
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

London Marathon Training The Long Run 2 hours 44 mins

The M.B. plan called for 2 1/2 hours at level one [60-70% of max H.R.].
The important thing with these runs is time on feet and to burn body fat, the effort is kept low to avoid long term tiredness and fatigue.
There are plenty of long progression runs later in the program to work on race specific pace!
Tess and me jogged down to the dunes fitness centre to meet Ben.
Ben's also training for London but looking for a 2.40 performance!
We headed out across the big sand dunes and through the pinewoods in fine drizzling rain.
Returning between the two golf courses with a final stretch alone the Velvet trail.
Both Tess and me were 'Dog' tired by the end, but Ben still looked like he'd just been out for a light jog!
With running to the start and back Tess and me completed 2.44 mins, Hopefully my finish time at London :]
I have to admit these Long slow runs do not bring me deep joy, but are an important part of my build up!
On a final note; Amazing how heavy your running kit gets once soaked in the rain, I guess this adds a degree of weight training to the workout!


  1. You have to enjoy the long slow ones!

  2. Doesn't the MB long Run for the early weeks require a walk run pattern at effort 1, Rick?

    While I will try to keep my run at effort 1 I will run the whole time and not walk. You didn't mention anything about walking. Did you?

    I've been doing 30K + long runs without walking for the past month or so and feel I can do them at effort one running without risking a burn out.

    Having said that I think I'm going to take a day of running today, first in about 3 weeks, as I'm feeling generally tired and hips are a little sore.

  3. Grellan; Yes I love them when I can relax after with a beer :]
    Very true M.B.s plan was for 50-50 run walk.
    I've been running 2 hours plus for a few months, I think what he is saying is correct for anyone not use to longer runs.
    On his Q&A page this question has been asked, and in really depended on your running background, I've been running long distance for years and years, a newer runner may need the run-walk breaks to handle the mileage!
    The long slow runs are about time on feet and fat burning, either running or run-walks will get results!

  4. What I'm curious about Rick is the 60-70% of max HR. If I run very slowly I can get down to 72% or so, but for a long run that pace (6:45 per k) is uncomfortably slow.

    Our running kit is heavy from sweat these days. Very high humidity with all this summer rain!

  5. Ewen, M.B. says that Level one 60-70% of max heart rate should feel like a very easy effort with no pushing of pace.
    for me the pace is from 8 min mile to 7.30 mile pace.

  6. Thanks Rick. That would be about 75% for me and 9:30 miles.
