
Monday, 21 February 2011


The Torchlight 5k is on this Wed at 7pm.
Very exciting event, last in the series, don't dare to miss out.
DETAILS click here

Amazing Marathon performance by Roberto
[ Run back by 7]

b1114765_IMG_1353_belinda_6_0834 After serious injury he has fought back and produced an amazing Marathon Performance


Club Interval Session [400m up to 800m efforts, 5.00- 5.30 pace].
Felt really strong tonight, which surprised me taking into account the long hard sessions I did last week.
Was pushed quite hard by Steve Lewis but felt strong and in control of my efforts.
Kind of reminded me of my form back in the distant past when I could knock out 22.18 for 10 miles on the bike :]
Ran down and back including 6 special strides.
Total time 1 hour 57 mins


  1. Yes Rick Roberto is a fantastic runner and has certainly raised the bar for us master's runners!

  2. Scott, we need people like Roberto to inspire us and push our own perceptions of what is possible.
    I think Roberto's training is not that dissimilar to MB's training methods.
    Roberto's comeback from the abyss to glory would make a good film don't you think?
    Well done once again Roberto :]

  3. well... you make my name, but I wanted to enter the debate regardless from that...

    1) I personally like a lot the training plan of Marius (from what I read here...) and I was even considering to buy it for my knowledge.
    It is very balanced and focus a lot on long hard runs and progression runs which is the same method used by Canova, etc (the system that I try to follow).
    So I am for sure an "endorser" of his methods...
    Also it is very "natural" way of running compared to killing our body in track intervals

    2) some posts ago I noticed that Rick asked Marius about the usage of hill sprints for Master runners, etc.
    Well, I honestly believe Marius might have misread the question because "smart strides" and "hill sprints" work exactly in the same way: they are submaximal sprints of short duration. So the body get neuromuscolar signals to learn running fast, but without the stress of a real 100% sprint on the flat...
    Anyway "smart strides" is a sure methods and no point to leave it

    3) right in this week, there aare very interesting posts from CANOVA on
    He does not say anything different from his usual meethod, but is always refreshing.
    His systems is so logical that a "stupid" coach would disbelieve that it could be so simple...

  4. I think Roberto has convinced me to buy Canova's book if I ever decide to run a marathon again ;)

    Good story - especially the last 10k to break 2:40. I want you to do that in London Rick, to break 2:45.

  5. Roberto, thanks for your thoughts.
    I came across this free E-book by Canova on marathon training.
    EWEN, I will try my very best to break 2.45 you can be sure of that!
    cheers Rick
