Interview With Barry Magee
Wed 3rd

Its been a long time since I raced here [2002], the new course is very fast, I was feeling tired after over doing my training on Monday night [ things should improve once I start to follow Barry's program, watch this space!]
The first thing I noticed was they have done a lot of work to restore the park to its former glory.
Birkenhead Park was designed by Sir Joseph Paxton. His concept was to create an idealised countryside landscape of open meadows and naturalistic woodland belts.
And it is said that Central park in New York was modeled from the Birkenhead design!
Anyway back to the racing, I travelled down with Jon, the race Didn't start on time due to cars parked on the course it was almost 8 pm by the time we got going [ start time should have been 7.45], one interesting concept is they put on races for the juniors before the main race.
Conditions were almost idea sunny and no wind but maybe a little to humid for Jon!
The race was over 3 laps of the lower park, it was really fast, just one short hill each lap, I went through one mile in 5.37 feeling ok, 3 miles 17.04, I was hoping for sub 29 mins maybe 28.30, I think I ran 28.18 some 7 years ago!
I was in a good group as we went into the final lap, I could now start to feel my energy draining away, up the hill for the last time and I started to fade, runners were starting to pass me by as I slipped back through the field helpless to do anything about it, finally I reached the last endless 200 m, It was like one of those dreams where your trying to run but feel like something is pulling you back, at last I cross the line and glance at the watch, 28.48 for 19th place! I didn't feel good!
I jog back and wait for Jon, he's having a bad time, the heat has got to him, after a long wait he comes into view, I shout "200 to go" and he puts on a sprint finishing in 43.27.
I was surprised no other SWAC member turned up, its a great course in nice surroundings.
RYAN HALL on Mental Training;
RH: I am still learning a lot about the mental side of training and racing. What I am focusing a lot of lately is just being in the moment. I, and I think all runners, have a tendency to think too much. Whether it is worrying about Heartbreak Hill, thinking about what a competitor is doing, or get flustered because the last mile split was too slow, we all have a tendency to have our mind cluttered with a lot of junk. I am learning to clean out the trash and just be where I am and poor myself into the step I am about to take. I find that I get more out of myself when my mind isn't cluttered with so much garbage.
That's exciting! I suspected it might be Barry - there's a good interview with him here. It'll be interesting to see how you go on the way to running 2:46 in London next year.
That 5 mile race must have been hard if the last 200m was endless!
Well Ewen, have you ever had one of those dreams where your trying to run but your just not getting anywhere!
Thanks for the link, If Barry can curb my over enthusiasm for self destructive over training and I can lose some more weight then I think 2.45 might well be possible, I did run 2.05 for 20 miles in march so its not impossible!
That's cool news - a coach with a real background and proven ability.
best of luck with the new coach. It's often good to get an external perspective
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