
Tuesday, 12 February 2008


London Marathon - important changes

28 January 2008
Major changes are set to be made to the Flora 'public ballot' entry procedure.
For places in the 2009 London Marathon, all interested runners will be required to apply online,
From noon on 13 April 2008 (London Marathon day) would-be entrants will need to be poised at their computer, eager to register interest and complete the application.
This new online ballot procedure will remain open until a maximum of 120,000 applications have been received - experience tells the Association this could mean the 'window of opportunity' is likely to be small (possibly hours or days).
Please note 'online' will be the only method of entry for the public ballot.
As we only have a few charity Golden Bond places available for allocation, we rely heavily on those runners who have gone through the 'public ballot' system and have been successful.
In 2007 the MND Association had 55 'own place' runners raising a total of £50,000 for the Association.


Fundraising 01604 611860

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