
Saturday, 2 February 2008

on the roof top of the sandhills

After 3 days and nights of 70 mph + winds, hell stones and sleet showers things finally cheered up when the sun came out and the wind dropped.
I Set out on a long one, over the biggest sandhills southport has to offer, heading for the ainsdale pinewoods and beyond. After 40 mins the legs started to feel like jelly ! this was not looking good, but once past pontins i reached firmer sand,

as I approached the pinewoods a group of very old looking ramblers looking rather lost asked me the way to freshfield station, i pointed the way out to them but they decided to head straight into the woods ! oops ! I hope there rather disheveled bodies are not found in the woods in a couple of weeks time, lets hope they made it home.
On through the pinewoods Tess and me ran, heading home, over the BIG DIPPER the legs started to seize up, passed The Royal Birkdale Golf Club , then back over the coast road and along the dunes . the last half mile on the road i picked the pace up reaching 10 mph on very tired legs.= 2.35

SUN 3rd
Easy run =44 mins

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