
Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Barry Magee told me I would be a bit 'stupid-silly' to run this race so soon after a half marathon, BUT I really-really wanted to run it, the series of 4 races is one of my summer targets and more importantly 'I really love this race'.
Lining up at the bottom of the quarry rd I was more nervous than ever, Barry's words kept echoing through my mind!
Off we go clambering up the one mile stony gravel path climb, at first I feel a bit sluggish but as I reach half way up I start moving through the pack, team mate Steve Mclean is sitting right on my shoulder [ he gave me a good battle last month] now we hit the steep section, surprisingly I can still see the leaders not far ahead, I take a few more scalps as the climb flattens out.
Next there is a long section of downhill through the fields with a few well placed stiles to brake the rhythm up! I charge past a couple more runners before we come out onto the road, a sharp left then another a 100m later, now up a narrow lane, Steve comes passed me [just as he did last month] as the lane rears up in front of us, out onto the main Parbold hill rd for a brief second before diving through a cutting in the hedge! Down a tricky slope, over a stream and up the bank before coming to a complete stop at a stile! Dam this is the hardest part, just as you clamber over the stile the path steepens to an alarming degree! [ the legs demand a rest but you have to force onwards].
Up and up I climb over the green fields, slowly I claw Steve back, its painfull, and its not pretty but I,m getting closer! Back in the good old days [ 6 years ago I use to hammer this section, turning my legs over faster and faster like a Tour De France climber on the attack! Now I feel more like a over weight sprinter going out the back! Over another stile or two and I'm onto the escalator, a green track that seems to rise on and on into the distant horizon, just before the top I pass Steve and lead him out onto the rd, Half a mile of tarmac follows before the final section up to Harrock hill, I lead Steve but my legs feel leaded and heavy and my body is boiling up from the inside out in the evening heat and sunshine. On to the ruins of the old windmill and then downhill along a narrow tricky rocky path I stumble and let Steve past, over a stile and down a mad decline through a cow field, Steve is gone and so are my legs, one final stile and down a narrow farmers lane, sharp left, a fling downhill then a hairpin bend and the last 100m uphill to the finish. I try to sprint but the legs will not respond so I have to drag my body over the line!
Wow 24 second faster than last month and 10th place too!
We stay for the prize giving, sipping an ice cold beers outside the country pub on a beautiful long summers evening, 'Perfect'.
Richard Shearer, Rob Ashworth and Steve Mcclean won the team event for the club so all in all a pretty good day!

5 races in one month and a nice steady improvement, all is good in the world of RICK'S RUNNING!
Easy-easy for the rest of the week!

Training for the week
Mon 22nd
Easy aerobic run, sandhills with Tess = 1.12
Tue 23rd
Another easy run =1.04
Wed 24th
Afternoon short run with Niz
Evening Harrock Hill Race 2, 10th place = 36.24
Thur 25th
easy run over the big sanddunes with Tess, warm sunny evening! = 1.41
Fri 26th
Moved my long run forward a day as I'm watching Niz in a Tri event tomorrow, felt tired on my easy-mod long sandhill run = 2.12
Sat 27th
Easy jogging as I watch Niz race!
Sun 28th
Sandhill 6 with Jon, plus run down and back = 1.20


  1. Nice pic, look forward to the report.

  2. Good race Rick - just don't get injured or Barry will be saying "I told you so".

    I'd like to be as fast as an over-weight sprinter going out the back!

  3. nice run. sounds like you're racing yourself to fitness. enjoy the rest

  4. You paint a vivid picture of a very tough race but an equally vivid picture of well deserved ice cold beers on a beautiful summers evening. All the pain first makes the pleasure all the more satisfying.
