I got just one hours sleep after my heavy night shift then my alarm clock went off!
I awoke from a strange dream, Tiger Wood's wife was chasing me with a club, I had a big grin on my face, I'm not sure what I'd been up to, maybe I'd just got a hole in one :]
It was time to get ready for my run with Tess and Eddie, a quick bowl of porrage and I was on my way with Tess to pick Eddie up, the weather was awesome for December, warm, sunny and only a slight breeze. FANTASTICO!
we headed for the little nature trail then went onto the velvet trail seeking out the biggest dunes, once we reached pontins we carried on over the dunes until we reached the blue posts which took us into the pinewoods,,. I showed Eddie some of the little used trails inside th

Me thinks your Chinese friend is dodgy Rick ;)
Great run from you, Tess and Eddie. Love those sandhills - just like Percy and Herb!
Thanks Ewen, The dunes make for a really good workout and Tess has been pushing me hard!
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