
Sunday, 7 December 2008


Freezing conditions inc hell stones made the first part of the week hard going, then after finishing work on Saturday morning I felt weak and dizzy with a sore throat! Four hours in bed and I didn't feel any better, so I spent the rest of the day in bed and gave the long run a miss!
Getting up in the evening I felt somewhat better! so I ran a 3 mile tempo run, I'd planned to lift the pace in the last mile and a half, but ice on the pavement and road meant I kept losing traction!
I was happy to finish with an average of 6.20 pace, not bad taking into account the darkness, freezing temperature and icy conditions!
Sat 6th Tempo run 3.01 miles = 19.05
Fri 5th Core training
Thur leg speed session x 10, max speed 15.9 mph = 37 mins
Wed 4th Long run in the big sandhills, very cold, good job I could run off road as the roads were very icy. Last 1/2 mile was very funny, as old people cautiously crossed an icy back road I found my self skiing along as mad dog dragged me oblivious to the surrounding conditions! = 1.33
Tue 3rd Club fartlek session, ran down and back to give me 2 hours, despite hell stones at the start this turned out to be my fastest ever average pace for this session. = 2.00
Mon 2nd Core training
The GRAVITY RUNNING is going really well, getting faster and faster!

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