
Thursday, 6 November 2014

Torchlit Tip 5K returns!

The Torchlit Tip 5k Winter Series makes its return by aparant popular demand on Wednesday 19th November 2014.

With cancellation unlikely irrespective of weather, come down to the reclaimed land on Benthams Way by Dobbies to enjoy a different style of training run with a competative edge.

With a 7pm start this is a popular alternative to pounding the pavements on these cold, dark winter nights!

All abilities welcome with a limited number of head torches available to borrow on the night.

Any volunteers/marshalls are greatly appreciated and welcome.  Please contact Andrew Hudson on 07909980153 if you would like to come down and help out on the night.

Don’t forget that this event will be followed by our Christmas Special Torchlit Tip 5k in December!

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