
Thursday, 12 June 2008


Haigh hall was the haunting setting for round 2 of the series. Sarah,Rob and me were the only SWAC members to make it to the start line, I guess you guys must have been watching the football or something! Anyway you missed some fantastic racing which is a shame!
I've been putting in some very hard training for the freckelton half marathon and my legs gave out half way through Brian Davey's hill session on monday, so was not expecting a great run here, in fact my legs felt like rubber as i warmed up!
Anyway the gun goes off and I soon find myself running alongside the leaders up the long and winding road,well for about 400m after which I slowly start to drift back and reality kicks in! my legs feel knackered! with only the Beatles song for company I toil relentlessly on upwards to the hall. I can now hear robs footsteps closing in on me, catching me at the exact same place as last month! Bugger ! We make the rapid descent together,reaching in excess of 12mph! at the start of the second time up the hill Rob slowly pulls away leaving me to struggle on alone! Relief sets in as I pass the hall for the last time and can look forward to the final downhill mile. Inform Rob finishes in 7th place 22.46 1st V 40 and improves his time. I finish 9th but 14 secs slower than last time. We walk back to find Sarah who looks very smooth as she comes into sight, finishing in 36.52
Both Rob and Sarah along with Brian Davey,Andy Hudson,Vicky Harvey, Bev and Sophie Rothwell ran the Bendrigg 10k last saturday, a very hilly race indeed, Rob finished an impressive 4th and Brian Davey 9th and first vet 50.
A few pain killing pints were consumed after the haigh hall race and now Rob and me can look forward to an easy week before Freckelton on the 22nd.


  1. Congratulations on a top 10 finish. I can still only dream of ending up there myself. Maybe one day.

    No apologies needed for your "tense" remark. I appreciate the fact that you noticed something and tried to make me aware of it.

    I found it rather cool that Danny Dreyer himself commented on my form, especially as his verdict was positive! Definitely no apologies needed.

  2. thanks Thomas,DANNY DREYER is a really nice guy and has given my some great tips to improve my running.
    I think you still have many years of improvement to come, I started running at 33 years of age after cycle racing for ten years, I ran 43 mins in my first 10k and 7 years later I got down to 34.52, in fact my best year was when I was 42 years old,so keep at it and the fast times will come1
