
Tuesday 6 January 2009


It was still woolly weather as I headed out the door into a cruel icy headwind to meet the guys for the first of the new years fartlek sessions, running on the main roads was no problem but when I turned onto the side roads it was a different story with plenty of sheet ice about, I almost fell coming down a steep little hill but managed to make it onto the grass verge!
Only the hard core turned out, no ladies! come on girls don't you have thermals!
Brian got us to do hill sprints on the railway flyover as it was almost ice free!
There was a time I use to hate this session, but now with GRAVITY RUNNING I can fly up the hills without blowing my legs apart, its a massive advantage understanding good biomechanics, on each effort I got faster and it felt awesome accelerating passed the other guys as my legs turned over faster and faster!
I ran back with John to southport before I headed back to Hillside for an extended lap before home. I was almost home with 15.5 miles on the Garmin so I shot off again on a rapid half mile loop to reach my targeted 16 miles. All that was left was a very hard night shift, involving lots of heavy lifting and quite a few miles walking, two cans of red bull got me through the night, all good training for the marathon!
10x hill sprints, max speed 13.1 mph, 16.1 miles = 2.06
Wed 7th Core training with weights followed by a MEGA FAT BURNER running easy over the big sand dunes with mad dog for 1 hour 56 mins.
The winds brought in the rain this morning leaving milder weather behind!
Thur 8th Leg speed session, 10 x 150m, max 13.9mph plus steady run round the marine lake, 10.5 miles = 1.20

Marine bridge, Southport

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick, I've been following your progres over the last few months. If I don't bump into you at the Expo or before the start, good luck for Sunday - you've trained phenomenally hard and deserve to achieve everything you hope for. As the day gets nearer I'm getting more apprehensive. My 2 biggest concerns are how long it will take before I can run at my target pace (how do you recover if you're 10 minutes down after 2 miles?) and also just how hard to push in the first 20 miles at the risk of unravelling before the finish.
    Anyway - run well. Good Luck
    Simon (Tobin)
