
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

16.5 mile fartlek and progression run!

set off early to meet up with the club, covering 7 miles before the clubs farlek session.
Running down it had been dry but as soon as we started the session the rain came down, but we are no wimps, no treadmill softies. We look on the wind and rain as character building, making us tougher and as hard as nails! :]

It was good to see Angela back but where was Dr Simon [ the most improved runner of 2009] and also missing was Ben.
After the fartlek session i ran back steady then ran the last mile and a half as a progression run, starting at 6.30 pace, moving up to sub 6 after 1/2 mile, then nailing 5 min [12 mph] mile pace over the last 200m. FELT STRONG. As i reach 9mph + my legs start to flow round on momentum and the effort moves away from my legs and into my heart and lungs, at slower speeds my legs seem burdened with more effort.
16.5 MILES = 2.02
Easy run with Tess = 32 mins followed by 30 min run with Niz
Total = 1.02
Big sund dunes, easy-steady plus running drills and plyometric jumping = 1.48

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