
Monday, 27 June 2011

UPDATED: 2011 Western States 100 Final Mile with Kilian Jornet

"kilian, you're coming back next year?"

"I don't's too flat !"

What can one say but AWESOME!

Kilian Jornet Post-2011 Western States 100 Interview

Ellie Greenwood Post-2011 Western States 100 InterviewEllie Greenwood Post-2011 Western States 100 Interview

Oh what a babe, I'd heard podcasts with Ellie and had this impression of her as a short, slightly stumpy gal with cropped bleached blonde hair!
How wrong can a guy be!
I should have known better!
Because I have women drooling at the mouth on the phone with my sexy voice, only to have them run a 100m faster than a drug crazed Ben Johnson when they see me in real life :0[
Still no running, being patient, plan to start with run-walks on Wed then every other day with cycling sessions in-between for the first week back.
Marius Bakken sent me a personnel email giving his recommendations on how to recover from the calf muscle tear.
He recommends some deep massage every other day and starting back with the run walks, also recommends changing shoes!
Cycle hill sprints and weight and core training.
Sprinted up Selworthy Rd hill until my legs couldn't take any more.
= 46 mins

Sunday, 26 June 2011

To Stretch Or Not To Stretch That Is The Question?

"Running Stretches, Are They Effective And Injury Preventing...And What Is The Best Way"

BY Marius Bakken

stretching for runningStretching for running is a much discussed topic. You are in from a run and ready for a shower. But before that, some light running stretches.

Because you have always done so and because it is suppose to be injury preventing and at the same time increase general running economy.

A common question from runners is : should I be stretching after a run ?

I want to tell you a story about this : a few years ago I was in Kenya on one of my regular altitude trainings.

High up in the Rift Valley where most of the great Kenyans do their training.

Right beforehand I had a discussion with one of the experts on stretching in the Olympic team. We disagreed on whether or not I should do stretching in my training or not.


RicksRunning Says:

Just got some really good advise on how to treat my calf injury from Marius Bakken, will report back soon.

It does seem doing static stretching made my injury worse!

Alex Hutchinson
Muscular endurance of quadriceps predicts how much your running economy will worsen as you fatigue:

KiIian conquers all!

Here on RicksRunning we have featured Kilian's videos for at least two years, so I'm really pleased that he has hit the big time with an amazing achievement at the Western States 100


Saturday, 25 June 2011

I've Got A Bike!

Had to dig my old racing bike out of the spare room and find my cycling shoes which were stored up in the loft [an exercise in it's self!] , the calf muscle is no better!

After 18 years it was time to start some cycle training again!
Now I remember reading in Peak Performance magazine how they got a group of runners to replace 3 of their runs a week with cycle hill sprinting [out of the saddle], seems they all improved there 5K times [not how sure how fit they were to start with?].
Anyway, I did have a really good year running in the summer of 2003, was it by any coincidence that I use to cycle to work and back [2 miles each way] Riding a very big gear out of the saddle all the way?
The idea I guess is to really work on the muscles you use for running, so I did 10 miles which included many efforts up the short hills of Selworthy Rd and surrounding area.
Well first was the shock and realization that I'm just not as powerful on the bike as my prime days!
Oh well I still got a bloody good workout and I was grovelling by the end!
The cycling gave my calf muscle no problems which is a good deal as the muscle is getting increased circulation as well as making it stronger which hopefully should speed up the recovery process!
Well that;s it for now!
Not sure why but I really like the cover song By Danny and his Daughter doing Sid Barrett's BIKE , pretty sure it would put a smile on Sid's face if he was still around!
OK and here's Danny and
Jasmine doing a real classic!

Friday, 24 June 2011


I was interested to read Matt Fitzgeralds latest articles on running form.
It seem he's saying everything he wrote on running form in the book Brain Training For Runners is incorrect!
I have to say I didn't find the section on running form in his old book very helpful and infact later found out that some of what he was saying was to be honest pure rubbish!
Have you read his latest articles and what do you think?

Good Running Form Is A Matter Of Not Being Lazy

Incredible Running Technique Breakthroughs

Anyway I was reading his latest books preview on google books and read a really good article on the great Geb, I recommend you read it and check out page 3

RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel


Renato Canova Takes on American Marathoners


Nine aspiring Americans will be tutored towards the Olympic trials by the master coach

Get Serious: A 12-Week Renato Canova Marathon Training Plan

Do the speedwork first and build endurance later? Is that any way to train for a marathon? Yes, say some of the world's best runners. This 12-week plan turns the typical training program upside down--with incredible results. By Scott Douglas

UPDATED; Mass Disqualifications at Freckleton Half Marathon And Amazing Mountain Running Video!

This guy runs up hill like there is 'NO GRAVITY'!
Beautifully produced video and one truly amazing Athlete!


Southport Waterloo Athletes move up the rankings after mass disqualifications at Freckleton Half Marathon.

Photo; Fellow blogger Marty, Matt and Stevie
Stevie Lewis left this comment concerning the disqualifications;
Stevie L said...

Brian Porter (Frecleton Race director) over on RW forums says:

Looks a bit on the harsh side to me.

There were a lot of runners who had folded their numbers so the sponsors names weren't visible. Check the UKA rules filks. We were all running under them. Numbers must not be folded, altered or mutilated.

But they probably weren't disqualified for folding the number.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that after being warned by the referee they were then abusive to him. Abuse of a race official will result in a disqualification.

In my experience as a referee if people have accepted the warning I've let it go but if they have then been abusive I've DQ'd them.

Hope this helps

On a more positive note I thoroughly enjoyed the race


I've been speaking to a few people today about these disqualifications.

On reflection I'm inclined now to agree with the decision of the race referee for the following reasons:

It states in the pre race instructions that everyone received with their number that numbers must be worn on the front and must not be folded.

"Numbers must not be folded or altered in any way. The sponsors pay for their name to be on the number. Please make sure their name can be seen."

This information is also on the race web site along with a copy of the UKA rules for road running.

That said, it seems people were warned about folding numbers initially. They were disqualified for the abuse they gave the referee in response to the warning.

Stevie now moves up to 28th overall.
Pos Num Forename Surname Category Club ChipTime GunTime
11BenFISHM21 to 34Blackburn Harriers01:11:0201:11:03
26JohnMASONM21 to 34 01:11:2601:11:26
3612StuartROBINSONM21 to 34Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:12:1901:12:19
4748GaryPENNINGTONM40 to 44Preston Harriers01:14:4301:14:44
5722JustinMITCHELLM35 to 39Woking AC01:15:5501:15:56
6734SteveHALLASM35 to 39Preston Harriers01:17:4101:17:41
7356DarrenWASHINGTONM40 to 44City Of Stoke01:19:2301:19:24
8110StuartCARROLLM40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:19:3401:19:35
9457AndrewDRAPERM21 to 34Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:19:4801:19:49
10705GregCALLAGHANM45 to 49Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton H01:19:5401:19:55
11642NigelTHOMPSONM45 to 49Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:20:2301:20:25
12293AnthonyBARBATM50 to 54Wallasey A.C.01:20:5401:20:55
13583KarlLEEM21 to 34Wesham Road Runners01:21:3301:21:34
14512LeslieCORNWALLM21 to 34Wesham Road Runners01:21:4801:21:48
1523JasonBARLOWM40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:22:1301:22:15
1640DarrenSPENCERM40 to 44Mablethorpe Running Club01:22:2501:22:26
17746AaronLOWERYM21 to 34Leeds City AC01:22:3201:22:33
18743SteveMARKLEWM45 to 49Royal Sutton Coldfield AC01:22:5601:22:56
19205DavidMcBRIDEM35 to 39Royton Road Runners01:23:3801:23:40
20711JamieANDERSONM21 to 34Telford Harriers01:23:5301:23:56
21162IanBISHOPM40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:24:2501:24:27
2214Robert AnthonyDANSONM20 and under 01:24:2801:24:30
23723CarolineBETMEADF35 to 39Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:24:4901:24:50
24232JonnyMcKENNAM21 to 34 01:25:0801:25:11
25603ChristopherTULLYM21 to 34Preston Harriers01:25:1101:25:14
26545LeeBARLOWM35 to 39Wesham Road Runners01:25:1801:25:20
27662RichardJONESM21 to 34Garstang Running Club01:24:3701:25:26
28695SteveLEWISM35 to 39Southport Waterloo AC01:25:3201:25:35
29715DavidWILLIAMSM35 to 39Les Croupiers01:25:4801:25:49
30738PeterGILLESPIEM45 to 49Redhill Road Runners01:26:0001:26:04
31313GemaADAMSF21 to 34Preston Harriers01:26:1001:26:13
32437ColinGREENM40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:26:4201:26:49
33283JohnCOLLIERM55 to 59Wesham Road Runners01:27:0101:27:03
34507SteveCOLEMANM45 to 49Astley & Tyldesley Road Runners01:27:2701:27:31
35648JamieCOOKM21 to 34Belle Vue Racers01:27:3301:27:37
36229BillBALMERM40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:27:3301:27:42
37567JohnMcMANNIMANM35 to 39Liverpool Running Club01:27:5501:27:56
38736MartinBATESM50 to 54Wesham Road Runners01:27:5501:28:00
39737LukeSAXTONM21 to 34 01:28:0001:28:04
40741IanMASONM45 to 49Askern DRC01:28:1501:28:19
41558RussCORSINIM50 to 54Darwen Dashers01:28:3601:28:38
42156DavidEMANUELM45 to 49Royton Road Runners01:28:4001:28:46
43508JoannaGOORNEYF40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:28:4401:28:46
44580ChrisGRAYSONM40 to 44Blackburn Road Runners01:28:4701:28:51
45619NathanWALSHM21 to 34 01:28:5001:28:53
46717IanWRIGHTM45 to 49 01:28:5501:29:09
47613AlanMARSHALLM50 to 54Eden Runners01:29:2601:29:41
4873AlisonSEDMANF45 to 49Belle Vue Racers01:29:4901:29:51
49686SimonDENYEM35 to 39Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:29:5301:29:54
5025PeterGIBSONM21 to 34 01:29:5601:29:58
51434Robert GrahamMOFFATM21 to 34Howgill Harriers01:29:4701:30:03
52747MatthewNELSONM50 to 54Southport Waterloo AC01:30:2201:30:25
53238RobertMcGRATHM45 to 49Southport Waterloo AC01:30:2801:30:32
54462DavidMELLORM55 to 59Stockport Harriers01:30:3701:30:40
55272DaveSHACKLEYM40 to 44Manchester Triathlon Club01:30:4001:30:41
56354TonyPRITCHARDM55 to 59Garstang Running Club01:30:3401:30:41
5798JOHNOLIVERM35 to 39Wesham Road Runners01:30:5101:30:53
58332NeilPHILLIPSM50 to 54 01:30:5401:30:57
59510AndrewTONGUEM21 to 34Belle Vue Racers01:30:5601:31:00
60195MatthewWRIGLEYM21 to 34Wesham Road Runners01:31:0701:31:09
61560DavidTODDM40 to 44Quakers Running Club01:31:0401:31:14
62220DaveHALLM50 to 54Royton Road Runners01:31:1601:31:22
63696DanielHUGHESM21 to 34 01:31:2101:31:26
64731LizaBARRYF21 to 34CLC Striders01:31:2401:31:29
65104EricGREENM50 to 54Valley Striders01:31:3701:31:40
66730BevWRIGHTF50 to 54Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:31:4201:31:45
67116AndrewMOSLEYM40 to 44Swinton Running Club01:31:2301:31:45
68727RobertCRANGLEM45 to 49Serpentine RC01:31:3301:31:52
69105MartinLEVERM45 to 49Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:31:5701:32:01
70371GailBEATONF40 to 44Garscube Harriers01:31:5901:32:04
71114TundeBURAIMOM40 to 44Preston Harriers01:32:0501:32:20
7224JenLEWISF21 to 34 01:32:2301:32:28
73435KevinNEWALLM35 to 39Horwich RMI Harriers01:32:3501:32:37
74245RobertKELLETTM40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:32:3001:32:42
75335Emma JoanneLUNDF21 to 34Wesham Road Runners01:32:4901:32:53
76569TimothyMcCAUGHEYM21 to 34Pudsey Pacers01:33:1901:33:22
77672JonathanSARGEANTM45 to 49Belle Vue Racers01:33:1901:33:27
78740LouiseTRAINORF40 to 44Quakers Running Club01:33:4101:33:53
79269TobinRAYNERM45 to 49Bungay Black Dog RC01:33:5701:34:06
80599MichaelHARRISONM21 to 34Royton Road Runners01:34:0401:34:14
81150CaroleMADDENF50 to 54Royton Road Runners01:34:1001:34:16
82525RobertPHILLIPSM21 to 34 01:34:2001:34:32
83249DerekIVENSM45 to 49Stockport Harriers01:34:2401:34:34
84349MichaelJOHNSONM21 to 34 01:34:2601:34:35
859BrandonWILLOUGHBYM50 to 54Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:34:3201:34:37
8641HelenLAWRENSONF40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:34:4001:34:44
87661MarcPOTTERM35 to 39Riversway Road Runners01:34:3801:34:48
88403ChrisHIBBERTM40 to 44Manchester Harriers01:34:4301:34:49
89237MarkWILLETTM35 to 39Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:34:5101:34:53
90669JamesDARKINM40 to 44 01:34:4701:34:54
91424SimonO'LEARYM21 to 34 01:35:0401:35:17
92576SimonHEATHM21 to 34 01:35:0001:35:27
93336IanPICKETTM21 to 34 01:35:3201:35:38
94563SarahGRAVESF40 to 44Wolds Vets01:35:3901:35:45
95430AndrewSTELLM40 to 44Preston Harriers01:35:3701:35:46
96145MartynCOYNEM21 to 34 01:35:4901:35:51
9774NigelSEDMANM45 to 49Belle Vue Racers01:35:5401:36:02
98456KevinSCOTTM45 to 49Eden Runners01:35:5401:36:03
99709ColinLAIDLAWM55 to 59Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:36:0101:36:04
100574PaulCAINM40 to 44Southport Waterloo AC01:36:1701:36:21
101370KathrynSCOTTF45 to 49Clydesdale Harriers01:37:0401:37:09
102174DavidHESLOPM50 to 54Garstang Running Club01:37:0701:37:20
103422CraigGOULDTHORPEM35 to 39 01:36:4401:37:27
104252CharlesCOLBYM40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:37:2501:37:31
10597SIMONHALLASM35 to 39 01:37:2601:37:36
106718OliSHARPM21 to 34 01:37:2401:37:39
107203RobertGARTHM21 to 34 01:37:3001:37:41
108146BobJACKSONM60 to 64Valley Striders01:37:5301:38:00
10933MarkWILDEM21 to 34 01:37:4101:38:04
110518AndrewMARTINDALEM40 to 44Wigton Road Runners01:37:5401:38:06
111591AndrewNELSONM21 to 34 01:37:5601:38:11
112189PhilipMORTONM35 to 39Accrington Road Runners01:38:2201:38:26
113147RobertWALSHM35 to 39 01:38:1901:38:31
114178MarkNEWTONM40 to 44 01:38:5701:39:02
115227IanFRANCEM45 to 49Wesham Road Runners01:38:5401:39:05
116514MichaelBRENNANDM45 to 49Red Rose Road Runners01:38:5901:39:05
117211PaulDUNGANM45 to 49 01:38:5701:39:14
118438PeitrCUTLERM35 to 39 01:39:2001:39:23
119534TimDERBYSHIREM35 to 39Boalloy Running Club01:39:1601:39:24
120584RobertJONESM21 to 34 01:39:1801:39:27
121414NeilWILSONM45 to 49 01:39:1401:39:38
122291StephenLAMBM35 to 39 01:39:3701:39:43
123194PhilipD'NETTOM40 to 44Belle Vue Racers01:39:2901:39:45
1245DanielleBEARDF21 to 34Rochdale Harriers & AC01:39:3501:39:46
1258MaryteMOOREF50 to 54Stockport Harriers01:39:5101:39:58
126564GlennSHELLEYM21 to 34 01:39:2501:40:03
127626AntonyHELMEM21 to 34 01:39:5901:40:13
128113TomWHALLEYM45 to 49 01:40:0101:40:14
129159IanOATRIDGEM35 to 39 01:40:0601:40:16
130592IanBESTM40 to 44 01:40:1001:40:18
131256HelenYOUNGF21 to 34Carlisle Tri Club01:40:1201:40:23
132493CatherineCARRDUSF35 to 39 01:40:1101:40:27
133598SteveCARTMELLM40 to 44 01:39:5601:40:32
134472DavidBARROWCLOUGHM45 to 49 01:40:1401:40:38
135459StephenHOLLISM55 to 59Liverpool Road Runners01:40:3501:40:40
136204DavidATKINSONM50 to 54Northern Veterans AC01:40:3501:40:42
137724AnthonyDICKENSM50 to 54 01:40:3301:40:44
138690DuncanWORTHM50 to 54Salford Metropolitan AC01:40:3701:40:46
139559SusanCORSINIF45 to 49Darwen Dashers01:40:3701:40:47
140735AndySEALM45 to 49Telford Harriers01:40:4601:40:49
141326RobinLONGM45 to 49Chorley Harriers01:40:4501:40:53
14265TerenceROBINSONM65 to 69Northern Veterans AC01:40:4501:40:54
143364PeterKELLYM40 to 44 01:40:3101:40:56
144284DamienLATHAMM21 to 34 01:40:5301:41:00
145115PhilCRAYM45 to 49Garstang Running Club01:40:5701:41:05
146618AlastairWALKERM35 to 39 01:41:0801:41:11
147383EunanKEALEYM21 to 34 01:41:0601:41:21
148557StephenGLOVERM40 to 44 01:41:0201:41:23
149315AndrewOATESM45 to 49 01:41:1501:41:23
150173KevinWATERHOUSEM21 to 34 01:41:2301:41:30
151135DaveHOGGM40 to 44 01:41:2901:41:35
152325JamieHIRSTM35 to 39 01:41:1301:41:37
153685MichealGOODEM45 to 49 01:41:2801:41:39
15453NigelSHEPHERDM50 to 54Wesham Road Runners01:41:3401:41:39
155726TanyaASHWORTHF35 to 39Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:41:4201:41:46
156531DavidKENNEYM21 to 34 01:41:5801:42:13
157345DavidSMITHM55 to 59Royton Road Runners01:42:1101:42:20
158606MarkSCULLIONM35 to 39 01:42:2001:42:29
159710HideoTAKANOM45 to 49Dorking & Mole Valley AC01:42:1001:42:30
160556PaulRUSHTONM45 to 49Radcliffe AC01:42:1501:42:35
161402ChrisPRICEM40 to 44 01:42:2201:42:44
162491DavidDEACONM35 to 39 01:42:2401:42:44
163239Laura MarieLAWLERF40 to 44Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:42:1601:42:55
16476MarkRIGBYM40 to 44 01:42:4901:42:58
165684CatherineBUTLERF21 to 34 01:43:0501:43:16
166675MarkHUNTM40 to 44 01:43:1801:43:21
167338DarrenHALESM35 to 39Stockport Harriers01:43:1001:43:27
16846ChristopherMOSSM45 to 49Wesham Road Runners01:43:3101:43:37
169261ToniCHAPLIN-ARMERF45 to 49Border Harriers01:43:2101:43:42
170505RussellINGHAMM35 to 39Royton Road Runners01:43:3301:43:43
171627ShaunGRAHAMM45 to 49Eden Runners01:43:3701:43:45
172251AngelaCOLBYF40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:43:4401:43:50
173451SteveLAFFERTYM50 to 54 01:43:4801:43:54
174530StevenSTANDRINGM21 to 34 01:43:4701:44:02
175656AndrewTHOMPSONM45 to 49 01:43:4601:44:03
176732MicheleMORANF45 to 49North Eastern Veterans01:44:0301:44:06
177190StephenELDRIDGEM45 to 49 01:43:5701:44:11
17839DavidBROOKSM35 to 39Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:44:1401:44:21
179529IanEGGLESTONEM40 to 44 01:44:1401:44:26
180586NicolaUNSWORTHF40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:44:1301:44:27
181660SteveHAMERM50 to 54Radcliffe AC01:44:0801:44:31
182280DerrickWAREINGM45 to 49 01:43:5901:44:32
183561IanPIKEM40 to 44Lymm Runners01:44:2501:44:43
184708RobertWHITEM35 to 39Buxton & District AC01:44:5501:44:56
185262DavidHARRISONM50 to 54Keswick AC01:44:3601:44:57
186666JamesHEWELLM35 to 39Wesham Road Runners01:44:4301:44:57
187594CarolBUTTERWORTH-COWELLF40 to 44Darwen Dashers01:44:4701:44:57
188526LauraKIRKHAMF21 to 34Riversway Road Runners01:44:4701:44:58
189219PaulVEEVERSM21 to 34 01:44:5201:45:05
190375StephenPEARSONM45 to 49 01:44:5201:45:18
191234StephenMARLOWM21 to 34 01:45:0201:45:27
192744CatLAWSONF21 to 34 01:45:2601:45:33
193246DavidBYRNEM21 to 34 01:45:1801:45:36
19444SimonEATONM40 to 44Wesham Road Runners01:45:4401:45:47
195728DaveDYSONM55 to 59Blackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:45:5001:45:58
19616SHAUNAMURPHYF21 to 34 01:45:5201:46:02
197427StephenBONSUM21 to 34 01:46:0801:46:10
198703AnthonyMcGALEM40 to 44Springburn Harriers01:46:0001:46:11
199202MikeSCOTTM45 to 49 01:45:4201:46:17
200148JohnWAINM40 to 44 01:46:1701:46:29
20158StephenDE NOBREGAM21 to 34 01:46:3401:46:39
202524SeanSWEENEYM40 to 44 01:46:2801:46:40
203393DanielCUTHBERTSONM35 to 39 01:46:4401:46:54
204300AdrianSTOTTM35 to 39 01:46:4501:46:59
205255PaulHODGEM40 to 44 01:46:4301:47:03
206129KeithLUNTM40 to 44Southport Waterloo AC01:47:0501:47:09
207463SarahDAVIESF21 to 34 01:47:0401:47:10
208668TomJORDANM21 to 34Riversway Road Runners01:47:0801:47:18
209102PeterCOWLINGM45 to 49Preston Harriers01:46:5301:47:21
210350RichardTHOMPSONM21 to 34Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social01:47:1401:47:28
211725BarbaraRUSLINGF50 to 54Maltby Running Club01:47:1701:47:28
212213DavidMcGOWANM21 to 34Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social01:47:1401:47:32
213645Daniel JamesMORRISM21 to 34 01:47:3201:47:35
214689LauraJONESF21 to 34 01:47:2401:47:36
21521JenniBOOCOCKF21 to 34Chorley Harriers01:47:2401:47:45
216168JennySALTF35 to 39Wesham Road Runners01:47:3201:47:47
217172KevinLIGHTFOOTM35 to 39 01:47:3901:47:51
218359GeorgeCRITCHLEYM50 to 54Radcliffe AC01:47:3001:47:52
219270TonyLOWERYM40 to 44Eden Runners01:47:3501:47:53
220366NeilHAIGHTONM21 to 34 01:47:4101:47:54
221365KateHAIGHTONF21 to 34 01:47:4201:47:54
222499PhilipCHAMBERLAINM35 to 39 01:47:1201:47:57
22368StephenBAILEYM35 to 39 01:47:4201:47:58
224496ChrisRHOADESM21 to 34 01:47:5501:48:04
225665MichaelRAYWORTHM21 to 34Riversway Road Runners01:47:5501:48:05
226285DarrenDERBYSHIREM35 to 39 01:48:0501:48:13
227327NeilADAMSM45 to 49 01:48:1301:48:19
22862PeterBARTLETTM60 to 64Wesham Road Runners01:48:0501:48:19
229692Craig LeeGILLIBRANDM35 to 39 01:47:5001:48:22
230340Martin AndrewBOTTOMLEYM40 to 44 01:48:0101:48:29
231119JohnSWEENEYM35 to 39Royton Road Runners01:48:1501:48:34
232384SaraWARDF45 to 49Wesham Road Runners01:48:2601:48:40
233636JoeGREENWOODM21 to 34 01:48:1801:48:55
234136GavinPARISHM35 to 39 01:48:5301:49:12
235431PaulaSTELLF35 to 39Preston Harriers01:48:4901:49:18
236554GuyROBERTSM21 to 34Mossley Hill Athletics Club01:49:1101:49:18
237257AnneJEYNESF21 to 34Mossley Hill Athletics Club01:49:1101:49:18
238646StephenWEBBM35 to 39Belle Vue Racers01:49:0301:49:19
239187CraigSTEPHENSM40 to 44 01:49:0601:49:20
240215RussellCLIFFORDM40 to 44 01:49:0801:49:22
241523StevenKIRKHAMM35 to 39 01:49:2701:49:39
242347PeterBRINDLEM21 to 34 01:49:4601:49:55
243678MarkKOLODZIEJCZAKM21 to 34 01:49:2501:49:55
244183AprilCHAMBERLAINF35 to 39 01:49:3901:49:56
24513CraigHOLMESM20 and under 01:49:2201:50:03
246125GregoryLAMBERTM55 to 59Lancaster & Morecambe AC01:49:5001:50:05
247513JohnSOUTHWORTHM45 to 49 01:49:4401:50:06
248511ChrisLEAKM35 to 39 01:49:3301:50:15
249442RobinaOSBOURNEF21 to 34 01:50:0101:50:16
250426DavidBUTLERM45 to 49 01:49:5201:50:17
251539JamesAMINM21 to 34Belle Vue Racers01:50:1401:50:31
252158GrahamWILSONM40 to 44 01:50:2301:50:42
253475DavidMANGNALLM45 to 49 01:50:0501:50:42
254555ValerieKILBURNF40 to 44Royton Road Runners01:50:4201:50:57
25530DorothyCAPSTICKF21 to 34Preston Harriers01:50:4301:51:08
256420GraemeCAIRNSM21 to 34 01:51:0301:51:28
25763BrianMASONM60 to 64Winston Runners01:51:1401:51:30
258729JacquelineREIDF45 to 49Metropolitan Police AC01:51:2801:51:32
259310SueLLOYDF21 to 34 01:51:2301:51:39
260515DeborahELLISONF21 to 34 01:51:3001:51:42
261184MarkPRESTONM40 to 44 01:51:2201:51:44
26264PaulEVANSM60 to 64 01:51:1601:51:49
263535DavidCULSHAWM55 to 59Wigan Phoenix01:51:3201:51:50
264482HuwOWENM21 to 34 01:51:2301:51:50
265570PaulJACKSONM35 to 39 01:51:4501:52:00
26675JohnWINTERSM75 and overBlackpool Wyre & Fylde AC01:52:1201:52:12
267337AlanROGERSM40 to 44 01:52:1001:52:27
268643KatherineROSSF35 to 39Womens Running Network01:52:0601:52:30
269654AnthonyPRESTONM21 to 34Belle Vue Racers01:52:1101:52:35
270322SimonELLWOODM50 to 54 01:52:3301:52:40
271133MagsBRETHERTONF35 to 39 01:52:3001:52:40
272527TedSMITHM45 to 49 01:52:2701:52:42
273528RickSMITHM45 to 49 01:52:2701:52:42
274177JuliaPOSSENERF40 to 44 01:52:0801:52:49
27536JohnPICKUPM50 to 54Swinton Running Club01:52:4601:53:12
276307SarahWAREINGF35 to 39 01:52:2901:53:15
27777HelenWEBSTERF21 to 34 01:52:5701:53:16
27886MARGARETDALYF50 to 54 01:52:5001:53:17
279380AlanCLAREYM55 to 59Mossley Hill Athletics Club01:52:5601:53:18
280334FrankROGERSM35 to 39Belle Vue Racers01:53:1001:53:22
281611JamesCORRIGANM35 to 39Belle Vue Racers01:53:1001:53:22
282391DavidELLISM21 to 34Royton Road Runners01:53:2001:53:38
283373BernardBROWNM45 to 49 01:53:2201:53:38
284163SimonWILSDONM21 to 34Wesham Road Runners01:53:3501:53:54
285436StephTOWNSONF21 to 34 01:53:3001:53:56
286406MikeROXBURGHM40 to 44Penny Lane Striders01:53:5401:54:02
28770RobertRILEYM70 to 74 01:53:2101:54:04
288404JohnHOUGHTONM50 to 54 01:53:5901:54:06
289538EdDYSONM35 to 39Glossopdale Harriers01:54:0101:54:10
290623MarkEMMETTM50 to 54Radcliffe AC01:53:5201:54:15
291294BethTREADDELLF40 to 44 01:54:0201:54:16
292318TheresaSHAWF40 to 44 01:53:3801:54:18
29359JamesSKIPPERM55 to 59 01:53:5801:54:21
294200RobertMILLERM60 to 64Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:54:0701:54:28
295302BenHOPESM21 to 34 01:54:0901:54:34
29632JohnBLACKBURNM21 to 34 01:54:0601:54:34
297552PaulBOUSFIELDM40 to 44 01:53:5501:54:36
298610JennaHOODF21 to 34Howgill Harriers01:54:3301:54:51
29952PamelaHARDMANF50 to 54Lytham St Annes Road Runners01:54:4601:55:01
30057IanMcKENZIEM55 to 59 01:54:4401:55:02
301578StephenHOLDENM40 to 44 01:54:4501:55:04
302268KeithWATERHOUSEM21 to 34 01:55:0401:55:17
303693Anthony JohnGILLIBRANDM35 to 39 01:54:4901:55:21
304415HowardLITTLEM45 to 49 01:55:0401:55:29
305275PeterBOLTONM35 to 39 01:55:1601:55:35
306674DavidBOOTHM35 to 39Royton Road Runners01:55:2601:55:41
30785ROBHOSKERM35 to 39 01:54:5901:55:42
308140BenjaminARMSTRONGM21 to 34 01:55:1901:55:55
309471WarrenDEVINEM40 to 44 01:55:5601:56:09
310659DavidMARSHM50 to 54New York Road Runners01:56:0701:56:12
311549AlanBROWNM50 to 54Riversway Road Runners01:56:1001:56:22
312537PaulMORGANM35 to 39 01:56:0501:56:32
313719JoeGARROODM21 to 34 01:56:1401:56:35
314413GailWILSONF45 to 49 01:56:1101:56:35
315411GrahamTURNERM21 to 34Chester Tri01:56:2701:56:38
316440DavidUNWINM50 to 54 01:56:4101:56:49
317126NicolaCOPLEYF35 to 39 01:56:4401:56:54
318216PaulMOSSM50 to 54 01:56:4001:57:03
319691DaveREIDM50 to 54Chester Tri01:56:5601:57:12
320445MarkDUFFYM40 to 44Low Fell RC01:56:4401:57:15
321504LisaEVANSF40 to 44South Ribble Runners01:56:5801:57:18
322127PhilipWATERHOUSEM21 to 34Swinton Running Club01:57:0401:57:30
32312ThomasSMITHM21 to 34 01:56:5801:57:38
32467AdamTURNERM21 to 34 01:57:2501:57:53
32593MarkFENTONM21 to 34 01:57:4401:57:54
326355GaryGASTONM35 to 39 01:57:2101:57:57
327428PaulIRWINM40 to 44 01:57:2901:57:57
328218NicolasHORNEM40 to 44 01:58:1901:58:20
329103GerryO'DONNELLM50 to 54 01:57:4201:58:22
330651HayleyCHESTERF21 to 34 01:58:0501:58:22
331653GordonRICHMONDM21 to 34 01:58:0501:58:23
332657GabriellaCONWAYF21 to 34 01:57:5201:58:26
333235IanFLOWERSM50 to 54 01:57:4501:58:27
334509RuthPORTF40 to 44Razzer's Runners01:58:1001:58:30
335108PhilipMcCULLAGHM50 to 54Chorley AC01:58:2701:58:40
336161JeremyHORTONM50 to 54 01:58:1001:58:41
33749KarenATHERTONF45 to 49Darwen Dashers01:58:2101:58:47
338544StephenWILKINSONM55 to 59Wesham Road Runners01:58:4001:58:52
339329PeterSWIFTM35 to 39 01:58:3901:58:54
340199MalcolmRICKERSM45 to 49 01:58:2601:58:56
34150NickHALSTEADM50 to 54 01:58:2701:59:12
342157PeterHAYLERM55 to 59 01:59:0101:59:19
343243SheilaJONESF55 to 59Radcliffe AC01:58:4601:59:20
344542AdeleBOOTHAMF35 to 39 01:58:5001:59:21
34561DonBEALM60 to 64 01:59:0301:59:27
346376ElizabethDOYLEF40 to 44 01:59:0101:59:27
347608BenSHAWM50 to 54 01:59:1401:59:32
348465DebbieSHARKEYF35 to 39 01:59:2401:59:43
349488DaveTILLERAYM50 to 54 01:59:2701:59:46
35047BrianPORTERM45 to 49Wesham Road Runners01:59:4501:59:46
351589DawnGREENF50 to 54Swinton Running Club01:59:2001:59:48
35231KatyTHURSBYF21 to 34 01:59:2701:59:56
353607JohnHILLM35 to 39 01:59:2501:59:57
354333SueFIDDESF45 to 49Andems Runners01:59:0902:00:01
35510William TKNOXM55 to 59Rochdale Harriers & AC01:59:1202:00:02
356301ChrisPRESTONM40 to 44 01:59:4002:00:02
357444CarolHARTF50 to 54Swinton Running Club01:59:4502:00:13
358274JanetteSTUDHOLMEF40 to 44 01:59:5802:00:28
359677AlanCROSSM40 to 44 02:00:1602:00:30
360588MatthewLAFFERTYM21 to 34 02:00:3602:00:45
361453StephenHARTM50 to 54Swinton Running Club02:00:2402:00:51
362381NicolaJOHNSONF21 to 34Parbold Pink Panthers02:00:2902:00:54
363519ChrisCONNORSM21 to 34 02:00:4702:00:56
364575CarolineBOYLEF21 to 34 02:00:4602:01:16
365633DawnDAVIESF45 to 49 02:00:4902:01:19
366139PaulROGERS-THOMASM21 to 34 02:00:5202:01:26
36711JillGREENWOODF45 to 49Womens Running Network02:01:0302:01:34
368351PhilO'REILLYM21 to 34 02:01:2902:01:36
369750AngelaKIKUGAWAF45 to 49Hercules Wimbledon02:01:2602:01:38
370503CarlDAINTREEM40 to 44 02:01:2502:01:54
371697JonathanKAYM21 to 34 02:01:3902:02:05
372461JonathanPRESTONM35 to 39 02:01:5402:02:16
373233JohnBUTCHERM40 to 44 02:01:3602:02:16
374339DanEYREM21 to 34 02:02:1102:02:18
375342RogerMAYORM21 to 34 02:02:1102:02:18
376236RobBENNIONM40 to 44 02:01:5202:02:22
377210JayneDUNGANF40 to 44 02:02:0602:02:23
378386CaraANDERSONF21 to 34Swinton Running Club02:01:5902:02:24
379265LeonBERGUSM21 to 34 02:02:1102:02:31
380484JamesCLARKM21 to 34 02:02:2002:02:44
381532JeremyWELCHM40 to 44 02:02:3302:02:56
382652AnneWEBSTERF50 to 54Belle Vue Racers02:02:3802:02:58
383548KieranGOODEM35 to 39 02:02:2302:03:05
384297RebeccaSIMPSONF21 to 34 02:02:2902:03:14
385497ChrisCOXM35 to 39 02:03:0102:03:15
386358CaroleCRITCHLEYF50 to 54 02:02:4902:03:23
38719JamesOWENM20 and under 02:03:0902:03:24
388425SallyTWISLETONF21 to 34 02:03:1202:03:33
389581GraceARTHURF35 to 39Swinton Running Club02:03:0402:03:33
390395ChrisFITTONM21 to 34 02:03:0902:03:37
391673JennieCOXF21 to 34Riversway Road Runners02:03:2902:03:40
392458DavidTHORNTONM21 to 34 02:03:3702:04:01
393111NeilKITCHENM45 to 49Wesham Road Runners02:03:4602:04:07
394566ClaireLAYTONF21 to 34 02:03:4402:04:23
395647HelenSIMPSONF40 to 44 02:03:3802:04:26
396450DavidBERKLEYM55 to 59 02:04:1602:04:38
397621GaryBURGESSM35 to 39 02:04:2902:05:02
398432FionaMcNEILLF40 to 44 02:04:3002:05:04
399609AimeeRUSSELF21 to 34 02:04:4502:05:11
400418PaulMARSLANDM40 to 44 02:04:4902:05:12
4017ThomasGREENWOODM45 to 49 02:04:2502:05:13
40228LauraWILSDONF21 to 34Wesham Road Runners02:04:4502:05:25
403521SallyHARTF45 to 49 02:05:0702:05:37
404228TrevorFISHWICKM35 to 39Horwich RMI Harriers02:05:2502:05:47
405144SallyIRWINF35 to 39 02:05:1402:05:49
406143KarenWATSONF40 to 44 02:05:1502:05:50
407379HelenWITTERF50 to 54 02:05:3802:05:51
408206DavidROBINSONM40 to 44 02:05:0602:05:54
409500MarkPHILBINM40 to 44Chorley Harriers02:05:2002:06:06
41042DavidGORDONM40 to 44 02:05:2102:06:06
41195TONYSMITHM50 to 54 02:05:4402:06:17
412392KarlGASTONM21 to 34 02:05:4402:06:20
41322JenniferMOSSF21 to 34 02:06:0702:06:21
41472MalcolmTOWLERM70 to 74Northern Veterans AC02:06:2002:06:25
415550ClaireGREENWOODF21 to 34Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:06:1102:06:51
416303HelenWATKINSF21 to 34Manchester Frontrunners02:06:3602:07:01
41799GRAHAMYOUNGM45 to 49Lytham St Annes Road Runners02:06:4702:07:08
418688IanDEARDENM40 to 44 02:07:1002:07:42
419258BarryLAMBM45 to 49 02:07:0302:07:47
420464SuzanneCRAMPTONF45 to 49Liverpool Running Club02:07:3402:08:15
421478RachaelWATSONF40 to 44 02:07:4302:08:17
422368PaulSHAWM21 to 34 02:08:0102:08:19
423223LouiseCHARNOCKF21 to 34Lytham St Annes Road Runners02:08:2102:08:37
42460BobCLOUGHM60 to 64 02:08:0202:08:40
425520DavidWATSONM40 to 44 02:08:2302:08:56
426273AlisonKITCHINGF35 to 39 02:08:2902:08:59
427124JennyBARROWF40 to 44 02:08:3402:09:03
42855DeborahCARDWELLF45 to 49Thornton Cleveleys Running Club02:08:5802:09:10
429590KathrynROBERTSF50 to 54Swinton Running Club02:08:4802:09:16
43071DaveONIONM70 to 74Redhill Road Runners02:09:1602:09:27
431287PaulCARTERM40 to 44Wesham Road Runners02:09:2002:09:37
43269RobinOATRIDGEM65 to 69 02:09:2002:09:41
433625SeanO'HAGANM45 to 49 02:09:3002:10:05
434632DeniseKAYF45 to 49Radcliffe AC02:09:4902:10:22
435155PetraGUENTHERF35 to 39 02:10:0302:10:23
436543LisaPRESTONF40 to 44Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:09:5802:10:38
437197RoseyPRINCEF50 to 54 02:10:2202:10:39
438628SiobhanDAVISF40 to 44 02:10:2302:11:04
439176ReanneMAYF21 to 34 02:10:5102:11:34
440242JonHAMILTONM21 to 34 02:10:5102:11:34
441601AshleyTOMSM60 to 64Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:11:1002:11:49
4424ChrisDILLONM21 to 34 02:11:4802:12:04
443181NeilBARKERM45 to 49Royton Road Runners02:11:4302:12:19
444634JaniceCOPELANDF60 to 64Wesham Road Runners02:12:2502:12:55
445193SimonWHITESIDEM21 to 34 02:12:3902:13:01
446378PaulineMILLSF60 to 64 02:12:3502:13:05
447374Dorothy AnnHODGETTSF50 to 54 02:12:3502:13:05
448396AndrewMEEKM21 to 34 02:12:3602:13:22
44927TonyDEMPSTERM21 to 34 02:12:4802:13:25
450597StephenTOTHM50 to 54 02:12:5502:13:36
451502CarolineDAINTREEF35 to 39 02:13:1302:13:42
452387PaulSHIERM21 to 34Swinton Running Club02:13:3602:14:03
453481GillHOPEF21 to 34 02:14:0002:14:07
454506PhilWHITFIELDM35 to 39 02:13:4602:14:29
455165JackieFAIRWEATHERF40 to 44 02:14:1102:14:30
456164LeeDAVIESM35 to 39 02:14:1102:14:30
457312JacMARTINF40 to 44 02:13:5402:14:32
458323KathMOSSOPF45 to 49Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:14:1002:14:49
459175ColetteCONROYF35 to 39 02:14:0902:14:56
46094LORRAINESMITHF55 to 59 02:14:4002:15:15
461602GeoffCARRINGTONM45 to 49 02:15:2402:15:51
462253GarethRICKERBYM21 to 34 02:15:4102:16:05
463616JaniceJOHNSTONEF50 to 54Red Rose Road Runners02:15:3502:16:06
464263SteveTHROUPM45 to 49 02:15:4202:16:07
465546ChrisCASHM50 to 54Darwen Dashers02:15:4502:16:12
466486PaulDURNIANM40 to 44 02:15:2902:16:13
467107NatashaJOHNSONF21 to 34 02:15:5102:16:14
468106GlennJOHNSONM45 to 49 02:15:5302:16:16
469230AngelaKIRKHAMF40 to 44 02:15:3402:16:21
470328TracyMORVINSONF40 to 44 02:16:1902:16:37
471352PhilATHERTONM45 to 49 02:16:3102:17:03
472192JaneMELOYF21 to 34 02:16:4702:17:08
473341PhilipSKELTONM40 to 44 02:17:0102:17:30
474536ClarindaREDMONDF21 to 34 02:17:2802:17:48
47591BRIANWILSONM45 to 49 02:17:1502:18:01
47690TRACEYCARRF21 to 34 02:17:3802:18:24
477319RobCARMANM60 to 64 02:17:5102:18:38
478409PhilippaMOLLOYF21 to 34 02:18:1302:18:40
479405HelenSANDERSF21 to 34 02:18:1602:18:52
480667RichardCARTMELLM21 to 34 02:18:3102:19:07
481247NickyOMARF40 to 44 02:18:3802:19:13
482649AmandaPEDERSENF21 to 34 02:18:5902:19:30
483655KellyHOLMESF21 to 34 02:18:5502:19:35
484154CarolineMEEKF21 to 34 02:18:5102:19:35
485120MarjorieHELMEF60 to 64 02:19:1102:19:44
48618HAYLEYBUTTERWORTHF21 to 34 02:19:2002:19:52
487585ElliotBENNETTM21 to 34Wesham Road Runners02:19:1702:19:57
488244SamHAYDOCKM21 to 34 02:19:4802:19:59
489517ColetteHELSBYF35 to 39 02:19:3802:20:05
490551JeanetteBLACKBURNF40 to 44 02:19:4102:20:10
491498NatalieCOXF35 to 39 02:20:3302:20:47
492679MelanieTAYLORF35 to 39 02:20:3402:20:48
493214CarolRHODESF40 to 44Lancashire Constabulary Sports & Social02:20:1702:20:52
494419RichardSYKESM35 to 39 02:20:4102:20:59
495317CatherineHAAKEF21 to 34 02:20:4002:21:01
496423ClaireSMITHF40 to 44 02:20:4902:21:20
497635EmmaELDERSHAWF40 to 44 02:20:4902:21:20
498169LindaBOOTHF35 to 39 02:21:1202:21:31
499367LouiseMATHEWSF45 to 49 02:21:1902:21:32
500553CarlyATHERTONF35 to 39 02:21:1002:21:32
50151MargaretFISHERF50 to 54 02:22:0502:22:45
502209SuzanneBARRETTF40 to 44 02:22:3002:22:53
503208GinaMIRRELSONF40 to 44 02:22:2802:22:53
504309JoCHRISTOPHERF35 to 39Winston Runners02:22:4302:22:59
50566MalcolmHINGLEYM45 to 49 02:23:2802:24:07
506131DebbieHALLF35 to 39 02:23:3302:24:15
507282JamesDANIELM35 to 39 02:23:3802:24:20
508394TomHAMPTONM50 to 54Warrington Triathlon Club02:24:0602:24:30
509248RiaBRIGHTF40 to 44Dragons Manchester02:24:1002:24:43
510121StephenSCOTTM50 to 54 02:24:0602:24:44
511191StuartPARKINSONM40 to 44 02:24:0602:24:45
512288StephenCHARNLEYM35 to 39 02:24:2702:25:10
513137DavidDAYM40 to 44 02:24:5502:25:31
514267LauraWATERHOUSEF35 to 39 02:25:1902:25:32
515565DonnaCHALLISF21 to 34 02:26:3202:27:02
516123JulieGRIFFITHSF35 to 39 02:26:3602:27:18
517117AndrewCHAPMANM35 to 39 02:26:5302:27:21
518412TomMcNICHOLASM35 to 39Red Rose Road Runners02:26:3802:27:22
519362CarolineMOSTENSKIF45 to 49 02:27:2302:28:07
520130LeandaWADDICORF45 to 49 02:27:4202:28:09
521441JenUNWINF45 to 49 02:28:1102:28:45
52217KATESHEPHERDF21 to 34 02:28:2502:28:57
523266ClaireHARDISTYF21 to 34 02:28:1802:29:02
52456JackieBARKERF55 to 59Stainland Lions02:29:1402:29:37
525480SophieSMITHF21 to 34 02:29:5702:30:30
526410DanielMOLLOYM35 to 39 02:30:1102:30:38
527446ClareBENNETTF45 to 49 02:29:5802:30:43
528447TimBENNETTM45 to 49 02:29:5802:30:44
529118ClareFAIRCLOUGHF40 to 44 02:30:3502:31:10
530582MarkKIRKHAMM21 to 34 02:30:4102:31:29
5313Mick&PhilCURRYM50 to 54Road Runners Club02:30:4802:31:37
532700SueWICKHAMF50 to 54Preston Harriers02:32:4802:33:19
533682KerenFRAZERF40 to 44 02:32:3402:33:21
534207JoanneKELLEYF40 to 44 02:32:5702:33:21
535595EricCOTTRELLM65 to 69 02:32:5502:33:32
536363KathyEDGEF45 to 49Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:33:1002:33:48
537361DanielleJIAGBOGUF45 to 49Lancaster & Morecambe AC02:33:1002:33:48
538324RebeccaDAVISF21 to 34 02:33:3502:33:56
539522AlexJEFFREYM21 to 34 02:36:3402:37:13
540483RachelWHITELEYF21 to 34Stainland Lions02:39:1602:39:39
541316HollyMcCULLAGHF21 to 34 02:40:1702:40:37
542501ClaireDASCOMBEF21 to 34 02:40:1702:40:37
543540HesterDE WETF55 to 59 02:40:2402:40:59
544629CathELLIOTTF60 to 64 02:41:2102:42:02
545614KeithO'BRIENM50 to 54Preston Harriers02:51:5202:52:24
546188SairaMIRZAF21 to 34 02:53:2602:54:15
547171TonyFILLINGHAMM35 to 39 02:53:4702:54:15
548476KellySTOBBSF21 to 34 02:57:1902:57:56