
Thursday, 7 February 2008


WED 7th

I was singing this song by U2 in my head as i set off with Tess the dog to meet up with brian for a run over the sand dunes.
It sure was like the first day of spring, with blue skies and a warming sun. this is what its all about to me, fresh air sun and feeling alive, FANTASTIC. we are so lucky to be involved in a outdoor sport where we see the changing seasons and experience all that nature has to offer.
winter seems to drain me, no matter what training i do my body lacks energy, the returning sun seems to charge my energy cells and am full of life again !
Tess set the pace and route and she took us up the biggest and highest of the sandhills. the lower paths are still flooded so the high paths were the place to be. this was great training for the up coming PARBOLD HILL RACE .
Brian has improved greatly over the winter and coped very well with terrain. this had been a very enjoyable run. I returned home with a smile on my face full of the joys of an early spring !
= 1.36

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