 to 44 | 02:17:01 | 02:17:30 | |
474 | 536 | Clarinda | REDMOND | F21 to 34 | 02:17:28 | 02:17:48 | |
475 | 91 | BRIAN | WILSON | M45 to 49 | 02:17:15 | 02:18:01 | |
476 | 90 | TRACEY | CARR | F21 to 34 | 02:17:38 | 02:18:24 | |
477 | 319 | Rob | CARMAN | M60 to 64 | 02:17:51 | 02:18:38 | |
478 | 409 | Philippa | MOLLOY | F21 to 34 | 02:18:13 | 02:18:40 | |
479 | 405 | Helen | SANDERS | F21 to 34 | 02:18:16 | 02:18:52 | |
480 | 667 | Richard | CARTMELL | M21 to 34 | 02:18:31 | 02:19:07 | |
481 | 247 | Nicky | OMAR | F40 to 44 | 02:18:38 | 02:19:13 | |
482 | 649 | Amanda | PEDERSEN | F21 to 34 | 02:18:59 | 02:19:30 | |
483 | 655 | Kelly | HOLMES | F21 to 34 | 02:18:55 | 02:19:35 | |
484 | 154 | Caroline | MEEK | F21 to 34 | 02:18:51 | 02:19:35 | |
485 | 120 | Marjorie | HELME | F60 to 64 | 02:19:11 | 02:19:44 | |
486 | 18 | HAYLEY | BUTTERWORTH | F21 to 34 | 02:19:20 | 02:19:52 | |
487 | 585 | Elliot | BENNETT | M21 to 34 | Wesham Road Runners | 02:19:17 | 02:19:57 |
488 | 244 | Sam | HAYDOCK | M21 to 34 | 02:19:48 | 02:19:59 | |
489 | 517 | Colette | HELSBY | F35 to 39 | 02:19:38 | 02:20:05 | |
490 | 551 | Jeanette | BLACKBURN | F40 to 44 | 02:19:41 | 02:20:10 | |
491 | 498 | Natalie | COX | F35 to 39 | 02:20:33 | 02:20:47 | |
492 | 679 | Melanie | TAYLOR | F35 to 39 | 02:20:34 | 02:20:48 | |
493 | 214 | Carol | RHODES | F40 to 44 | Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social | 02:20:17 | 02:20:52 |
494 | 419 | Richard | SYKES | M35 to 39 | 02:20:41 | 02:20:59 | |
495 | 317 | Catherine | HAAKE | F21 to 34 | 02:20:40 | 02:21:01 | |
496 | 423 | Claire | SMITH | F40 to 44 | 02:20:49 | 02:21:20 | |
497 | 635 | Emma | ELDERSHAW | F40 to 44 | 02:20:49 | 02:21:20 | |
498 | 169 | Linda | BOOTH | F35 to 39 | 02:21:12 | 02:21:31 | |
499 | 367 | Louise | MATHEWS | F45 to 49 | 02:21:19 | 02:21:32 | |
500 | 553 | Carly | ATHERTON | F35 to 39 | 02:21:10 | 02:21:32 | |
501 | 51 | Margaret | FISHER | F50 to 54 | 02:22:05 | 02:22:45 | |
502 | 209 | Suzanne | BARRETT | F40 to 44 | 02:22:30 | 02:22:53 | |
503 | 208 | Gina | MIRRELSON | F40 to 44 | 02:22:28 | 02:22:53 | |
504 | 309 | Jo | CHRISTOPHER | F35 to 39 | Winston Runners | 02:22:43 | 02:22:59 |
505 | 66 | Malcolm | HINGLEY | M45 to 49 | 02:23:28 | 02:24:07 | |
506 | 131 | Debbie | HALL | F35 to 39 | 02:23:33 | 02:24:15 | |
507 | 282 | James | DANIEL | M35 to 39 | 02:23:38 | 02:24:20 | |
508 | 394 | Tom | HAMPTON | M50 to 54 | Warrington Triathlon Club | 02:24:06 | 02:24:30 |
509 | 248 | Ria | BRIGHT | F40 to 44 | Dragons Manchester | 02:24:10 | 02:24:43 |
510 | 121 | Stephen | SCOTT | M50 to 54 | 02:24:06 | 02:24:44 | |
511 | 191 | Stuart | PARKINSON | M40 to 44 | 02:24:06 | 02:24:45 | |
512 | 288 | Stephen | CHARNLEY | M35 to 39 | 02:24:27 | 02:25:10 | |
513 | 137 | David | DAY | M40 to 44 | 02:24:55 | 02:25:31 | |
514 | 267 | Laura | WATERHOUSE | F35 to 39 | 02:25:19 | 02:25:32 | |
515 | 565 | Donna | CHALLIS | F21 to 34 | 02:26:32 | 02:27:02 | |
516 | 123 | Julie | GRIFFITHS | F35 to 39 | 02:26:36 | 02:27:18 | |
517 | 117 | Andrew | CHAPMAN | M35 to 39 | 02:26:53 | 02:27:21 | |
518 | 412 | Tom | McNICHOLAS | M35 to 39 | Red Rose Road Runners | 02:26:38 | 02:27:22 |
519 | 362 | Caroline | MOSTENSKI | F45 to 49 | 02:27:23 | 02:28:07 | |
520 | 130 | Leanda | WADDICOR | F45 to 49 | 02:27:42 | 02:28:09 | |
521 | 441 | Jen | UNWIN | F45 to 49 | 02:28:11 | 02:28:45 | |
522 | 17 | KATE | SHEPHERD | F21 to 34 | 02:28:25 | 02:28:57 | |
523 | 266 | Claire | HARDISTY | F21 to 34 | 02:28:18 | 02:29:02 | |
524 | 56 | Jackie | BARKER | F55 to 59 | Stainland Lions | 02:29:14 | 02:29:37 |
525 | 480 | Sophie | SMITH | F21 to 34 | 02:29:57 | 02:30:30 | |
526 | 410 | Daniel | MOLLOY | M35 to 39 | 02:30:11 | 02:30:38 | |
527 | 446 | Clare | BENNETT | F45 to 49 | 02:29:58 | 02:30:43 | |
528 | 447 | Tim | BENNETT | M45 to 49 | 02:29:58 | 02:30:44 | |
529 | 118 | Clare | FAIRCLOUGH | F40 to 44 | 02:30:35 | 02:31:10 | |
530 | 582 | Mark | KIRKHAM | M21 to 34 | 02:30:41 | 02:31:29 | |
531 | 3 | Mick&Phil | CURRY | M50 to 54 | Road Runners Club | 02:30:48 | 02:31:37 |
532 | 700 | Sue | WICKHAM | F50 to 54 | Preston Harriers | 02:32:48 | 02:33:19 |
533 | 682 | Keren | FRAZER | F40 to 44 | 02:32:34 | 02:33:21 | |
534 | 207 | Joanne | KELLEY | F40 to 44 | 02:32:57 | 02:33:21 | |
535 | 595 | Eric | COTTRELL | M65 to 69 | 02:32:55 | 02:33:32 | |
536 | 363 | Kathy | EDGE | F45 to 49 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:33:10 | 02:33:48 |
537 | 361 | Danielle | JIAGBOGU | F45 to 49 | Lancaster & Morecambe AC | 02:33:10 | 02:33:48 |
538 | 324 | Rebecca | DAVIS | F21 to 34 | 02:33:35 | 02:33:56 | |
539 | 522 | Alex | JEFFREY | M21 to 34 | 02:36:34 | 02:37:13 | |
540 | 483 | Rachel | WHITELEY | F21 to 34 | Stainland Lions | 02:39:16 | 02:39:39 |
541 | 316 | Holly | McCULLAGH | F21 to 34 | 02:40:17 | 02:40:37 | |
542 | 501 | Claire | DASCOMBE | F21 to 34 | 02:40:17 | 02:40:37 | |
543 | 540 | Hester | DE WET | F55 to 59 | 02:40:24 | 02:40:59 | |
544 | 629 | Cath | ELLIOTT | F60 to 64 | 02:41:21 | 02:42:02 | |
545 | 614 | Keith | O'BRIEN | M50 to 54 | Preston Harriers | 02:51:52 | 02:52:24 |
546 | 188 | Saira | MIRZA | F21 to 34 | 02:53:26 | 02:54:15 | |
547 | 171 | Tony | FILLINGHAM | M35 to 39 | 02:53:47 | 02:54:15 | |
548 | 476 | Kelly | STOBBS | F21 to 34 | 02:57:19 | 02:57:56 |
"kilian, you're coming back next year?"
"I don't's too flat !"