“We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable.” – Sir Roger Bannister
Training for the week [pre- 5k-10k training stage]
sandhill 6 with 4 min fast x 1 min slow all the way round = 37.28
plus warm up-down, total = 1.03
sandhill 6, sets of [1m-45s-30s-15s with 15 sec recovery] =38.49
plus warm and down. total = 1.15
Easy sandhills = 1.20
Easy-steady, velvet trail = 35 min
New Years Day club coastal path run, turned into a great progression run with Steve pushing the pace faster and faster in the second half,
felt strong at the end and felt i still had another gear to go if i needed to push the pace higher!
= 1.59
sandhill 6, 2 min fast x 1 min slow all the way round, plus warm up-cool down = 1.20
Velvet trail inc smart strides at end = 38 min

I like his advice too, about "not eating anything that tastes good as it is usually not good for your health" Still it's not true in my wife's case. All her meals taste bad and are bad for your health, go figure ;)
Anyway I have tried like this guy suggests and it worked to cut my body fat. I'll try again too.
Here's to lean body mass and fast times, Right now I'm eating rough oat cakes with low fat cheese!
Yeah I like that Quote about spitting out anything that tastes nice, because it's bound to be full of salt, fat and sugar!!!
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