Two attractive Asian girls got out and tried to push their rich father out of the snow.
Thought I'd give them a helping hand and eventually we got the car going again.
Hope this brings me much needed good Carma!
Sandhill run easy = 1 hour 8 mins
The Good Show
In this episode, a question that haunted Charles Darwin: if natural selection boils down to survival of the fittest, how do you explain why one creature might stick its neck out for another? Download

Fair play to you Rick - for putting up such a nice photo;)
"Some people walk through a forest and never see firewood"
I belive some people can look at this photo and never see a car..
I had to go back and check to see if there was a car!
Sorry Rick I think whatever you were thinking about the young Asian girls would have cancelled out any of the good Karma you had coming from pushing that car!!
Thanks Gellan
Rob A car you say!
Scott you know me to well, you maybe right as the washing machine just broke down :[
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