
Saturday 31 January 2009


I used the same route as last weeks long run, this time there was a strong wind blowing from the north east the opposite direction to last week, at least I would get blown home! I came off the sandhills at 4.6 miles with 8 mph average showing on the Garmin up 0.2 mph on last time, but now I had to face the wind for quite a few miles. After 15 miles I turned onto the coast road for a wind assisted return home, I decided to run 4 mins fast, 1 min easy along the sea front, I was soon hitting 6.20pace and kept the 4 fast, 1 easy going until 19 miles when I felt my energy draining away, I started feeling dizzy and by 21.5 miles I hit the wall big time, I had wanted to carry on until 23 miles but felt I might black out if I kept running, my blood sugar level had dropped very low and I'd run out of Lucazade tablets! There was only one thing for it but to walk the last mile home, very undignifide! I guess I need to carry more emergency rations with me next time! 21,5 miles, 7.10 pace, 8.4 mph = 2.34.32

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