
Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Hi again, into a new week and March is just around the corner, it's snowing as I speak, lets hope it doesn't stick.

I'm racing the Standish Hall trail race on Saturday, should be fun.
In march I've got a 20 mile road race on the 14th and the Liverpool 1/2 at the end of the month.
Yesterday i ran down to the club session, we did 10 x sprints over the railway flyover at Ainsdale.
We were hitting 12 mph over the top and Doctor simon was giving me a hard time!
After, I ran home, which gave me 2 hours and 7 mins running.
I took it easy today with 2 laps round the Velvet trail with Tess = 49 mins.
Tomorrow I'm hoping for 3 hours easy, a short run Thurs then lets see what I can do in the race on Saturday.
Training secrets of the kenyan runners click here
Enjoy the cool video :]

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