I met up with Paul and steady Eddie for a long run round Parbold, Eddie was full of his normal excuses [ cold, virus- cough,cough and sore calf] that Paul and me have come to take with a pinch of salt!
We set off from the village uphill through hilldale and then the first climb up the quarry road to the top of Hunters hill, Eddie was soon lagging behind as Paul and myself talked are way to the top of the climb

After regrouping we headed down through the fields, Eddie's girlfriend [ the cow that was making eye contact with him, last time!] was know where to be seen, much to the relief of Eddie!
Next was the 2 mile climb up to the top of Ashursts Beacon, after 3/4 the way up on the road I take them along a cobbled foot path just before the church, near the top the path gets really steep as we make our way between trees before coming out onto open land with the big stone Beacon just in front of us.
After a short break for Eddie to stretch out his tight calf we followed the path back onto the road and headed for Up Holland, we then turn right at the village following the main rd for a mile before moving onto country lanes. Next destination the awesome 'Crank' climb.
This climb was a first for the other 2 Desperado's, they were in for a 'treat'!
It starts as a gentle ascent but half way up as you climb along a beautiful tree lined rd there is a hairpin bend and all of a sudden the true nature of the beast is unveiled before your eyes!
Paul tells me to go for it, so I work at pumping my knees and driving the arms, I make good progress and reach the top in good form. Paul is not far behind, but Eddie has gone missing again, so I go back to look for him, seems his 'womens' bladder is playing up again!
A nice long downhill follows before a very steep hidden climb back to Upholland, a right along the B road and a couple more miles until we turn left for the final climb, a side lane up to the top of Ashurt again, past quaint cottages, once more Eddie's having a hard time and drops back as the climb steepens.
Just a fast 2 miles downhill to Parbold to go, giving us over 3 hours of very hilly running.
Eddie thought this was the hardest run he's ever done, inc Marathons!
Poor old Paul had only about an hour to get to work, HE WAS DOING A NIGHT SHIFT ON THE AMBULANCES!
Barry had told me to take it easy this week so most of my runs have been on the easyside but I still got in over 9 hours running.
Next week sees a 5 and 10k tempo run plus a fartlek sessiom, as I get ready for my 10k challenge!
More photo's from Langdale

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