FIRST OF THE SUMMER EVENING RACES Wed 13th I was determined not to do what I did last year, run my fastest races in may only to burn out and get progressively slower throughout summer [ due to 2 hard interval sessions plus racing each week]!Chris kindly drove me to Haigh hall the the first in a series of 4, last year I finished 3 overall.Starting off in the forest at the bottom of a long winding climb I soon found the going tough a barrage of negative thoughts went through my mind, 'YOUR TOO OLD', 'YOUR TOO HEAVY','YOU'VE NOT BEEN TRAINING ON THE BIG HILLS' etc, etc, I replaced one negative thought with a positive one only to get another negative taking over, a bit like someone rolling boulders down the hill at me, I push one out of the way only to find another coming straight at me!Maybe I need some mental training check out posts from Scott Brown and CANUTE'S RUNNINGOnce I'd got over the steepest section I started to settle in to a better rhythm, I went through one mile in 6.20, not to bad taking into account the long drag up into the heavens, the gradient eased off a bit as I approached the hall and I make it onto the back of a group as we sprint up a short steep ramp before heading downhill.I pass the group taking to the grass, using the gravity running method I take full advantage of the downhill catching a runner as we turn uphill onto our 2nd lap, I now find myself on my own as I climb towards the hall again, pass the hall and up the steep ramp again I am joined by a short stocky guy who leads on the downhill track, we pull back another runner, then my stocky friend surges as we hit the tarmac.Downhill at full speed through the forest the road twists and turns, I start to blow and have to ease to get my breath back, stocky pulls a few seconds out on me, I search for the finish through the many trees and corners, before I know it I'm hitting the finish without time to sprint!23.44, but only 5th v45! RESULTS Foot note; At the end of the race the heavens opened up, so we made a quick getaway, one mile back to the Rugby club house, I was really surprised my muscled didn't ache or hurt [ quite amazing after such a tough race] I think using De-flex really helped and if you want to improve your energy return and reduce impact to your body and especially your calf muscles I would recommend you give it a try! Thur 14th Easy run with Tess over the sandhills, enjoyed the run in light rain! = 1.34 Fri 15th Short hill sprints, up and down the hill x 6, max speed 12.4 mph = 32 mins Sun 17th Run with Jon and Chris in pinewoods, then ran home over sandhills inc 8 x sprints and last half mile at 5.30 pace! = 1.46
Sub-6 minute miles for any distance is good in my book Rick. Last time I could do that for 4 miles I was a whipper-snapper of 30-something.
Yes Rick that is a good race by anyones standard. Well done.
Believe it or not, the last time Ewen was doing sub-6 minute miles the term "whipper snapper" was in common usage!
Thanks for comments guys,
Well done. An impressive performance soon after a strenuous marathon. You are wise not to push yourself too hard in races early in the summer
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