Tuesday, 30 November 2010
HOW TO; Get over the wall at the 20 mile point of the Marathon!
Run with Tess along the hillside loop, last 5 mins at sub 6 min mile pace on the frost and ice! = 30mins
World Economy Collapse explained in 3 minutes
And now onto global Warming!!!

Yes the ice age continues here in Southport!
Last night i put on my thermal vest, Cycle thermal top, thermal tights, heavy duty gloves and 'hunters' hat complete with ear muffs!
Yes I was ready to go, setting off into the freezing air I felt well toastie but also like I'd gaining a stone in weight due to the said for mentioned clothing.
I reached the meeting point for the club fartlek session 5 mins late, missing the group, Dam!
I went into hunter mode and tracked them down after 10 mins by following their footprints in the heavy frost!
Disappointingly only 4 others turned up!
Some runners are such wimps!
Conditions were a bit slippy in places and at times I felt like one of those cartoon characters running with legs at full speed but going nowhere fast as my smooth soled Nike Free's slipped on the icy surface!
anyway it was a good challenge and we made it through!
I took the long way home and finished with 6 x fast strides at about 5 min mile pace, then I decided to run a half mile block at sub 6 pace just for good measure!
Total time = 1 hour 57 mins
Monday, 29 November 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
My UKA Sefton Park X/C Challenge
First a hard night shift, dragging heavy cages of stock onto the shop floor followed by filling the shelves of the pet food aisle [ think 15k bags of dog food etc, they gave me this assignment because I'm fit! Thanks guys!!!].
I managed two and a half hours in bed before I had to get up, eat breakfast, do some warm up exercises and trigger point massage, then it was time to meet Tracey and Steve for the lift to the race.
It's always good fun traveling with Trace as she is very accident prone and something funny always happens to her, ie; falling down mud filled ditches in 1/2 marathon races and ending up looking like the swamp monster, getting lost before the start of a race and getting into a fight with the clubs tent and ending up worse for wear at the last X/C meet are just a few of the many bizarre things that happen in Tracey's World!
Oh Man it was cold, brass monkey weather, the ground was frozen rock hard under the grass.
This was a National race series and included many of the countries elite runners.
The start was very fast as you can imagine, I was hoping to stay with team mates Steve McLean and Neil but my legs did not have the speed to keep up.
Once I was fully warmed up I found myself gradually overtaking runner after runner, I was quite enjoying myself running at my own pedestrian pace.
As you can see from the video below the course ducks and weaves its way through the trees at times making it quite fun!
3 laps and 10K seemed like a long way and I was pleased to cross the finish line, finishing with an average pace of 6.17 but almost a min slower than last year.
Last year I followed Pete Magill’s advice of doing only one hard session on a race week, it worked well leaving me feeling fresh and strong, this time I just ran through the race putting in 3 hard sessions in the week!
I plan to target the Beacon Park X/c in a couple of weeks as a target for a good run this time around.
Steve Lewis did well finishing just one min behind me, he’s improving fast.
And Tracey finished first of the Southport girls winning her a team prize, she also tripped on a tent peg after the race and almost went flying!
The Video below is from the 2005 race when a young Mo Farah won with impressive style, great video check it out!
Friday, 26 November 2010
The Question is can anyone beat his record in the near future?
And are British runners no longer HARD enough to do the training?
STEVE JONES's Training
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Running in Southport and The UKA Sefton Park X/C Challenge
Also my Hill climb and downhill mile social event takes place on 4th Dec DETAILS HERE
This Sat see's the return of the The McCain UK Cross Challenge at Sefton Park Liverpool, the New club spirit should lead us on to great things in future races!
Location DUNES Sports Centre 6.30pm
we ran 4 x 4 mins on a loop up and down the prom by the Kings Gardens, Storming Norman once again blew his whistle to stop and start us.
The great thing about these sessions is it allows all abilities to take part and get benefit.
Once more Steve Lewis pushed me hard, my aim was to run at 10k pace which I managed to achieve despite putting in a one hour 7 min run through the sandhills with Tess earlier in the afternoon.
4 x 4 mins 1/ 6.12 pace 2/ 5.49 pace 3/ 5.39 pace 4/ 5.43
Total time inc running down and back 1 hour 10 mins
Location Hillside loop
Level one run with Tess finished with 6 X strides at 10K plus speed.
felt good. =30 mins
I found this amazing video on Barefoot Josh's website [it's what he does when he's not running :]
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
RicksRunning Hits Crisis Point!

Just maybe, giving you guys a link to BODYROCK was not such a good idea!
viewing figures here have dropped from an all time high to just one today!
I think that one 'hit' was Tess looking to see what I'm buying her for her birthday!
Even Ewen and Scott [my most loyal supporters] have left me and have been buying Zuzana
Is it time to close RicksRunning down?
Was an epic session, running down to meet the club at Ainsdale, we did 8 long and hard efforts. both Steve Lewis and Neil [X/C specialist and Marvin soundalike] pushed me hard! with running home this gave me 2 hours of running, felt pretty strong!
Short and sweet, 25 mins at level one then ran the last 5 mins hard-5.40-5.30-5.20 my pace accelerated up until I was hitting 5.02 pace for the final 200m. Felt good.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
One Mile Hill Climb And downhill event For Southport Runners!
NEW DATE will be in early spring.
Hi All,
My old cycle Club use to hold a unofficial hill climb and downhill mile event every year around Christmas, it was good fun.
So I’ve decided to hold a one mile uphill and downhill mile [ you will time yourself as this is not a race] at stony Lane. Parbold
Meeting at The farmers arms as 2.pm on a Saturday 4th Dec
My uphill time to beat is 7.17
[ start from first lamp post on left on stony lane-finish white lines of road junction end of road]
After the FUN the idea will be to go for a meal at the farmers arms.
Note; everyone welcome this is not a club event but a social meeting of like minded people and this is a self timed training run and not a race! PLEASE WEAR BRIGHT YELLOW OR WHITE TOPS
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Running In The hills With Barefoot Paul, Following In The Footsteps Of Gebreselassie

Thursday, 18 November 2010

After a one hour Level one run with faithful friend Tess over the sandhills in the afternoon i set off on my second run of the day!
Location DUNES sports centre
Time 6.30pm
Legendary coach Storming Norman took the session, there was a good group out and despite the near gale force winds we had a great time.
Norman set us the task of 6 x 2 mins running round a loop near the Kings Gardens.
He blew his whistle at the start and finish of each interval, so all we had to do was run!
the idea was to get a bit further round the loop on each effort.
New girl Rachel had an impressive turn of speed as well as old hand Andy Hudson who pushed me hard!
Andy and me were hitting 35 min 10K pace on most of the efforts with the last one being the fastest with Andy really going for it!
It took most of the 2 mins to catch him, result 5.20 pace!
But this session worked well for all abilities and everyone got a great workout.
Good session, Thanks Norm :]
Recommended Website by Steve Lewis.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

NEW Night 5K Series in Southport!
FIRST EVENT Wed 1st December 7.00 pm

Highest central point of the park Bentham's way, new woodlands park.
Are you bored? fed up? Been watching to many repeats on TV?
Want to get out and have some real FUN ?
Then get ready for a brand New exciting challenge!
First event soon, watch this space!
Course based on The Rubbish 5K [Glow sticks will mark the route]
Runners headlights available NOW from Andy Hudson, just £4
to reserve your headlight contact Andy on 07909980153
Only a limited Number of headlights available, so get dialing!
Check out this podcast from Marathon Talk HERE [note starts at 18 mins 20 sec into podcast]
Also check out this; Top Tips For Running In The dark
Tuesday, 16 November 2010

There was a really good turnout including quite a few new guys, which is really good to see, running seems to be on the up right now, things are looking good for the future of the club :]
After a warm up Head coach Brian took us through a series of dynamic drills.
We looked kind of funny skipping down the road looking like members of Monty python's flying circus, at least it was dark!
The training for the night was a pyramid session, starting with shorter efforts building up to about 3/4 of a mile and working down to shorter efforts again.
Brian told us all to run at 10k pace, but most of us got carried away with running in the herd and ran faster, Steve Lewis you know what I mean:]
I felt really strong, keeping my efforts controlled I gradually increased my pace on each one and finished still feeling good!
I was averaging 5.25 pace or less on most of the efforts
It's amazing how much more fun running in a group is than on your own, after all it's way the African's train!
Ran back with Paul then finished with 6 fast strides reaching a max of 4.18 pace.
Last week I got the 'BONK' running home, this time I felt great, amazing the difference a week makes to the fitness level!
total time = 1 hour 50 mins
Level one pace with Tess round the Hillside loop, finished with last 5 mins well under 6 min mile pace, felt good = 36 mins
Haile Geb under immense pressure- phone tapped by Ethiopian govt and faced a blackmail attempt? READ HERE
Study: Coffee Helps Replenish Muscles After Exercise READ HERE
Ryan Hall reports

Miguel Indurain, a cyclist and five time Tour de France winner, had a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute, one of the lowest ever recorded in a healthy human
Your resting heart rate gets lower as your conditions gets better. You will probably already have noticed that your resting heart is lower when you are in good shape. This is because of a larger stroke volume or more correctly a bigger parasympathic drive on the sinus node. It is easy to monitor your resting heart rate, just put on your Polar rim when you wake up and relaxe for a couple of minutes. Now I want to know: Who has had the lowest resting heart rate ever?
Monday, 15 November 2010
Gebreselasssie To Run again!

HaileGebr Running is in my blood and I decided to continue competing. My announcement in New York was my first reaction after a disappointing race.
HaileGebr When my knee is better again I will start focussing on my next race. Thank you again for all your support! about 6 hours ago via web
Saturday, 13 November 2010

Well Tess and me have been getting our kicks the Primeval way for many years and today was no different.
Tess going bare paw as always and me in my modified healess Nike Free's WE head out along the road towards the big sand dunes.
Our pace quickly picks up to 5.20 pace, we are flying, I'd spent 20 mins doing the TRIGGER POINT PERFORMANCE WORKOUT so I was well warmed up, but would I pay the price for this suicide pace later on?
We soon reach the Nature trail and I remove Tess's lead so she can run free!
She bounds on ahead of me as we ride the trails like water flowing along a stream, up and down the hills, pushing hard on the up, getting a recovery on the down then winding the pace up along the flatter grassy sections.
After days of gale force winds and heavy rain the sun comes out to greet us, for mid Nov it is amazingly warm :]
Tess puts her nose to the ground cocking her head to the side, moments latter her ears prick up as she locks on to the scent of our pray, we are primeval hunters on the run!
We reach the lake near Pontins then head inland, with the wind on our backs we start to really shift over the roller coaster route.
Over the big dipper, the highest point in our run, Tess skips ahead with effortless ease as I struggle up the insane 1 in 2 ascent, over the top and we fly downhill weaving our way between the trees and bushes.
WE pass the Royal Birkdale Golf Club house, then and along a short tarmac stetch, I push hard to hit 5.20 pace again before we turn left and head passed the grass mound, after a slight rise we have a nice downhill trail.
A dog decides to walk into my path and I have to side step it at speed!
Over the coast road and onto the velvet trail, bit by bit we increase pace I follow Tess's tail.
She running strong, the best I've seen her go for years, she must be motivated for the MAD DOG 10K :]
The last 5 mins are back on the road and I push all out and finish the last mile at sub 6 pace!
We both finish with a smile, it's been a good day, one to remember, one to savour!
Two hunters, working together, feeling strong!
Total time 1 hour 18 mins
I decided last week just to enjoy my running and run as I feel for the next 6 weeks.
Monday i ran down to the club fartlek session and enjoyed running with the guys.
On the way home I got the 'Bonk' as my blood sugar took a dive, I started feeling dizzy and with no emergency gels to hand I had to crawl the final couple of miles at a very slow pace.
it was my longest run since the Langdale marathon so not to worry. = 1 hour 52 mins
I ran with Tess for 30 mins on the road and finished with 6 fast strides.
Club session, ran with Paul, picking up the pace from time to time. = 42 mins
hillside road loop with Tess, steady run then really picked up the pace for the last 5 mins, we were flying and hit well under 6 min mile pace.
Gale force winds but felt good :] = 30 mins
Trigger point workout [every day] plus functional free weights and core work
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Rumors that Ryan Hall has been spotted running on water wearing a pair of New prototype Asics 'Jesus' sandals' have been denied by R&D Asics spokesman Anton Yakamoto, He said "This is just pie in the sky".
Haile Gebrselassie is about to break a New record, for the shortest ever retirement from running!
Check out the news story HERE
Training update
I've decided to follow Ryan Hall's New Training methods;
Each day this week I've got on my knees and asked God to give me a daily training programe for Tess [she's doing the Mad Dog 10K in Feb] so far God's not got back to me, which means poor Tess has been missing out on running this week!
Backwards God spells Dog, does this have meaning?
Genetically engineered 'mighty mouse' is the rodent Lance Armstrong READ HERE
Dynamic warm-up restores power lost in cold temperatures READ HERE
Breakfast really is a record breaker READ HERE
RunCenter: NYC Marathon Recap & Texas Preview
RicksRunning received 3,465 Visitors in the last 30 days
What's the Perfect Running Form? And Who's Got It?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
RYAN HALL asks God for New training plan!

Don't get me wrong, I really like the guy, BUT..., read his blog post and tell me what you think, is he losing the plot? READ HERE
Or is he really in truth just running by FEEL, INSTINCT as in Matt Fitzgerald's book, ie; run hard when he feels good and take it easy when he feels tired.
Is his voice of God really just his own inner voice?

Five Favorite Stretches For Runners CLICK HERE
Discover the secret to building a stronger, faster, more athletic body And reduce injury HERE

Sunday, 7 November 2010
Marathon great Gebrselassie announces retirement

Shalane Flanagan after marathon debut at 2010 ING New York City Marathon
Gebre Gebrmariam and rest of top 3 2010 NYC Marathon

Gebre Gebremariam, a 26-year-old from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is making himself at home in Central Park.
He left Emmanuel Mutai of Kenya in the dust in the final mile to win the New York City Marathon.
He won in 2 hours, 8.13 minutes.
Defending men's champion Meb Keflezighi gutted out a sixth place finish in the men's race.
Dathan Ritzenhein finished eighth in 2:12.33.
I doubt he will be happy with that result!
Update: Gebrselassie Drops Out Of New York City Marathon
Edna Kiplagat of Kenya used a strong push through the hills of Central Park to leave her nearest competitors behind far behind as the finish line neared.
She won in 2:28.20.
Kiplagat, 31, has had a phenomenal year. She won her first three races of 2010, including the Los Angeles Marathon, all in personal best times. The other was a 15K in Utica, N.Y. and the Steamboat (Ill.) Classic 4-Mile.
Shalane Flanagan caught Keitani in the hills of the final mile and finished second in 2:28.40. in her first ever Marathon, amazing stuff!
1. Gebre Gebremariam, Ethiopia, 2:08:14
2. Emmanuel Mutai, Kenya, 2:09:17
3. Moses Kigen Kipkosgei, Kenya, 2:10:39
4. Abderrahim Goumri, Morocco, 2:10:51
5. James Kwambai, Kenya, 2:1131
6. Meb Keflezighi, USA, 2:11:38
7. Marilson Gomes dos Santos, Brazil, 2:11:51
8. Dathan Ritzenhein, USA, 2:12:33
9. Abel Kirui, Kenya, 2:13:01
10. Abderrahime Bouramdane, Morocco, 2:14:07
Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia, DNF
Viktor Rothlin, Switzerland, DNF
Hendrick Ramaala, South Africa, DNF
1. Edna Kiplagat, Kenya, 2:28:20
2. Shalane Flanagan, USA, 2:28:40
3. Mary Keitany, Kenya, 2:29:01
4. Inga Abitova, Russia, 2:29:17
5. Kim Smith, New Zealand, 2:29:28
6. Christelle Daunay, France, 2:29:29
7. Ludmila Petrova, Russia, 2:29:41
8. Caroline Rotich, Kenya, 2:29:46
9. Madai Perez, Mexico, 2:29:53
10. Buzunesh Deba, Ethiopia, 2:29:55
Saturday, 6 November 2010
How Coach SalazarTrained Ritz for NYC Marathon
Coach Salazar talks future of U.S. long distance, training Ritzenhein
Thanks to stevemagness for Tweeting this story
Yamauchi raring to go in New York

Friday, 5 November 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Haile Gebrselassie Strength workout, Ready for NYC Marathon
Track and Field Videos on Flotrack
Haile Geb WOW - NYC Prep
A day after Haile Gebrselassie ran 59:33 to win the Great North Run in Gateshead, Flotrack met him out in his home of Ethiopia. While he was recovering the days we met, we were able to follow him through his typical strength routine in the gym. At age 37, Haile is still getting after it with some great intensity and drive. Watch him this weekend go at some of the best in the US and best in the World as he tries to win his first ever ING New York City Marathon! Thanks to Haile for open his doors to Flotrack and letting the community get an inside look at his life, he is a remarkable person!
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Haile Gebrselassie reveals his NEW running shoes for New York City Marathon
Track and Field Videos on Flotrack
Mon 2 hours, Tue easy, Wed 3 hours long run, Thur fartlek, Fri 30-35K, Sat track, Sun easy
Melissa Freeman is a new runner preparing for her first race, the Zappos.com Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon on December 5. In My First Race, a Competitor.com original video series, follow Melissa–a Nike Run Reporter– as she prepares for her big day in Las Vegas. We’ll visit with Melissa every Monday and take an inside look at her day-to-day life, visiting her at home, at work and in training to see how she is preparing to tackle her first race. Click on the image below to watch the first video and meet Melissa.