Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
11th Place At Harrock Hill!

Photo; Rob doing the 'Funky Gibbon' in the back ground or is he surrendering to my awesome power :0]
Last month I could only manage 40th place a far cry away from my best!
I was standing nervelessly at the front of the race looking around at all these fit lean looking guys and girls thinking shit did I really have a right to be at the front of the start line and would I get trampled on in the stampede once the gun went off!
Thankfully Steve McLean's short hill sprint session seems to be working for me.
The race starts at the bottom of the quarry road and winds up the gravel path for a mile before reaching the top of Hunters Hill, its a tough climb and a cruel start to any race, your lungs and legs are burning with pain within 50 m!
My tactic was to push all out from the start then recovery on the steep single track section half way up the hill, its almost impossible to overtake here so its better to just sit on the group then explode all-out once you hit the green bank near the top!
This worked well for me and a passed quite a few runners including teammate Rob Ashworth!
Over the stile where last month a guy slipped and caught his arm in a barbed wire fence, needing a doctor to cut him free!!!
On to the downhill and I was flying-Weeeee!!!
Until I reached the farmers gate in the cow field, the guy infront of me got stuck in the foot deep mud and could not make it over the stile!
I gave him a friendly push over and said come on mate lets get moving!
Once over the other side my legs felt heavy but really it was my figging shoes, they felt like lead weights due to the mud caked to them!
I pushed as best I could!
I was soon starting the second climb and more mud was on the way, the cows had churned up the field and turned the steep path into a horrendous quagmire of yuck!
I slipped and slided my way forward at a snails pace, this was grim.
As Neil latter said you had to take your mind out of your body, look down and realize that everyone was going through the same torture!
Once onto what we call the 'escalator' a farmers green top lane that winds is way up into the distant horizon things started to impove for me.
My feet still felt like lead weights from the clinging mud but I was pushing hard and making reasonable progress!
Paul Boardman caught me and we exchanged places at the front pushing each other ever onwards.
I put in a hard effort to pull away from Paul before the final downhill and managed to hang on to 11th place as I sprinted up the short hill to the finish!
There was a great turnout by the club, unfortunately I don't have a result sheet yet so not able to give team mates results here.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Rubbish 5K Race Report And DAZED AND CONFUSED!
Apart from organizing the event I also ran in it and one of my jobs was to set the runners off!
So there I was on the start line counting down 3-2-1-GO!!!
You could say I had an advantage even Usain Bolts would relish!
I kicked from the GO and found myself leading the race!
After 200m I was surprised to be still leading until I glanced down at the Garmin to see 12.5 MPH registering on the display!
We turned left onto the gravel single track then attacked the first short sharp climb.
Rob and Stevie both cruised passed me and I had to work real hard to remake contact with them on the flat.
Over the bridge I sat on the express train that was Rob and Stevie { we had all run the half marathon on Sunday, finishing close together and it looked like another battle Royale was on the cards again!] after recovering in the shelter of the guys I decided the pace was dropping so pushed to the front and hammered hard!
Rob took over the lead as we approached the bridge, taking us on to the back straight.
As we hit the next hill just before completing the first lap I attacked full bore!
I opened up a slight gap but once over the top my legs started to buckle under my self induced pressure!
Rob came sailing past but Stevie had dropped back, from this point on I focused on a slowly disappearing Rob up ahead and trying to hold off Stevie.
Into the final turn before the uphill finish I looked back to see Stevie uncomfortably close!
Dam I would have to work very hard all the way to the line!
I kicked hard up to my max and tried desperately to hang on.
With 100m to go Stevie was on my back so I kicked again, only problem there was no more speed to give!
Somehow I held onto 2nd place finishing just one second up on Stevie.
Rob won with a time only a few seconds off his best here, amazing taking into account his year out with knee injury!
I was was happy with my second fastest time on this course only 10 sec off my 2009 couse P.B.
In the ladies race Angela Delaney dominated in her shocking pink trainers giving a fine display of graceful elegance to win in 20.29.
Impressive run of the day came from 13 year old Karoline Wresillo who ran an excellent 22.03.
39 runners enjoyed the event and we will be back next month on the 18th July.
Don't miss out!!!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Rubbish 5K Video
Thanks to Eddie and Stevie for the awesome video and photos.
Also special thanks to Brian Grice for results.
Report to follow soon!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Rubbish 5K Results
Rob McGrath
Rick Bowker
Steve Lewis
Keith Lunt
Stuart Bennett
Steve McLean
Paul Cain
Howard Nuttall
Boyd Park
Andy Hudson
Simon Tobin
Trevor Williams
Paul Ashby
Paul Warrington
Angela Delaney
Brian Davey
Ed Sherstone
Karolina Wresillo
Rob Cosgrove
Paul Stennett
Steve James
Vicky Harvey
Carole James
Don Wilkinson
David Marsh
Christine Cutner
Carol Wright
Elaine Sutton
Andy Giolford
Nick Meredith
Sue Stewart
Jess Spencer
Donna Spencer
Sheila Marshall
Sarah Reynolds
Jon Singleton
Sue Cooper
One Lap (2.82K)
Amanda Bradbury
Katy Raldxxxxxx
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Rubbish 5K Returns 20th June 7 pm
Described by some as the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
And by others as the Worlds Best RUBBISH 5K !!!
It's going to be EPIC
Last months event attracted 47 runners and this month the event could be even more popular!
Don't miss out on the fun :0]
Brought To You By The Rubbish 5K Unlimited Rebels Team
Now into it's 4 year of producing amazing FREE EVENTS!
Rubbish 5k Photos- May 2012 Click Here
The event starts at the stone circle
Highest central point of the park Bentham's way, new woodlands park. SOUTHPORT
And by others as the Worlds Best RUBBISH 5K !!!
It's going to be EPIC
Don't miss out on the fun :0]
Brought To You By The Rubbish 5K Unlimited Rebels Team
Now into it's 4 year of producing amazing FREE EVENTS!
Rubbish 5k Photos- May 2012 Click Here
The event starts at the stone circle
Highest central point of the park Bentham's way, new woodlands park. SOUTHPORT
Monday, 18 June 2012
Freckleton Half Marathon
I crossed the finish line with a lady marshal saying; I was the first person to finish with a smile on my face!
I finished in 22nd place out of almost 600 runners.
The race is the oldest Half Marathon in the UK and amazingly Ron Hill still holds the record of 1 hour 4 mins set back in the early 1960's.
It's not the fastest course for sure, a combination of a 2pm start in mid June and the deceptive gradual long uphills, makes for a challenging event.
My best time here was 81 mins a couple of years ago, so I was pleased to achieve 83 mins on a hot sunny day.
my fitness has really improved in the last couple of weeks and I'm 100% sure there is more to come!
The Freckleton Half is part of a weekend of village celebrations and as a result there is always an amazing enthusiastic local crowd out on the route to give encouragement and add to the character of the ancient event.
I set off fast on the short one mile loop of the village before heading out across the picturesque English countryside.
By 4 miles I was starting to regret my fast start as first team mate Rob McGrath then Stevie Lewis caught and passed me!
I eased up a bit to recovery then got onto the back of two guys who passed me.
By 7 miles I felt strong again and could see I was closing in on Stevie ahead.
I focused in on his back and bit by bit slowly caught him up by ten and a half miles.
We were now on the dual carriage way gradually climbing upwards.
I decided to give it everything, the heat was starting to make me feel slightly dizzy but I ignored it !
Robs back was coming into veiw, so I pushed even harder.
I was right on my limit of blowing up, but I was feeling stronger as the race went on.
Into the final half mile and I could see Rob speed up to pass a guy.
With no chance of catching my team mate I just focused on finishing strongly.
I crossed the line spot on the time I'd had in my head!
It had been a great race and a real challenge and most importantly I finished in one piece!
The progress continues!
I think now for me, real racing is more important than times!
Freckleton Half Marathon Race Results
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Fuck The X factor!
Back when I was growing up, I shared a room with my brother, who was 4 years older than me.
Andy my Bro played many tracks and groups on his Hi-Fi but the music that most impressed and inspired me came from Deep Purple!
My Bro gave me the double LP Deep Purple 'Live In Japan' and I was hooked!
Here is the band at there best!
thanks to Jon for sending me the video!
EPIC, Fuck the X factor ! this is Real Music!!!
Check out the audience!
I think they came to watch 'Songs Of Praise' ,and were stunned into silence and stature like formation after seeing the Gods of Rock perform!
Andy my Bro played many tracks and groups on his Hi-Fi but the music that most impressed and inspired me came from Deep Purple!
My Bro gave me the double LP Deep Purple 'Live In Japan' and I was hooked!
Here is the band at there best!
thanks to Jon for sending me the video!
EPIC, Fuck the X factor ! this is Real Music!!!
Check out the audience!
I think they came to watch 'Songs Of Praise' ,and were stunned into silence and stature like formation after seeing the Gods of Rock perform!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Tapering For A Half Marathon
Felt really good on all my runs this week :0]
Wednesday night was Rob's session from Dunes Leisure Centre .
As quite a few of us are racing on Sunday Rob set a sharpening session of well, just under 300m x 8 with a jog back recovery in Victoria Park
I felt stronger on each one, starting at just over 5 min mile pace and getting down to 4.44 pace by the end!.
Thats fast for me, but how my fitness relates to running a half marathon, well we will just have to wait and see!
All I know is I'm really enjoying my running again!
Which can only be GOOD!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Good Running Form Made Easy!
Some good simple steps to take to improve your RUNNING FORM!
4 Points of Good Form Running with Grant Robison from Good Form on Vimeo.
4 Points of Good Form Running with Grant Robison from Good Form on Vimeo.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Running Fast In The Groove!
I met up with Paul for a fast run over the big sand dunes.The weather was a bit grim with a strong headwind on the way out!
I set the pace and quickly got into a groove which Paul said he found hard to match.
At last I seem to have got my power back, which kind of made each sand dune a blast!
With the wind on our backs for the final section I found it hard to resist opening up the guns and letting rip.
My legs did not disappoint, delivering some quite impressive speed, even if I say it myself!
Sorry if I made you suffer Paul, I was just on one of those good days where everything seems kind of easy!
20 x 20 sec hill efforts Rubbish 5K course.
Afternoon easy run with Tess over the Velvet Trail =43 mins
Robs session from Dunes Leisure Centre
Tough session, maybe I was still feeling the effects of Mondays hill session!
3 x 3 mins-2 mins rec
3 x 2 mins-2 mins rec
5 x 1 min-1 min rec
= 1.14
Big sand dunes easy = 1.22Video: Hill Running Techniques
Video: Drills For Trail Running
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
We all know our governments are corrupt but this will blow your mind!
Hill Session Compared 8 Years On!
I thought it would be fun to repeat a hill session I used to do on a regular basis 8 years ago.
Note [ back in 2004 I set P.b.s of 16.48 5K track and 1.18.53 at the half marathon ].
Based on a Lydiard type hill loop.
Finding a long hill in Southport's flat lands is not easy, but using Waterloo Rd hill, from the traffic lights up to the top of the grass mound by the golf course gives about 2 mins 30 sec of hard effort!
Each mile lap also includes a fast downhill then a 200m effort or a 400m effort on the flat before returning back around to start the hill again.
My fastest time for the hill back in 2004 was 2.23 yesterday I managed a best of 2.27 just 4 seconds off!
Not too bad taking into account my fitness is still on the up!
Amazingly my 200m efforts were slightly faster but my 400's were slightly slower than 2004.
Apart from my first hill effort which worked out at 6.08 average pace my other 4 hill ascents worked out at 5.58 pace, 5.54 pace, 5.58 and a final effort of 5.46 pace.
Sub 6 uphill is always good me thinks!
Quite pleased with my progress back to fitness :0]
Monday, 4 June 2012
Sunday, 3 June 2012
The trouble with combat trousers!
I was not expecting to go clubbing or anything!
BUT after going round the local pubs we did indeed head for the clubs.
I got rejected from the first club because I was wearing combat trousers!
! was wearing a very experience pair of leather shoes but no way would they let me in!
We moved on to another club which let me in, and after a while I started dancing with quite an attractive girl.
Who seemed happy to be dancing with me, until her friend pushed me away and pointed to my combat trousers!
True, if i was expecting to go clubbing I would have dressed up, but really its amazing how someone would judge you as good or bad just by your clothing!
I mean if you wear combats does that make you a mass murderer or something?
Really should we not judge on the way we act and not on our clothing!
My Combats are 'PANTS'! :0]
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