
Wednesday, 7 April 2010

LONDON MARATHON FINAL TUNE UP AND TAPER ! Less than 3 weeks to go! The Marius plan now moves into final tune up and taper mode.
This week I have just one hard run, a long easy 2 - 2 1/2 hour run and some easy running in between.
On Tuesday a had the following session to do; 4 x 12 mins [ 4 mins 5.59 pace-4 mins 6.48 pace-4 mins 5.59 pace] with 45 sec recover between each 12 min effort.
It was windy and a bit wet as I stepped out the door [ living on the coast you kind of get used to the wind, but it's always nice to have a calm day for this type of session, mmm I can dream!]
Legs still a bit sore from my weekend hill run, but i managed to nail the session pretty well and finished the last effort with a final burst of speed that took me sub sub 5 min mileing:]
I then jogged easy for a few minutes before sprinting 6 x 20 sec up hill, reaching a max speed of 13.2 MPH. My legs just flew round with little effort. On the final sprint I tried really hard and ran slower showing that muscling and straining only leads to less speed and more pain, for best results you have to sort of relax the legs and let the muscle 'stretch reflex action' take place.Photo's Marius Bakken
Hillside 5K loop
4 x 12 mins alternating pace, 4 mins 5.59 pace-4mins 6.48 pace-4 mins 5.59 pace with 15 secs recovery after each 12 mins effort.
1st 12 mins 6.15 pace average
2nd 12 mins 6.15 av pace
3rd 12 mins 6.23 av pace [ mostly headwind and uphill]
4th 12 min 6.10 av pace
Plus 6 x 20 sec uphill sprints, max speed 13.2 mph
Total time 1 hour 21 mins
Mon 5th
Sandhill 6 with Sarah and Jon, easy = 1.18

Found this on Steve Magness's website, interesting stuff!

Stuart McGill is a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He is the author of many scientific papers that address issues related to low back function, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance training.

He sits on the editorial boards of the journals SPINE, Clinical Biomechanics, and the Journal of Applied Biomechanics. As a consultant he has for many years worked with elite sports people and performers in a wide variety of professional sports, both as an educator and as expert opinion on specific, difficult to resolve back problems. He has also worked extensively with track & field athletes from a variety of countries. His advice is frequently sought by governments, corporations, and legal experts from around the world, and he is the author of two popular text books focused on specifically on optimising back health; 'Low Back Disorders: Evidence based prevention and rehabilitation', and 'Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance'.

For more information and useful links visit Stuart McGills website at

Right Click > Save As to Download Stuart's Interview PODCAST


  1. Rick it's great that you have arrived for your London taper safely and injury free with some of your best training and racing behind you. Take it easy over the next few weeks and you'll continue that trend for sure.

  2. Rick, I know what you mean about missing good weather for hard sessions... these endless fine calm balmy days of Autumn are driving me crazy!
