
Sunday 11 January 2009


Sat 10th
I'd put in 2 long and a medium length run in during the week and my plan was to use the X/C race as a tempo training session!

Warming up round the course I wished I'd brought a pair of road shoes with me, the ground was frozen solid , in my spikes it felt like I was running bear foot on a bed of nails !
Each lap was about 4 k long and with 3 laps it made for quite a long X/C race. setting off I tried to stay with team mates Steve Mclean, Peter Roome and Gerry, but my legs were not feeling very sharp! They pulled away from me by the end of the first lap and I was on my own as I started the 2nd lap, running at a sort of fast steady pace I concentrated on catching a lad in front of me, I got him half way into the lap and slowly pulled away, next was a long drag up a hill before the start/finish. Maybe I should have worn tights as my legs felt well and truly numb in the cold air and were not responding to my request for more speed! Ah! the final lap! half way into this final lap a guy game flying past and woke me up! responding I tried to go with him but he pulled away into the distance, at least I was moving faster now. one last climb and I could hear runners closing in on me, I kept my cool and didn't look back!
200 to go and I could hear spectators giving encouragement to a guy just behind, one glance behind and I was off! accelerating all the way to the line! = 48.04
It would have been nice to run this race fresh but I've got bigger objectives ahead! its been a good weeks training with over eight hours under my belt.
Sun 11th Run with Jon on the infamous sandhill 6 followed by a 3 mile progression run starting at 8mph, moving up to over 9 mph before putting in a final flourish at sub 6 min mile pace on a half mile loop near home! felt good by the end, legs flying round!= 1.21

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