
Sunday, 14 September 2008


Sun 14th
Easy run with Jon on the infamous sandhill 6! = 1.01
Sat 13th

My wife Niz has had a virus for the last week so I knew sooner or later I'd go down with it, after having a great run on Friday I started to notice a sore throat and cold sores on my mouth, dam this was not good! Saturday called for a 2 mile tempo run, setting off I really didn't feel great, but I kind of convinced myself that I might come around once I got warmed up.
Setting off on my 2 mile tempo run inside the local park my legs felt kind of empty, holding just over 10mph felt much harder than iT should have and bY the time I finished my effort my legs were shot! I jogged home feeling very sorry for myself and had to go and have a lie down for a couple of hours to recover. Things are not looking good one week before the marathon!
2 mile Tempo run = 11.59
= 55 mins
Fri 12th
Arthur Lydiards programme called for an easy fartlek session so I did my short loop into the sandhills and back, I put some short fast surges in up and down the hills and on the road home, I felt better and better as the session went on and my legs were really wizzing round!
Man I love days like these! =32 mins
Thur 11th
10 x 160 m with Rob and super vet Steve James = 45 mins

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