Sammy Wanjiru, Tsegaye Kebede, B of A Chicago Marathon press conference,
In a battle literally down to the last 1,000 meters, Sammy Wanjiru showed why he is the top marathoner in the world. After having dropped out of London in April 2010, and an Italian 11k road race this past summer, there were doubters. READ MORE
'RICK' says; Great race, I entered the MARATHON TALK competition putting Wanjiru to finish first in 2.6.02, not far off the real result!
Wanjiru is an awesome runner and it's good to see him back on top after his troubles of the past
"What balls this guys got!" Love this from the comentator.
Thanks for posting this Rick. I was up out of my seat for this one screaming for Sammy to do exactly what he did. (Not too often people do what I say ;)Very happy with the result.
Who'd of thought a marathon could be so exciting! These runners, of late, are really starting to take the sport in a new/positive direction.
How could you be anything but inspired by it all!
I agree %100 with you Scott, great to see a real race and not a world record attempt!
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Fantastic finish. I thought Wanjiru was gone for all money. I won't be betting against him in the London Olympics!
I was totally transfixed watching the live feed. This must rank as one of the best marathon finishes, ever. The two guys were fighting an epic battle.
I photographed this race and the finish was truly amazing! I was right next to Sammy when he finished taking his picture and to see what he went through to win the race was inspiring. I'm going to start seriously training myself, to run a marathon some day. If you want to see some of my photos you can see those at
What a fantastic finish!
Memories of the women's Chicago finish a few years ago:
(which might be the greatest finish I've ever seen)
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