This was my first road race of the year, I'd spent since December working on improving my running efficiency using Jack Nirensteins Gravity Running, I'd seen dramatic improvements in my training, [ just look at my training logs!] but would it work in a Race! I was also using the new Spira running shoe, which I was hoping would help with my long term sciatic problems,. THE TRIMPELL 20 is run along the cycle paths of the picturesque Lune valley, which follow the river, its an idea pre-London warm up, we got a lift down with Paul Cain who had hoped to run but was struck down with breathing problems after a chest muscle injury, so on the start line with me was fellow SWAC runners Rob Mcgrath and Simon Tobin , Simon like me was using the race as a build up to London! Originally there was meant to be a large turn out of SWAC members, but whether it was through illness, injury or they just cried off I'm not sure, but one thing I am sure of is they missed a cracking race, well organized, loads of marshals , eight drinks stations and a beautifully scenic traffic free route, along with idea running conditions, sunshine,only light winds 10-11 mph .
Setting off Rob and myself held back as everyone charged off, surely there couldn't be so many runners capable of sub 6 min pace, we watched as they hurtled off knowing we would see many of them again later on, even holding back I was rolling along at just over 6 min mile pace. 3 miles went by in 18.40, I was feeling good, but would it last, now we moved off the cycle track and over a bridge spanning the wide river, then off on a loop along quite country roads, there was Rob, I guy from the lake district and myself sharing the pace, looking at the Garmin it kept showing upwards of 10 mph on the slight downhill sections, it all seemed so easy! could it, would it last! I'd trained hard through the winter and never backed off for the X/C races, my results off road had been poor and I'm sure many people thought I was finished! but I knew my training was going well and I had just one objective in mind THE LONDON MARATHON! Back onto the scenic cycle tracks alongside the river the miles ticked by surprisingly quickly, the Spira shoes felt amazingly comfortable, absorbing the shock and letting me run almost effortlessly along. At 8 miles we started up a gradual climb, Rob dropped back as me and my new found friend from the Lakes pushed on, 10 miles went by in 1.01, at 12 miles we reached the turn around point, It was now into a headwind back, would I crack or would I hold it together. Working hard together with the guy from the Lakes we took turns at the front breaking the wind, then pulling over and getting shelter for a bit, like a break away group in the Tour De France, 13 miles 1.21, still strong still pushing onwards, just after 16 miles Rob came back , sitting on until 17 miles to get his breath back! 17 miles and Rob goes to the front, the speed shoots up to 10 mph! I hang in, recover then work with Rob for a bit, 18 miles and I'm feeling the lactate build up, I share the last of my jelly babies with Rob [ good old school energy, recommended by Doctor Who]. Robs pace starts to get to me, I yo,yo off the back, recover, pull back onto his shoulder again! After the 5th time the string breaks and slowly but surely he pulls away, all this time runners have been coming back to us, some look in bad shape! paying the price for a fast start, in the last half mile I pass 4, as my speed increases out to 10 mph again, Rob moving even faster, cutting down his prey one after another, this man is ruthless in his quest for the line. Round a corner and all of a sudden the finish is right in front of me! 2 hours 5 mins 37 sec, just 10 seconds off my p.b. of 5 years ago, that year I set p.b.s of 78 mins over the half and 16.48 for the 5 k, things are looking good! The biggest complement I got was from a guy I passed at 19 miles, he told me when I saw him at the finish, " You've got a great running style, very rhythmical, fluid and smooth"!
Rob had a excellent run to finish 19th 2.05.27 and Simon Tobin was very happy with 2.28.42, looking relaxed and fresh at the end he is now well on target for a sub 3.30 London! My thanks go out to Jack Nirenstein who showed me a better way to run! To Spira for making the best running shoe ever and Runners World for there Marathon training programme! I'M BACK!!!
20 miles in 2.5.37,inc 833 ft of climbing .
Beautiful sunny day, running in short and vest! Felt great apart from slightly tight calf muscles! sandhill run = 40 mins
Nice one! Congratulations.
cheers Thomas, 'HAPPY DAYS'!
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