
Saturday 5 April 2008


With just 3 weeks till THE BLACKPOOL MARATHON i decided 2 run my infamous incredibly boring round southport loop, with only 3 miles of sandhills near the start to add a bit of fun to my run ! But the BLACKPOOL race is going to be flat and boring so i decided this route would be the best way to get me ready!
The weather turned colder with a strong north west wind to make conditions tough, but at least the sun was shining and the wind would blow me home for the last 7 miles of the 20.6 mile loop.
I ran the first 14 miles steady but my legs felt heavy after all the long runs I've been putting in over the past few weeks. At 14 miles i started 5x5 mins at 9.2-9.7 mph with 2 mins at 8 mph for recovery. once i picked up the pace i did start to feel better and finished with an average speed of 8.6 mph [ 7.00mpm] which was up 1/2 mph on last time. It always amazes me how much faster you can run in a race and how much harder a pace can feel in training !
20.6 miles, 8.6 av, 7.00 min mile pace, = 2.24.31
Sun 6th
Easy run with Jon over the sandhill loop, bitterly cold north west winds and snow showers made it feel more like the middle of winter than spring!= 57.36
total for the week = 10 hours 16 mins

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