
Monday, 20 October 2014

Farmers Arms 10K Result!

Parbold 10K Oct 19th
The comeback!
After an Achilles tendon injury and general burn out from years and years of racing and hard training I decided to make a comeback!
I'd not raced in 6 months and felt very nervous when I got up this morning!
I'd picked the Parbold 10K because I really enjoyed the route last year.
It's pretty rolling (well compared to Southport at least] but no really big climbs and the quiet country roads make a nice change from your average 10K!
I set a target of sub 40 mins based on my last tempo run, a long way off my best of sub 35 [ Rufford 10 K] but well that was a long time ago!
I guess there were about 100 of us racing today on a warm blustery windy day.
I was quite shocked to find myself near the front as we went through the first mile, this felt goood :0]
Team mate Paul Warrington came along side me [he's flying after losing a couple of stone] I think we were in 4th and 5th place.
2 Miles went by in 12.11
3 miles in 18.30
By 3 1/2 miles I was starting to blow on the uphills,so I told Paul to push on.
He quickly pulled away, leaving me to try and hang on!
The legs started to feel real heavy now!
My body felt like it wanted to explode!
Runner after runner passed me!
It was mind over matter now!
That last mile was hard ,Oh man was it painful!
Don't give in,keep pushing forward!
At last I reached the top of the final hill :0]
Just 100 meters to go and I picked up the pace to finish in 40.03!
Just of my target, but still quite pleased!
   Paul was 2nd, an amazing run! I  finished 7th !
So at least I achieved one of my goals of a top ten place!
Anyway its cool to be a racer again really cool ;0]
I hope everyone how took part enjoyed the challenge as much as me, CHEERS!

Pos   Num   Forename   Surname   Cat   Club   Time   
1240PeterRiceMV50Horwich RMI00:36:23
2172PaulWarringtonMSouthport Waterloo AC00:39:06
3255NeilHughesMAstley & Tyldesley RR00:39:31
4239LeeBoothMV45Trawden AC00:39:33
6234KarlTuzioMV45Wigan Phoenix Black00:39:49
7153RickBowkerMSouthport Waterloo AC00:40:03
8132KevinWalkerMSkelmersdale Boundry Harriers00:40:31


  1. Return of the Dead! Hang on, why aren't you listed as an old guy in the results?

  2. Hi Thomas, I forgot to enter my birthday on the enter form (old age creeping in]! Anyway just posted my race photo to prove it was really me!
    Very motivated to train this winter, just won't be doing anymore Marathons cause my tendons keep breaking down on the long runs, but 5-10K or 1/2 I'm OK! cheers

  3. Thanks for pulling me through the first half Rick. Where did you find that photo? I need one of me to prove that I did run that fast.

  4. Good on you Rick. Very pleased to read about your racing come-back. And a great plan to enjoy racing up to HMs in distance. Less risk of injury.
