
Saturday, 14 May 2011

Training For The Harrock Hill Race Series

Welcome back to my blog!
One of my aims this summer is to do well in the Harrock Hill summer race series.
Along with team mates Andy Hudson and Mark Ashby I ran in the very first event back in 2000.
Just 40 runners turned up for this New race, straight away I loved the challenging course, the steep hills and fast descents along with running through some truly beautiful countryside!
I managed to regularly get into the top 10 and this year I really want to get back to my best!
I'm going to need to improve my power to weight ratio, cutting back on the drinking and adding some short hill sprints should help!
Andy and me I think hold the record of competing the most races 32, so far!
Harrock Hill Rankings
How to run up hills fast! Read Here
Ran on my own over the Parbold countryside, tackled 4 big climbs, Stony Lane, Hunters Hill, Ashurst Beacon and Apply Bridge.
Pleased to average over 8 mph on a very windy day that brought heavy rain in the second half, just what I need to toughen me up for the up coming race.
This video [below]was taken last year, on todays run just as I was coming through the field up to the stile a group of children on a guided walk peered at me from the other side of the fence and commented how 'brave' I was to run through a herd of cows!
They were of course correct as the COW is the killer of more humans that any other creature here in the UK! READ MORE
You can read about my encounter with a herd of stampeding cattle



  1. Looks like a sweet place to run! Good luck.

  2. You're not brave Rick. We run through mobs of stampeding kangaroos while being dive-bombed by suicidal magpies!

  3. With your springy new legs the kangaroos just think your one of them!
    Anyway you forgot to mention the snakes,killer ants and those cute little critters in the trees peeing on your head :0]
