Marius Bakken session;
8 x [ 1min-45 sec-30 sec-15 sec] with 15 sec Rec between each, at 10K pace
Me and Tess headed for the Queen's Jubilee nature trail in the dark to test out my new mega powerful Magicshine 816.

There is a great wooden boardwalk loop which is about 400m, ideal for some fast action.
Without my torch its pitch black out here at night, with only the moon and stars shinning dowm=n.
The fact that a murdered women's body was found under the board walk a couple of years ago didn't really enter our minds as we set off in the darkness with only the Magicshine torch for company!
The magicshine is really powerful and I was able to run at full speed with out any problem.
Both Tess and me had a great time blasting round the nature trail in the dark.
Tess soon worked out I had 15 sec recovery between each effort, so she sprinted past me every time at 12 secs to get a jump on me!
After 40 mins we were both knackered, so it was time for home!
This was very good training for the upcoming Torchlight 5K on the 19th Jan.
Missed Ben's text [sorry Ben] so headed out with just Tess for company.
We went over the big sandhills but took it real easy until the last mile back on the road, where we picked the pace up towards 6 min mile speed!
Total time 1 hour 48 mins
8 x [ 1min-45 sec-30 sec-15 sec]
Is there any more rest than 15'' between the sets or is it
1'45'' @ 10k
15'' recovery
30'' @ 10k
15'' recovery
15'' @ 10k
15'' recovery
1'45'' @ 10k
only 15 secs Grwg!
Opps sorry typo error,
yes 15 secs between each effort and only 15 sec between each set!
Back to back speed sessions?
Grellan, well spotted!
Yes, not recommended by M.B.
I've adapted his plan to fit into my life!
I have used back to backs in my build up in my best 3 marathons!]
Not sure why it works for me, but it does.
I have Wed- Sat off work so tend to do my long runs then with fast sessions on Monday- Tuesday and Thursdays with a rest Fri and easy Sundays.
one of my beliefs is that to run a good Marathon you need to learn to run fast when already tired, it's training the mind and body for the last 6 miles of the Marathon.
For some reason If I train hard say Monday-easy Tue then hard Wed I always feel rubbish on the wed session.
On the other hand If I go hard mon- tue I feel great on the Tuesday!
I think you have to use what works for yourself as when it comes down to it we are all individuals :]
Note M.B.s session's are not all out speed thrashes but controlled pace runs never more than 10K pace.
On a final note Gellan; check out Steve Magness's article on avoiding The Hard Easy Trap
Cheers Rick. Monday's session certainly looked more like a moderately hard session compared to Tuesday's. Thanks for the link.
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