I organized a group long run with friends Tracey, Paul and Steady Eddie! Their all aiming at 3.15-3.30 at London, so as the pace would be a little slower than my normal long run I put in an extra hard run in the night before.
Fri 20th
Progression run 2 x 3.3 mile loop, gradual increase in pace throughout the run, setting off at 7.20 pace I was down to 5.20-5.30 pace at the end with a long wind up sprint to 12 mph!
Sat 21st
First day of spring and the weather turned cold again with sea mist and strong cool winds! We set off from Birkdale village on roads for the first mile before hitting the sandhills, then on to woodvalle, Ainsdale, Kew, High Park, Churchtown and Crossens, Tracey decided she needed to powder her nose! at the PLOUGH public house, we resisted the temptation of refueling with a pint or two and were soon on our sober but merry way! The final steatch was along the sea wall and straight into a nasty headwind! We picked the pace up over the last 5 miles, Tracey who missed quite a few weeks training with a now sorted back injury was running really well, she was aiming for 18 miles so turned off early [ she infact finished with 19.6 miles] Paul was finding it hard now, but Eddie after a half marathon p.b. by two minutes last weekend was looking really strong, we turned onto the old coast road for a breather from the energy sapping wind, finishing together back at the village, I said my good byes and headed off again for a final 3 miles, despite the steady pace, my legs were hurting now and I was glad to make it home! Wearing my Nike explosions really bought home to me how much better the SPIRA shoes are! I'm really glad I will have the SPIRA advantage at LONDON!
23.5 MILES = 3 HOURS 11 MINS.
We spent the evening at the Arts Centre watching The Hamsters! A group that alternate between Jimmy Hendrix and ZZ Top throughout their set, strange mix, after a half time trip to the bar the band seemed to get better and better! A good time was had by all and the Hamsters left us wanting more!!!
Sun 2nd
Eddie, Chris, Jon and myself had a enjoyable run through the pinewoods , on our return journey we went through 'Death Valley' and survived to tell the tale! = 1.03
An interesting piece of news I came across yesterday; the spira shoes are specifically mentioned in the Boston marathon race rules. Anyone running in them, will be disqualified.
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