
Tuesday, 23 September 2008

11th place in my hardest marathon yet!

With 1406 ft of climbing this was a real challenge, report to follow, when I recover!
Elevation Profile


  1. Congratulations. If I could somehow manage to get near your time in five weeks I would be deliriously happy.

  2. really a great race !! congratulations !!
    next time brings some extra gel...
    the course profile is scaring. I am really impressed by the time of the winner (2h39'), really fast for such a course

  3. Thanks for the comments guy's.
    Not sure if the gel would have helped me! I had a virus a week before the marathon which left me completely drained after running only a 2 mile tempo run, I felt like the virus was gone by the marathon but the day after I'm ill again with a sore throat and coughing and running nose!
