
Thursday, 3 April 2008


HELD OUR OWN LITTLE CHI RUNNING SCHOOL WITH MY FRIEND EDDIE, running in the park we checked out each others running form and made suggestions for improvement.i had a problem with leaning forward from the waist, but by the end of the session i think i was close to ideal chi form. The chi running should help Eddie as he is recovering from a calf muscle tear. i have been watching some video's of the great HAILE GABRSELASSIE and noticed he is pretty much running idea chirunning style.
not sure what mr lydiard would think about chirunning as he tends to advocate POWER RUNNING ! high knee lifting and pushing off hard, but i think the chi running is amazing,to go faster you just lean your whole body forward from the ankles,then gravity starts to pull you along and all you have to do is concentrate on picking your heels off the floor.get it right and you flow smoothly along with far less effort than power running, great stuff, for sure!
= 1.00
Robs interval session 12x 400m, last effort at 12.2 mph av pace, max 12.8 = 45 mins

Wed 2nd
ran round parbold and harrock hill off road at a good steady pace inc 5 climbs, i used the chi side stepping hill climbing technique to good affect by setting a new p.b. on the parbold hill despite still feeling tired after all my long runs. this sunday marks only 3 weeks till the BLACKPOOL MARATHON , so i will have to start cutting back on the mileage soon. = 1.50

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