
Tuesday, 16 September 2008

5.18 MILE

Arthur Lydiard's program called for a 1 mile time trial, after being ill at the weekend I was not looking forward to it. It was a dark and gloomy wet evening and I had to really force myself outside, but once I got going I felt surprisingly good!
Me being me I decided to run 1 mile at 1/2 marathon pace 6.05 [ well it use to be my 1/2 pace] I then took a minute easy before charging into a flat out mile in Vic park, 5.18 this was very encouraging, and compares well to the 5.20 I ran before the Blackpool marathon in April, in fact its my fastest mile in 4 years. I finished with a warm down mile in 5.54 then set off for home a little more confident about my big race on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the mile. What's even more impressive is the 5:54 "warmdown?" mile
