
Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I decided that the waterloo 15 k would be great training for next months FRECKELTON HALF MARATHON. I knew my legs would still be tired after last weeks marathon but i set myself a target of setting a 10 mph average speed, 2/3 of the course is on dirt paths and over fields with just a 1/3 on tarmac. The route goes through some very pleasant countryside and makes a nice change from the normal road races.
Setting off I found i really had to force myself to keep 10mph going, the saying "FLOGGING A DEAD HORSE" came to mind! I guess it was too much to expect a full recovery in just a week! anyway i stuck to my task and maintained a steady effort, It was a beautiful warm morning and over 500 runners turned out.Over the last 5 k i was starting to suffer and quite a few guys came past me, with just 1 k to go a very tall guy came past and i hung on to his back with a grim determination, turning on to the playing fields with 200m to go we sprinted neck and next, this tall guy covered the ground like a spider,his long legs taking giant slow motion strides across the grass. l got in front for a split second only to have him surge ahead again just before the line. I finished in 25th place with an average speed of 9.8mph just below my target but with more rest I think my dream of breaking 6 min miles in the half marathon are still possible.NOT A BAD TEMPO TRAINING SESSION!
After the race i found NIZ my wife in trouble on the drinks station, the warm weather and large turn out of runners meant the water was quickly running out. poor niz had been left all on her own , And some runners were starting to get upset with the lack of refreshment. Steve and me ran off with buckets to the canteen and I spent the next 30mins dashing back and forth keeping the finish drinks station supplied.

Summary Data
Total Time (h:m:s) 0:57:15 6:09 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 0:57:14 6:09 pace
Distance (mi ) 9.31
Moving Speed (mph) 9.8 avg. 15.1 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +222 / -223

GPS Signal Quality Excellent MB Gravity Web Service

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