Mon 17th
ran down over the sandhills,felt good running Chi,met up with the club and did 12 x short efforts, ran back with Tracey and Alex. max speed 13.6. 15.34 miles = 2.04
Tue 18th
Easy run over the sandhills with tess the dog, working on CHIRUNNING, one minute working on pulling my spine up tall, the next min working on leaning forward from the ankles, then thinking about lifting my heels off the floor and keeping all the muscles below the knee relaxed etc.
= 40 mins
Wed 19th
Steady off road run round parbold and Harrock hill, 4 main climbs, worked on the CHIRUNNING, felt much smoother, no pains in the calf muscles and the sciatic pains down my legs have almost gone.
running faster up and down the hills using DANNY DREYER'S methods, GREAT STUFF ! really starting to feel like a proper runner now! flowing along, almost like a Kenyan Distance runner != 1.32
Thur 20th
Easy run with Rob and Tracey =40 mins
Fri 21st
4 mile EASTER RACE, felt tired after only 2 hours in bed after working the night shift, very cold strong 30+ mph winds make conditions hard going, had hoped to run low 22 mins but had to settle for 23.04 and first vet 45.
Sat 22
RIVINGTON PIKE FELL RACE, decided to enjoy this race and set off at a steady pace, I slowly picked off runners in front of me and near the top of the 700ft climb i overtake team mate Brian Davey only to have him fly pass me on the very steep decent, I give it 100% FULL THROTTLE as i get on the road again for the last half mile, its great fun flying past runner after runner as i hit 15 mph before the finish. 700Ft of climbing, 2.95 miles = 23.17
Sun 23rd
Run with Tracey, this is her last very long run before THE LONDON MARATHON , i get her to run the first 15 miles at a easy steady pace then run at marathon pace for the last 5 miles, she seemed to cope very well with the session and averaged 7.48 pace for the last 5 miles. i think she should be able to run her first marathon in about 3.25 - 3.30 as long as every thing goes well on the day . = 2.56
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