
Saturday, 14 June 2008


This is my last hard week before I taper for the half marathon on the 22nd of June and i am really looking forward to a low mileage week ,PUTTING MY FEET UP WATCHING TV AND DRINKING MANY A PINT OF BEER AND EATING JUNK FOOD! only kidding, I plan to keep the mileage low but put some short sharp efforts in through the week to bring me to the boil, ready to burn some serious rubber on the roads of Freckleton!
Sun 15th
Nice easy relaxed run with Big Jon through the pinewoods = 1.07
Sat 14th

Enjoyable run off rd round Parbold and Harrock hill inc 5 climbs, felt good for the first hour but then started to run out of energy, forgot the energy tabs so just had to ease back a bit,but still a good run, sunny with a nice cool breeze.worked on improving my CHI RUNNING posture = 1.48
Fri rest
Thur 12
Intervals with rob, round the nature trail, this inc grass a board walk then a series of sandhills to test the legs! took it in turns to lead, I lead the 2nd and 4th efforts, felt better than I should have after racing the day before. 4.28 4.16 4.26 4.17 =50 mins
Wed 11th
Haigh hall 4 mile race [ see race report] felt tired but still got 9th place. = 23.21
Afternoon ran to vic park and ran a mile in 6.30 = 25 mins
easy run in the sandhills = 39.30
Mon 9th
ran down over sandhill then ran hill reps with club, legs started giving out half way into the session, feeling very tired after saturday's big training run. ran back with Rob, glad to get home, knackered!
10X HILLS = 2.15

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