
Monday, 14 June 2010

PUSHING BACK THE LIMITS. Week One Marius Bakken training

After 3
introduction training weeks it was time to get down to business and start on week one of Marius's marathon plan.
Hillside 5K loop
Today called for 4 x 3 mins at level 4 [5.44 10k pace] with 1.30 min active recoveries at level 3 [ Marathon pace].
I found it hard going, hopefully my fitness will return in the weeks to come!
average pace for the session worked out at 6.00 pace.
Finished with 5 x Smart strides

Eccentric Calf Raise CLICK HERE

Effective move for the prevention of calf muscle and Achilles tendon strains.

Click on image to view video.

Diet pill containing NHS anti-obesity drug is sold out in just THREE days



  1. I like the 'steeple' on the cross country course Rick. We had one course like that, but sadly no more.

    Good tip on the eccentric calf raises, but she's counting a very fast three!

  2. Yes it's a bit like The grand national :]
    good point ewen i noticed the quike counting too :]
