
Wednesday, 1 September 2010

7.53 Mile alternating pace run, 6.09 av pace inc recoveries!

Location Hillside 5K loop
6 x 6 mins at 1/2 Marathon pace with 2 mins active recoveries at level 2
Session went well and ended up running 7 sec a mile faster than when I did this session in April in my build up to the London Marathon :]
April 2010 = av pace 6.16, Sept 2010 = 6.09 av pace

Avg Pace
1:06:01 1.00 06:00
2:02:02 0.30 06:49
3:06:01 1.01 05:58
4:02:01 0.29 06:54
5:06:01 1.00 05:59
6:02:01 0.30 06:49
7:06:01 1.01 05:58
8:02:02 0.29 06:55
9:06:01 1.02 05:55
10:02:01 0.29 06:54
11:06:01 1.01 5.58


  1. Slow down, desperado! I'll never catch up!

  2. Time to run another marathon and top London?

  3. That's really encouraging Rick. Bit of a shame you haven't got a Rotterdam-style flat marathon coming up rather than the mountain run!

  4. Just follow my shaddow Josh!
    Grellan- my Marathon awaits, but as Ewen says I won't be doing any P.B.s as It's The Langdale Mountain Marathon on the 25th Sept[ said to be the hardest road marathon in the UK by none other than Ron hill].
    With 5000 feet of climbing i'll be looking towards a high overall placing!
    Ewen, Marius said as long as I follow thw program I should be able to keep improving, my aim will be to reach utimate fitness for next years London!
