I have a bad habit of looking down when I run, looking in a full length mirror, straight away I could see that by lifting my head into a neutral position my whole posture improved, now my head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles were in alignment!
I set off today on a long steady run over the big sand dunes then through the pinewoods, returning along the white post route back over the sandhills. I kept my head up and felt a big difference, before I was running with my head looking down and my butt was back [ like sitting in a bucket] now with everything in alignment I felt smoother and faster, I was landing more under my centre of gravity and I seemed to be almost floating over the soft sand instead of sinking into it, this was good!
after an hour and fifty minutes i came off the sandhills and headed for home, as I got to Selworthy rd I found the road blocked off by the police, after a shooting and hand grenade attack earlier this year it seems there was another attack with a bomb last night! READ REPORT

I took a longer route home but still finished 10 minutes faster then when i did this route a couple of weeks ago!
sun 15th
easy run with Tess on the sandhill 6, felt light on my feet and really enjoyed myself = 1.12
Sat 14th
Long steady run over the sand dunes and pinewoods = 2.06
Fri 13th
Had to take my bike for an MOT, so only had time to run back from the garage, then later run back to pick my bike up [ it passed, hurray!]
= 14 mins
Thur 12th
Long easy run, big sandhills with Tess, enjoyed the run = 1.45
Wed 11th
Two runs today, afternoon ran over the velvet trail inc Peter Magill's running drills = 45 mins
Evening, club run from Dunes fitness centre, 8 x 600m at 5.10-5.15 pace
= 53 mins
Tue 10th
Two runs, 54 mins easy sandhills plus evening run on the rd 34 mins
Mon 9th
Club session 10 x hill sprints plus run down and back = 1.37
Total = 9 hours 55 mins running
For an elite runner this 'time on feet' would add up to almost 100 miles per week, next year I might increase up to 12 hours or so as I build for London.
Following Pete Magill's plan of 1 hard, 1 less hard session plus a long run, the

Feeling much better and enjoying my running again.
Read the incredible story of Gilbert Tuhabonye
sounds like you'll need to invest in soem kevlar running gear !!
ReplyDeleteYes Rick, take care out there! It's better to be "sitting in a bucket" than kicking one.
ReplyDeleteGood to discover that solution Rick. Posture when running makes a big difference. My problem is the head going back as I get tired!
ReplyDeleteGilbert's is a great story. That's the group I'd join if I lived in Austin.
maybe I need a 'full metal jacket'
ReplyDeleteYes Ewen I'd join Gilberts group to, he's a cool guy!
Yikes. Stay safe out there. Interesting about the head posture. I suspect my head drops too low, I'll be more mindful of it next time.
ReplyDeleteJamie i really noticed a massive improvement in my running form, just by putting my head in a neutral position, feel much lighter and faster on my feet and with less pounding of my feet maybe even my recovery will be faster :]